Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Chin Hair

Natural Ways to Remove Unwanted Chin Hair

“I wake up every morning and first thing I love to do is to see myself in a mirror, ewee..but i hate to see this hair on my chin.”

By looking in mirror you may wish your chin hair to disappear somehow. Sadly magic don’t happen. But you can make it happen by using some of the home remedies to get rid of unwanted hair on your chin.

Every woman have facial or chin hair, however for some it is golden brown in color which is barely visible. But for some it is dark and coarse hair under chin.

The condition of excessive hair growth is known as ‘hirsutism’. Some issues or medical conditions are responsible for extensive hair growth on face. These are;

  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS),
  • Thyroid or hormonal imbalances,
  • Adrenal gland disorders,
  • Cushing syndrome (high level of cortisol),
  • and, certain medications

In rare cases, cancer or tumor of adrenal glands, or ovaries can also cause too much hair growth on face and chin. If, you are having this condition it is better to consult a doctor because it may require medical involvement or surgery.

How to get rid of hair on chin naturally? Home remedies are the best way to remove chin hair.

Home Remedies to Stop and Remove Unwanted Chin Hair

1. Homemade Wax

Have you ever heard about making a wax at home? Yes, you can make wax with the natural ingredients available in your kitchen.

Now, you don’t need to buy it from the shop. For some people, readymade wax causes allergy, whereas homemade wax does not cause any allergy, it’s safe and easy to use.

Items required:

  • Sugar- 2 tbsp
  • Honey- 1 tbsp
  • Water- 1 tbsp
  • Microwave safe bowl or container
  • Spatula or wax applicator
  • Wax strips


  • Mix sugar, honey, and water in a bowl.
  • Keep this mixture in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
  • You can also heat it in a stove.
  • Allow the mixture to boil, till sugar dissolves completely.
  • The end result will be a thick substance called wax.
  • Apply wax when it cools down little, it should be warm.
  • Now, take a spatula to apply the wax under your chin, or the part of facial hair you want to remove.
  • Put a wax strip where you have applied a wax.
  • Rub it over your wax strip in a downward direction, and then quickly pull it in upward direction.
  • The wax will remove your hair. If you still see few hairs, then repeat the method again.
  • How to remove chin hair. Doing waxing every 15 days will help you to get rid of the hair.


Papaya contains bio-active enzyme known as papain. It helps to increase the hair follicle that stops extra growing of hair on your skin.

Papaya also exfoliates the skin by removing dead cells and dirt. It removes tan and thus, clears the skin naturally.

Items required:

  • Peeled raw papaya
  • Turmeric powder- 1 tbsp
  • Grinder
  • bowl


  • Cut few small pieces of papaya, and grind them to a smooth paste.
  • Now, add turmeric powder in this paste, and mix well.
  • Apply this over hair area of your face, and massage it for few minutes.
  • Leave it for 20 minutes, and then wash off.
  • How to stop hair growth on chin and neck. Repeat this process 2 times a week.
  • Turmeric contains skin brightening properties, and also exfoliates the skin.

3. Lemon Juice and Honey

Lemon has natural exfoliating and bleaching properties (1). Honey is antibacterial and anti-inflammatory in nature which avoids skin irritation.

Both these ingredients, if combine together works wonder. Lemon and Honey mask can remove even the finest of hair from your face or chin. Honey softens and moisturizes the hair whereas; lemon lightens the facial hair and skin.

Items required:

  • Fresh lemon juice-1 tbsp
  • Raw filtered honey- 4 tbsp
  • Washcloth
  • bowl

Process: Hair Removal Mask

  • Combine lemon and honey together.
  • Mix it smoothly, and apply this paste on your face.
  • Allow it to be there for 15-20 minutes.
  • In a bowl, take warm water and soak the cloth.
  • Now, remove the mask using this washcloth gently.
  • How to get rid of facial hair. Continue this remedy 2 times a week for few months.

You can Use Lemon and Honey for Blackheads as well.

4. Chickpea

Chickpea flour is also known as gram flour, or besan in India. It helps in lightening the color of your face and hair. Plus, it works in exfoliating the skin, taking out dead skin and hair.

It is easily available in the Indian market or food store.

Method 1. Chickpea with Milk and Turmeric

Items required:

  • Chickpea flour- 2 tbsp
  • Milk cream- 1 tbsp
  • Milk- ½ tsp
  • Turmeric- 3 quarter tsp
  • Bowl
  • Loofah or soft cloth

Process: 1  to get rid of hair on chin naturally

  • Mix all the above ingredients in a bowl to make a thick paste.
  • Apply a paste on your face, neck or under the chin.
  • Allow it to remain for 20-30 minutes.
  • Once it dries, scrub the applied area with a soft loofah, or soft cloth soaked in warm water.
  • Then, wash off and pat dry.

Method 2. Chickpea with Yogurt, Turmeric and Rose water

Items required:

  • Chickpea flour- 1 tbsp
  • Plain Yogurt- 1 tsp
  • Turmeric- 1 quarter tsp
  • Rose water- ½ tsp

Process: 2 to get rid of chin hair

  • Combine all the above ingredients, and make a thick paste.
  • Apply it on your face.
  • Leave if for 20 minutes, and scrub off.
  • Continue doing this for 3-4 times a week for few months.

You can follow any of the process above based on the availability of ingredients in your kitchen.

More: Rejuvenate Your Dull Skin Naturally With These Simple Remedies

5. Sugaring

One of the best hair removal remedy is sugaring. It is an age old remedy used for removing hair, and is less painful than general waxing. Plus, it does not cause any skin irritation.

People with sensitive skin often avoid waxing, due to redness and irritation of the skin; therefore, it is ideal for them.

Items required:

  • Granulated sugar- 2 cups
  • Water- 1 quarter cup
  • Lemon juice-1 quarter cup
  • Baby powder or cornstarch
  • Wax strip or cotton strip
  • Spatula
  • Pan


  • Heat water in a pan, and add sugar and lemon juice to it.
  • Allow it to boil till sugar melts completely, and consistency starts to become little thick.
  • Leave it for about 30 minutes in low flame, till mixture turns to dark amber color.
  • Allow the mixture to cool. You can start using when it becomes warm.
  • Meanwhile, dust some baby powder or corn starch on the hair removing area.
  • Now, spread the mixture with a spatula on your chin or face in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  • Keep a wax strip or cotton strip over sugar paste, and allow it to settle for few minutes.
  • Then, pull the strip hastily in the direction of your hair growth.
  • Follow this remedy whenever you want to remove extra hair from your face, or neck.

6. Egg White Mask

There are many benefits of egg white mask as Eggs are a source of protein; it is good for your overall health. Skin requires collagen to make it look fresh and lively which can be provided through nutrients in egg.

Egg white is sticky in nature so it can get stick to hair easily, and you can remove when it becomes dry.

Items required:

  • Egg – 1
  • Sugar- 1 tbsp
  • Bowl
  • Cornstarch- ½ tsp
  • Soft brush


  • In a bowl, take egg white and mix it with sugar and cornstarch.
  • Beat nicely till paste becomes fine.
  • Use a soft brush to apply it on your face or chin.
  • Allow the mask to dry fully.
  • Remove when it becomes hard.
  • You can easily peel a thick mask at one go.
  • Be gentle while pulling the mask, so it should not hurt your skin.
  • Use this mask every week for few months, to completely get rid of unwanted facial hair.

7. Oatmeal

Oatmeal contains a class of antioxidants called ‘avenanthramide’ (2) which is helpful in treating skin problems like itching, redness, and skin irritation.

It not only removes unwanted hair, but, hydrates, moisturizes the skin making it soft and smooth due to its humectant properties.

Method 1. Oatmeal and Banana

Items required:

  • Oatmeal- 2 tbsp
  • Ripe Banana- 1
  • Fork

Process: 1

  • Mashed banana properly with a fork.
  • Add oatmeal to it, and mix the paste properly.
  • Spread the paste on your unwanted hair area.
  • Massage the paste for 15 minutes in a circular motion.
  • Rub gently against the direction of your hair growth.
  • Clean it with cold water.
  • Use this paste 1 or 2 times a week.
  • It also works as an exfoliator and make your skin to glow naturally.

Method 2. Oatmeal, Honey, and Lemon Juice

Items required:

  • Coarsely grounded oatmeal- ½ tsp
  • Honey- 1 tbsp
  • Fresh Lemon juice-1/2 tsp


  • Combine all the above ingredients, and make a smooth paste.
  • Apply this paste on your chin or your desired area.
  • Let it settle for 15-20 minutes.
  • Now, massage your chin for about 5 minutes, against the direction of your hair growth.
  • Follow this method often, leaving at least a 2 days gap.
  • Honey soothes the skin, and lemon acts as bleach.

8. Potato Lentil Mask

Potatoes have numerous other skin benefits apart from removing coarse hair. It contains‘catecholase’ which makes skin bright and light.

Items required:

  • Soaked yellow lentil- 2-3 tbsp
  • Potato
  • Honey-1 tsp
  • Lime juice- ½ tsp


  • Soak lentils overnight and drain its water.
  • Then, grind it to make a smooth paste.
  • Now, take a potato and mash it nicely to extract its juice.
  • In a bowl, add lentil paste, potato juice, honey and lime juice.
  • Mix all the ingredients smoothly.
  • Apply this paste on your chin or other face area.
  • Let it settle for 15-20 minutes.
  • Once mask dries, remove it while rubbing with your fingers.
  • Finally, wash off with cold water.
  • Follow this remedy at least once a week, to get rid of unwanted hair from your chin.

9. Gelatin

Gelatin is least preferred for removing hair because of its smell and stickiness. But, if you don’t have any other ingredient at home and you want to get rid of your chin hair instantly, then gelatin works best.

It is very effective against stubborn hair which doesn’t go away easily. Plus, it clears the blackheads.

Items required:

  • Unflavored gelatin- 1 tbsp
  • Milk- 2-3 tbsp
  • Lavender essential oil or lemon juice- 1-2 drops


  • Mix all the above items and make a paste.
  • Heat the mixture slightly.
  • Apply the mixture immediately on your desired area. It should not be too hot.
  • Allow the mixture to dry fully and then peel off.

Caution: People with sensitive or acne prone skin should avoid this remedy.

Further Tips to Remove Facial Hair

Here are some tips and other methods which will help you to get rid of chin or facial hair.

  • Threading is another way of removing unwanted hair. You can easily learn how to do threading by watching videos online.
  • You can use herbal bleach to lighten your hair.
  • Tweezing helps in removing unwanted hair instantly.
  • Check with a doctor if your hair growth is due to some medical reason and take treatment.
  • Avoid bright make up to get focus on your face. Try smokey eyes and use natural lip shades.
  • You can do waxing to remove unnecessary hair, or if you are not able to do, then get it done in a salon.
  • If you are planning to do a laser hair removal, then investigate properly before getting it done.
  • Avoid using razor to remove your facial hair, as it makes your hair thicker and increases rapid growth in that area.
  • Do not use these hair removal procedures daily.


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    istediklerini vermeyelim. Paylaştığım, sizlere söylediğim hiçbir
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    İşte gördüğünüz gibi artık dünyanın her yerinden bu oyunlara katılmak, bu
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