Does your face look dull and gloomy after a long hectic day? Your skin tells a lot about you. Lifeless and tired skin is a common problem nowadays.
Work, studies, shopping, looking after children, and household chores may not giving you any time to take care of you, which cause your face looks dull and tired.
Healthy lifestyle makes you look fresh and vigilant. If you are healthy, you will definitely have a glowing and bright skin.
Poor health is often the cause of dull and pallid looking face, and will make you look older than your age.
Stress, pollution, lack of rest, hangover, poor diet, and dehydration are some of the other factors in making your face gloomy and dull.
Dull skin causes many other facial problems like dark circles, dryness, spots, wrinkles, etc. Therefore, it is vital to take care of your skin.
Improvement in your overall health will help you in treating your boring skin.
My face looks dull and tired. Sulk not. Here you will find out various ways on how to get rid of a tired face.
Table of Contents
Home Remedies for your Tired Skin
Coffee wakes you up every morning; similarly it does to your skin. Coffee contains some stimulating properties which help in blood circulation. It has caffeine which exfoliates the skin, and makes it look bright and fresh.
Things required:
- Fine coffee powder-1 tbsp
- Honey-2 tbsp
- Cold water-1 tsp
- bowl
Process: Coffee Mask
- Combine all the above ingredients in a bowl.
- Mix properly and apply it on your face and neck.
- Massage this paste for 2-3 minutes in a circular motion.
- Then, allow it to dry for 30 minutes.
- Either you can wash off with regular water directly, or peel off the mask.
- How to brighten tired face naturally. Repeat this 2 times a week.
2. Honey
It is loaded with skin lightening and other antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties. It has so many benefits that’s why used widely in many of our cosmetic products. Raw honey is works wonders to get rid of birthmarks naturally.
Honey with Lemon Juice
This remedy helps in getting rid of the unwanted hair on face which causes the skin to appear dull. Lemon and honey can also help you get rid of blackheads easily.
Things Required:
- Honey and Lemon Juice-1 tsp
- bowl
Process: 1
- Mix both the ingredients in a bowl.
- Apply this mixture on your face mildly.
- Leave it for 10-20 minutes, depending on your hair growth.
- Now, wash off with cold water.
- Lemon works as a bleaching agent, and honey softens your skin, makes it to glow.
- It is one of the best tired skin home remedies to follow frequently.
Honey-Oatmeal Face Mask
How to bring freshness on face? This remedy helps in getting a clear complexion.
Things required:
- Honey-2 tbsp
- Powdered Oats-3 tbsp
- Egg Yolk-1
- Soft brush
- Bowl
Process: 2
- Mix all the mentioned ingredients in a bowl.
- With the help of a brush, apply this mask all over your face in an upward stroke.
- Allow it to remain there for 20 minutes.
- Then, rinse your face with water. You can use face wash to avoid egg smell.
- Do this 2 times a week, and say goodbye to your dull and tired face.
3. Coconut oil
Dehydration is the main cause behind dull skin. Nutrients present in coconut oil moisturize your skin, and promotes healthy membranes to hydrate your skin, by naturally clearing your skin with dirt and making it radiant.
Coconut oil is antioxidant and antibacterial in nature (1), which heals damaged skin while fighting the signs of premature aging.
Massage your face and body daily with warm coconut oil to improve your health and skin appearance. It also, softens the skin.
Things required:
- Coconut Oil and Honey- 2tbsp
- Bowl
Process: Face Pack
- Mix the above ingredients in a bowl nicely.
- Put it gently on your face.
- Leave it for 15-20 minutes, and then wash off with warm water.
- How to brighten tired face naturally. Honey used makes your face looks brighter.
4. Mint
Mint foliage contains refreshing properties which clears and whitens the skin naturally. It also has some properties to heal sun spots, and removes tan completely.
Things required:
- Mint leaves-a handful
- Cold milk- 2 tbsp
- Bengal gram flour (besan)-1tbsp
- Blender or juicer
- bowl
Process: Mint Mask
- Extract mint leaves juice by using a blender or juicer.
- In a bowl, mix mint juice with cold milk, and gram flour.
- Apply gently on your face and neck.
- Leave it for about 40 minutes, and then wash it with warm water.
- Nourishing properties of milk and besan, along with refreshing properties of mint will leave your skin rejuvenated.
5. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is power packed with antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-ageing properties.
It is packed full of benefits; moisturizes your skin, heals any wounds or damaged skin, and removes blemishes, acne, or spots. Plus, its anti-ageing property makes your skin to get rid of wrinkles and fine lines.
Drinking a glass of pure aloe vera juice regularly on an empty stomach, will make your skin healthy and glowing.
Things required:
- Aloe vera pulp- 2 tbsp
- Cold milk-1 tbsp
- Sandalwood powder- 1 tbsp
- Combine all the above ingredients in a bowl.
- Apply this paste on your face.
- Allow it to dry for 40 minutes, and then clean it with cold water.
- Repeat this remedy every week, to get rid of oily and dull skin.
- Aloe vera makes your skin looks fresh, while sandalwood boosts the skin by making it radiant.
6. Tomato
Tomatoes are a powerhouse of amazing nutritional benefits (2). It helps to repair and protect your skin from free radicals.
It contains good amount of vitamin C which helps in giving a radiant skin. Plus, it prevents the signs of aging, and acts a natural sunscreen.
Things required:
- Tomato- ½
- Oats- 1 tbsp
- Yogurt-1 tbsp
- bowl
Process: Face Pack
- Take pulp of ½ tomato, and mix it with oats and yogurt.
- While applying, massage your face gently in a circular motion for few minutes.
- Allow it to dry for 30 minutes.
- Then, scrub your face slightly while washing with warm water.
- Tomato will take off your tired skin, and oats will remove dead cells.
7. Yogurt
Yogurt contains lactic acid which removes dead skin cells (3). It is a natural cleansing agent and prevents premature aging.
Plus, it acts as a bleaching agent, and reduces discoloration of the skin. Adding yogurt in your daily diet will make your skin soft, healthy, and shining.
Things required:
- Yogurt- 1 tsp
- Honey- 1 tsp
- Banana- ½
- Bowl
Process: Face Mask
- Mix yogurt and honey with mashed banana in a bowl.
- Apply it over your face and neck.
- Leave it for 15-20 minutes, or till it becomes dry.
- Then wash off with water.
- This mask helps you to get rid of skin tan, and naturally whitens your face.
8. Neem
Neem has vast benefits for your face whether its acne, dark spots, blackheads, wrinkles, or fine lines, it will cure all your beauty problems naturally.
It also acts as a natural skin toner, and safeguards your skin. Apply some neem oil regularly on your face, as it purifies the skin, making it clear.
Things required:
- Dried neem powder- 1 tbsp
- Dried Indian basil leaves (tulsi) powder-1 tbsp
- Honey- 1 tsp
- Sandalwood powder 1 tsp
- bowl
Process: Face Pack
- In a bowl, mix all the above ingredients and make a smooth paste.
- Apply this pack, and allow it to remain for 15 minutes.
- While removing thispack, scrub it gently for few minutes, and then wash it.
- Use this pack every week, to get rid of tired and dull skin.
Benefits of this face pack
Neem takes off the dead skin and tones it (4). Sandalwood powder absorbs unnecessary sebum.
Honey lightens the skin, and basil leaves enhance glow.
9. Potato
Potato is commonly used for treating dark circles, but it works equally for whitening the skin. It exfoliates the skin, removes dark spots, treat sunburn, wrinkles and dry skin.
Things required:
- Potato- ½
- Fresh yogurt- 2 tbsp
- Lemon juice- 1tbsp
- Grate potato and make a smooth paste.
- Mix grated potato along with yogurt and lemon juice.
- Apply this paste on your face and neck.
- Wash it after 15 minutes.
- Bleaching agents in potato and citric acid in lemon will take away dullness.
10. Walnut
Walnut contains biotin (vitamin B) which helps in making skin healthy (5). It is loaded with necessary fatty acids which help to moisturize the skin and makes it glow.
Plus, it has iron and zinc, along with omega 3 fatty acids which exfoliates the skin and make it elastic.
Add 6-8 walnuts in your daily diet to get desirable blooming skin.
Things required:
- Powdered walnut- 2 tbsp
- Papaya pulp- 4-5 tbsp
- Lemon juice-1tbsp
- Mix all the ingredients properly.
- Use this paste to scrub your face.
- Scrub it for 5 minutes, and then wash your face.
- This helps in getting rid of the dead cells, and adds sheen to your face.
Effective Ways to Brighten Up Your Face
If you make some of these changes below in your lifestyle, then certainly you will see a difference in your skin.
1. Diet
A Healthy diet is one of the most important, which you should have every day. It will inevitably result in giving you a healthy skin.
Include lots of fiber, fruits, vegetable, nuts, good fats, and healthy drinks such as juices, coconut water, and green tea in your diet.
Foods rich in vitamins and minerals help to remove toxins from the body and repairs damages of the tissues and cells(6). By consuming healthy food you can see a noticeable change in your face, it will glow.
2. Sleep
Sleep is very vital for body to function normally. 8 hours of sleep is required by adults daily. Make sure that you don’t sleep less by any chance.
If you are not able to have an adequate sleep, then definitely you need to alter your lifestyle to make it happen.
During sleep, your body works by repairing the damaged cells and making new healthy cells, which provides a healthy body and a radiant skin.
More: Claudia’s Journey from a Fat Mom to a Healthy Mom With Idealfit
3. Water
Dehydration is the main reason behind dull and tired skin. Your body needs enough amount of water to function properly. It is recommended by doctors and experts to drink 8-12 glasses of water every day, to carry moisture to every organ in our body.
If you really desire to have a flawless skin, then do not forget to sip water regularly during the day.
4. Exfoliation
It is a way to remove dead skin cells by scrubbing your face. Sugar is a natural exfoliate for dry skin.
You can simply dissolve few white or brown sugar in milk, and use it to scrub gently all over your face, and then leave it for few minutes and wash off.
It will change the dullness of your face to a fresh and glooming face.
You can also use other creams or just a soft loofah, to gently remove the dead skin and dirt accumulated over the surface of your skin.
5. Massage
Massage improves blood circulation which results in giving you a soft, glowing skin. You can use face cream, or olive oil for massaging your face. It will even moisturize your dull skin.
6. Ice Cubes
Rubbing some ice cubes on your face makes it glow instantly. It refreshes your skin; tight the pores, de-puff your eyes, remove dullness, and give a fresh look on your face.
7. Petroleum Jelly
If you are looking for a glossy skin instantly, then dab some petroleum jelly on your eyelids and cheek bones.
8. Facial exercise
If you do facial exercise regularly, it will give you a better shape to your face. You just have to pull your cheeks in by making a pout, and blow a kiss releasing some air in the mouth.
It increases blood circulation. Do a set of 20, and repeat it couple of times in a day. It is sure to brighten up your face.
More: You can also facial exercise to get dimples naturally at home
9. Rose water
Spray some rose water on your face to get a fresh looking skin instantly. Rose water is used for brightening the skin as it has hydrating and lightening properties.
The cooling effect of rose water takes away your tiredness.
Now you know all the remedies and tips to have a glowing soft skin. So, don’t wait, dash some of it now to get desirable results and don’t forget to share your feedback after trying them.
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