8 Super Ways of Treating Acne Using Hydrogen Peroxide

8 Super Ways of Treating Acne Using Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is mostly utilized as a disinfectant and known for having antibacterial benefits.

It is a natural astringent and bleaching component which can be bought in varying concentrations.

You might have a little container of hydrogen peroxide some place in the house.

Albeit normal, acne break out is one of the most exceedingly terrible skin conditions you could manage. When skin condition looks unappealing, it indicates poor health.

While a great many people with pimples are always vigilant for cures, discovering one that works quick and productively can be a troublesome errand. That is the place hydrogen peroxide for pimples comes in.

Is hydrogen peroxide good for acne? As indicated by a few people, hydrogen peroxide has astonishing acne fighting abilities and is likewise used for removing zits and warts.

It can be utilized for other purposes as well, including brightening teeth, treating toenail growth, and expelling troublesome stains from surfaces while disinfecting.

Hydrogen Peroxide Benefits For Acne

Acne or Pimples is caused when your skin produces excessive sebum (the regular oil that helps keep your skin nourished).

At the point when there is excessively sebum on your skin, some of it winds up obstructing your pores alongside dead skin cells and microbes. This prompts the formation of a pimple.

Does hydrogen peroxide help acne? Hydrogen peroxide loses its additional oxygen molecule when connected to the skin.

This oxidization procedure makes a hideous situation for the microscopic organisms that cause acne, killing them and allowing your skin to mend.

Peroxide additionally functions as a peeling specialist, which exfoliates your skin, making it healthier and enliven. It avoids pimples by drying out the oils in your skin.

Instructions to Use Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne

While hydrogen peroxide to a great degree is a productive spot treatment for pimples and warts, it must be utilized with alert. Using hydrogen peroxide on face over and over again can harm your skin.

NOTE: Ensure that the hydrogen peroxide concentration is not more than 3%. In the event that you have to a great degree touchy skin, counsel a dermatologist before you attempt any of these cures.

The majority of these cures will influence your skin to feel tingly, however in the event that this ends up difficult, wash your face with cool water instantly and counsel a dermatologist.

Read the precautions (it’s at the end of this article) before following any of the remedies for treating acne and skin condition like warts and zits.

Hydrogen Peroxide: Natural Acne and Wart Remover

1. Hydrogen Peroxide Acne Solution

Using Hydrogen peroxide for skin will eradicate the bacteria causing acne, allowing your skin to heal. It acts as exfoliator, thus giving a fresh and improved layer of skin.

Items required:

  • Facial cleanser
  • 3% hydrogen peroxide-1 -2 tsp
  • Towel
  • Cotton pad
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer


  • Clean your face using a face cleanser and pat dry.
  • Soak the cotton ball with the hydrogen peroxide.
  • Spot the immersed cotton ball onto the influenced regions of your skin.
  • Keep it for around 5 minutes.
  • Wash your face with cool water.
  • Pat dry with a towel.
  • Then, apply a non-comedogenic cream to moisturize your skin.
  • Use hydrogen peroxide for acne 2-3 times each week until it gets healed.

Note: Don’t repeat this solution more than 2 times a week if you have a dry skin.

More: Baking Soda for Blackheads

2. Coconut Oil and Hydrogen Peroxide for Removing Warts

Coconut oil is stuffed with MCFAs (medium chain unsaturated fats) which are the great folks that are antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial (1).

This is the thing that makes coconut oil the ideal solution for warts. MCFAs present in oil destroy the virus around the wart.

For a few warts that are tiny and generally delicate, you can just rub warm coconut oil into the wart and that ought to be sufficient.

Warts that are either huge or deeper, you should follow the process below to get rid of warts easily;

Items required:

  • Cold pressed or unrefined warm Coconut oil- 2-3 tbsp
  • Hydrogen Peroxide 3%- 2 to 3 drops
  • An emery board
  • Cotton pads
  • A soft cotton bandage


  • Utilizing the emery board, file the top point of the wart to uncover within.
  • If an extremely big wart is exceptionally raised you may likewise utilize a razor to cut the top.
  • Be extremely cautious while doing this as it may cut your skin and bleed.
  • With a cotton swab touch few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide on skin which is affected by warts.
  • Let it dry for few minutes.
  • Warm the coconut oil up either by setting your bowl into a pan with exceptionally boiling water or by utilizing your microwave for around 15 seconds.
  • Apply warm coconut oil to your wart and massage. The more you rub the better.
  • Do this up to 4 times each day.
  • You can also cover your wart by using a coconut oil bandage.

Note – A coconut oil bandage is a soft cotton bandage soaked in warm coconut oil, which can be wrapped around the warts region.

Result: Within a week’s time you you’ll notice wart beginning to soften and shrink. Even the huge warts will peel off or begin to shed which is removal.

3. Using Hydrogen Peroxide on Pimples with Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is a natural bleaching agent. When joined with hydrogen peroxide, it lessens pimples and lightens scars present due to pimples. This cure will likewise curb excess oil production and will avert future breakouts.

Items required:

  • Facial cleanser
  • 3% Hydrogen peroxide- 1tsp
  • Lemon juice- 1 tsp
  • Towel
  • Plastic or glass bowl
  • Plastic or wooden spoon
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer


  • Clean your face using a facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice in a bowl.
  • Blend the mixture using a spoon.
  • Apply this combination on pimples. Avoid using near your eyes.
  • Let it settle for about 5 minutes, then, wash your face.
  • Pat dry using a towel.
  • Then, use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to moisturize your skin.
  • Repeat this remedy once a week.
  • Using lemon and hydrogen peroxide on acne will help to control the oil glands naturally and keep pimples at bay.

4. Using Hydrogen Peroxide on Zits with Baking Soda

Baking soda keeps up the pH adjust of your skin while additionally shedding it (2). This remedy removes excess oil from your skin.

While majority uses baking soda alone to treat acne break out, in mix with hydrogen peroxide it eradicates every zits from your skin, and afterward gives your skin a chance to revive.

Items required:

  • Facial cleanser
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%- 1tbsp
  • Baking soda- 1 tbsp
  • Towel
  • Plastic or glass bowl
  • Plastic or wooden spoon
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer


  • Clean your face using a facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide with baking soda in a bowl.
  • Blend the mixture using a spoon.
  • Apply this combination on your affected area, avoiding near your eyes.
  • Let it settle for about 5 minutes, then, wash your face.
  • Pat dry using a towel.
  • Then, use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to moisturize your skin.
  • Repeat this remedy once a week, and find relief from zits or pimples.

5. Hydrogen Peroxide and Tea tree oil for Warts

Tea tree oil is ordinarily used to treat skin break out as a result of its ground-breaking antibacterial properties. It is very effective in treating warts also.

This blend is very strong, so guarantee that you don’t utilize it more than two times every week. At the point when utilized accurately, you will begin seeing positive outcomes ideal from the first usage.

Items required:

  • Facial cleanser
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%- 1tsp
  • Tea Tree oil- 1 tbsp
  • Towel
  • Plastic or glass bowl
  • Plastic or wooden spoon
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer


  • Clean your face using a facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Mix hydrogen peroxide with tea tree oil in a bowl.
  • Blend the mixture using a spoon.
  • Apply this combination of tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide on face.
  • Let it settle for about 5 minutes, then, wash your face.
  • Pat dry using a towel.
  • Then, use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to moisturize your skin.
  • Repeat this remedy 1 or 2 times a week to get a pimple-free skin.
  • Within few days you will notice your warts shedding off.

6. Borax and Hydrogen Peroxide for Acne

Borax is a powerful exfoliator. It also abolishes dead skin cells and microbes. At the point when utilized as a part of blend with hydrogen peroxide, it gives your skin a new beginning by eradicating acne causing bacteria.

Items required:

  • Facial cleanser
  • Borax- 1 tbsp
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%- 1tsp
  • Water- 1tbsp
  • Plastic or glass bowl
  • Plastic or wooden spoon
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer


  • Clean your face using a facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Mix borax with hydrogen peroxide and water in a bowl.
  • Blend the mixture using a spoon.
  • Apply this combination of tea tree oil and hydrogen peroxide on face.
  • Let it settle for about 5 minutes, then, wash your face.
  • Pat dry and use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to moisturize your skin.
  • Repeat this remedy once a week to get rid from acne.

7. Hydrogen Peroxide Pimple Remedy Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera helps handle acne break out and redness with its antibacterial properties. It additionally supports the recuperating procedure with its high substance of cell reinforcements.

Hydrogen peroxide sterilizes your skin, whereas aloe vera gel help to relieve the redness while moisturizing and nurturing your skin.

Items required:

  • Facial cleanser
  • Hydrogen peroxide 3%- 1- 2 tsp
  • Aloe vera gel- 1 tbsp
  • Cotton Pad


  • Clean your face using a facial cleanser and pat dry.
  • Soak cotton swab with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Keep the cotton on your affected skin.
  • Let it settle for about 5 minutes, then, wash your face.
  • After drying your skin, apply a thin layer of aloe vera gel on your acne.
  • No need to wash the gel.
  • Repeat this remedy 1 to 2 times week to get your desired skin.

8. Using Hydrogen Peroxide on Acne with Aspirin

Aspirin has calming properties (3) that provide assistance from painful pus filled pimples. It additionally contains salicylic corrosive, which is found in anti-acne creams.

This mix of hydrogen peroxide and pain relieving medicine will put an end to the pimples on your skin.

Items required:

  • Face Wash
  • 3% Hydrogen peroxide – 5tsp
  • Aspirin tablets- 3
  • Water- 1tbsp
  • Plastic or glass bowl
  • Non-comedogenic moisturizer


  • Clean your face using a face wash and pat dry.
  • Crush aspirin tablets to make a fine powder and combine it with hydrogen peroxide.
  • Blend the mixture making a paste.
  • Apply this paste on your affected face.
  • Keep it for 5 minutes, then, wash your face.
  • Pat dry and use a non-comedogenic moisturizer to moisturize your skin.
  • Repeat this remedy once a week to get rid from painful pimples.

Precautions While Using Hydrogen Peroxide

  • Try not to utilize hydrogen peroxide to evacuate pimples or zits around the eyelids, as it can hurt the eyes.
  • Note that hydrogen peroxide is extremely strong, so always use 3% hydrogen peroxide, or dilute with water.
  • Apply just to the affected area of pimples and warts; avoid applying to surrounding area as much as possible.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Hydrogen Peroxide

You should be aware of both the sides of a coin. Let’s look into its pro’s and cons.


  • Viable spot treatment.
  • Dries out the wart and pimple, and enables the skin to mend.
  • Exfoliates the skin.
  • Avoids future breakouts.
  • Hinders oil production.


  • Using too much hydrogen peroxide may harm the skin and effect in premature aging.
  • Not prompted for individuals with dry skin.

Managing acne break out can be to a great degree disappointing, however with these cures, you are one bit nearer to accomplishing clear skin.

Since there are numerous reasons for pimples so it is always better to consult a dermatologist to figure out the cause and then treating it.

Do share your comments after using hydrogen peroxide to treat your acne problem.

Amber Rose:
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