Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

My sister Samantha was making the most of her pregnancy, being pampered by her spouse, when abruptly she felt some pain in her rectum region and saw blood post her bowel movements.

Samantha was stressed and went to the gynecologist, who told her there is nothing to stress, as she is having piles, and is very common to suffer from hemorrhoids while pregnant.

Be that as it may, notwithstanding the specialist’s consolations she was still stressed, and wanted to know about hemorrhoids home treatment.

Are you too suffering from hemorrhoids like Samantha, and anxious about how to get away of hemorrhoids while pregnant? What are the natural remedies for hemorrhoids and how to prevent them?

Yet, before we go ahead to know why hemorrhoids during pregnancy is common, how about we discover what precisely are hemorrhoids?

What Are hemorrhoids?

At the point when the vein in your lower rectum and your anus swells up and end up aroused they cause hemorrhoids or piles. It is these swollen veins that cause pain and post bowel movements, and may likewise hang out from the anus post your bowel movement.

Is Hemorrhoids Common during Pregnancy?

Indeed, hemorrhoids are very common in pregnancy as just about 25 – 30 % women suffer from hemorrhoids while pregnant. While in pregnancy, progesterone levels shoots up which relaxes blood veins of the rectum area and cause hemorrhoids.

Also, growing baby puts pressure on veins making blood vessels swells, and cause hemorrhoids to occur.

What Are Symptoms of Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy?

While there are various signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids when pregnant, the most common ones are recorded beneath.

  • Swelling or inflammation
  • Painful stool
  • Discomfort or pain in anus, especially while sitting and walking
  • Itching in rectum area
  • Severe constipation
  • Bleeding during bowel movements
  • Sensitivity
  • Mucus discharge
  • Feeling of full bladder, which leads to frequent urination

How to Treat Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy?

While there are various medicines for treating hemorrhoids in pregnancy, but safest and most effective way is treating with home remedies for hemorrhoids.

Natural Remedies for Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

1. Ice pack

Ice pack is one of the easiest and best remedies for hemorrhoids. If you are considering how hemorrhoid home cures can fix the issue adequately, you should attempt to apply ice pack on the harms regions.

Ice pack remedy is one of the least expensive, speediest, and most effortless approaches to alleviate the pain caused by hemorrhoid.


  • Crush some ice cubes, and wrap it in a clean cloth.
  • Apply this pack over your rectum.
  • Keep it for few minutes, and then take a break.
  • Continue doing this for another 5 minutes.
  • This will numb the area and reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Repeat this remedy whenever you feel the discomfort.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar Sitz bath

Apple cider vinegar can be easily found in your kitchen and it benefits are different. This liquid not just causes you battle a few sorts of microorganisms, diminish glucose level, get more fit, ensure your heart, and avert growths, however it additionally supports you treating hemorrhoid productively.

Sitz bath is the method where a patient sits in the lukewarm water to lessen the pain in the anal region.

This quickens the healing process of hemorrhoids, and relieves symptoms like itching, irritation, and minor pain associated with hemorrhoids.


  • Fill half of your bath tub with warm water. The heat of the water should be bearable.
  • Add some apple cider vinegar to the water, used for the preparation of sitz bath.
  • Sit in this water for about 20 minutes.
  • It increases the blood flow to your bottom region, and speeds up the recovery process.
  • For best results: You can do this treatment after every bowel movement.

3. Coconut Oil

Using coconut oil to cure hemorrhoids is one of the most effective remedy. It has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help with the itching and swelling. It can diminish pain and irritation, and you will get healing in a couple of days.


  • Take some oil in your palm, and apply it over the affected area.
  • Use it multiples times a day till your hemorrhoids exist.

 4. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is one of the soothing home remedy for hemorrhoids. It has anti-inflammatory properties which may help soothe inflammation associated with hemorrhoids.


  • Take fresh aloe vera leaf, and wash it thoroughly.
  • Peel to remove its gel.
  • Apply this gel on your affected area.
  • Keep it for 30 minutes, and then wash your hip area with lukewarm water.
  • You can repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day.

5. Radish

Radish is a good source of dietary fiber, which not only softens the stools, but also helps with digestion. It contains raphanin and glucosilinates along with vitamin C (1) which removes inflammation due to hemorrhoids, and hastens the healing process.

Additionally, it is anti-inflammatory in nature which has volatile oils, that aids in decreasing swelling, itching, and pain associated with hemorrhoids.

Process: 1 Radish with Honey

  • Grate half radish, and add 1 tsp of honey.
  • Mix it, and eat this mixture 2 times a day.
  • It will help you to get rid of constipation which causes hemorrhoids.

Process: 2 Radish with Milk

  • Take radish and make its paste.
  • Add 1-2 tbsp of milk, and mix it well.
  • Apply it over affected anal area to get relief from swelling and pain.
  • Repeat this process 2 times a day.
  • This is very effective for severe hemorrhoids.

Add radish in your daily diet to prevent hemorrhoids.

6. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel contains some astringent properties, which help with discomfort like itching, pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids. It also helps to shrink swollen veins.

Process: 1

  • Take some un-distilled witch hazel.
  • Soak it in a cotton ball.
  • Apply this on your rectum area.
  • Repeat this 3 times a day.

Process: 2

  • You can also get medicated pads which contain witch hazel.
  • Use this wet wipes directly, or combine with toilet paper, after every bowel movement.
  • It is a best way to protect your rectum from irritation and bacteria.

7. Epsom Salt

Epsom salt is another wonderful home solution for hemorrhoids. Epsom salt is a non-consumable salt with its fundamental agent as magnesium and sulfate. This salt can be utilized to treat different medical problems.


  • Break up two handful of Epsom salt into equal parts a tub of warm water (hot hip shower/Sitz shower) utilizing your hands.
  • Splash the affected area into the tub of water for 15 minutes.
  • Then, wash off the region with plain water.
  • Dry the area with a cotton towel.
  • Do it for 2-3 times each day, to diminish the pain and swelling associated with hemorrhoids.

8. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is rich in antiseptic and coagulant properties. It helps in treating hemorrhoids by strengthening the blood vessel walls. Therefore, it can stop internal bleeding.


  • Take ½ lemon juice, and mix it in warm water.
  • Drink this lemon water 3 times a day.
  • You can also apply some lemon juice to your affected area with a cotton ball.

9. Tea Bag

Tea contains tannic acid, a type of natural astringent which can help in minimizing swelling and pain related with hemorrhoids.


  • Take a cup of hot water, and dunk a tea bag in it.
  • After 1-2 minutes take out the tea bag from water, and allow it to cool a bit.
  • Use the warm, wet tea bag to the affected area for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy 2-3 times a day.
  • You can also apply used tea bag, but it should be warm.

10. Baking Soda

Baking soda is a house staple with various uses, including baking. Sodium bicarbonate may also help in getting rid of itching, and pain caused by hemorrhoids.

Process: 1

  • Take ¼ cup of baking soda.
  • Add it in a tub filled with half warm water.
  • Sit in the tub for 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat this remedy 2 times a day.

Process: 2

  • Take ½ tsp of baking soda, and mix it with water to make a paste.
  • Apply this paste on the aggravated region.
  • You can likewise add coconut oil; instead water to make a paste.

11. Garlic

Garlic, which is rich in allicin, is exceptionally compelling against microorganism causing diseases.


  • Take 10-12 cloves of garlic.
  • Peel off the skin and pound it.
  • Place this in some water, and boil it for 5 minutes.
  • Make it cool, and utilize this water to wash the rectal area.
  • Later, wash it with regular water, and pat dry the area.
  • Repeat this remedy after every bowel movement.

12. Black Cumin Seeds

Thymoquinone, a primary component in black cumin seeds, are in charge of the antimicrobial and calming properties.


  • Powder cumin seeds, or take cumin seeds powdered, and mix it with water.
  • Apply it on your anal area.
  • Keep it for 10 to 15 minutes, and then wash it with lukewarm water.
  • Continue this cure 2 times every day.

How to Prevent Hemorrhoid While Pregnant?

Here are some of the effective ways which you should follow every day to avoid piles in pregnancy.

1. Sleeping position

Most of the pregnant women find a challenge to sleep during the night, especially at the last trimester of pregnancy.

You should always lie on the left side while sleeping. This position will help you to sleep properly during the night, and likewise diminish pain and discomfort from hemorrhoid.

2. Healthy Diet

Pregnant women should consume extra 300 calories per day. Eat lot of fiber rich foods to avoid constipation. Add fruits like apple, banana, oranges, pear etc, which reduces inflammation and help with hemorrhoid.

Include fruits and green vegetables, nuts, chia seeds and flaxseeds to have a good bowel movement.

Consume probiotics like yogurt, buttermilk, and tempeh daily as it helps in proper functioning and flowing.

3. Exercise

Exercise is an unquestionable requirement. Try to walk at least 30 minutes daily or do some light exercises or yoga. You can do squats or look out for best and safe exercises during pregnancy. Always remember to avoid lifting weight while performing any exercise.

4. Use wet can wipes

After using washroom, wash the area and dry it with regular wipes, and then use wet can wipes or baby wipes.

5. Drinking sufficient Water

Water is one of the best ways to avoid constipation. Drink as much you can, or else take fluids and juices to keep the minimum requirement of water content for your body. Water also allows your body to get rid of toxic waste.

6. Avoid sitting or standing for too long

Standing and sitting for a longer duration strains your bottom muscles. Try to walk in between if you are sitting from long, or sit if you are standing from long. Use a soft cushion while sitting on a chair for extra comfort.

Restrain from wearing heels while pregnant, and avoid sitting on a toilet seat for more than 10 minutes.

7. Say no to scented toiletries

Yes you have to dodge scented cleansers, powders and even wet toilet wipes, as the synthetic substances causing the aroma can disturb hemorrhoids and along these lines giving you more inconvenience than alleviation.

8. Use stool softeners

Using stool softener or fiber supplements help in alleviating constipation. As, it help to soften the stool and make bowel movements easier and painless.

You can take psyllium, or other supplements containing psyllium, which comes in capsules, liquids, or powder forms. You can consume it orally 1 to 3 times a day.

Note: Better to consult your gynecologist before taking this supplement.

9. Wear loose cotton garments

Wear loose cotton garments for simple breathing of the rectum region, which help with discomfort from hemorrhoid while pregnant.

Hope you find this article helpful. It is always better to consult with your gynecologist before trying any of these home remedies.

Do share your experiences after trying these home remedies. Have a safe pregnancy ahead.

Amber Rose:
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