How to Get Rid of Split Ends

How to Get Rid of Split Ends

Hair is an important adornment of your body. It not only gives you a glamorous look, but also adds charm to your personality.

But there are numerous intrinsic and extrinsic factors that can damage your hair. Damaged hair can lead to different problems.

The most common among all of these problems are split ends.

Split ends occur as a result of damaged and frayed hair. It is a result of odd dry, damaged, stressed, and improperly maintained hair.

There can be various causes for the occurrence of split ends. But no matter what the actual cause is, the result is damaged hair full of split ends.

If you are suffering from this problem, then you must be always wondering how to get rid of split ends!

Your salon expert will always suggest you to trim down your hair to get rid of them.

But this will definitely reduce the beautiful length of your locks without offering a permanent solution to the problem.

So, What is The Solution?

We bring you the best solution to get rid of split ends completely. If you wish to know how to prevent split ends then we are here to suggest the safest and most effective solution.

We bring you 15 best home remedies that can help you get rid of split ends completely. Our home remedies for split ends are simply awesome.

They are very easy to prepare and use. But before we dig into all the details about these remedies, let us know everything we need to know about split ends.

Split Ends – What are they?

Split ends are known as fraying or splitting of the hair shaft. Scientifically, this condition is known as trichoptilosis.

The main reasons for occurrence of this problem are direct exposure of hair to chemical, mechanical, or thermal stress.

When our hair comes in direct exposure to such stressful options, their protective external layer (the layer protecting the hair cuticle) gets damaged.

If such a situation is supported by lack of proper care and nourishment, then the problem worsens.

Trimming is just a temporary solution to combat split ends. If you wish to know how to fix split ends then you need to follow these home remedies.

So, now you know what split ends are, let me tell you what causes split ends in most of the cases!

What Causes Split Ends – Know Everything Leading to This Ugly Hair Problem!

Knowing the ways to know how to stop split ends is going to solve the problem only partially.

To solve the problem completely, it is imperative to know the possible causes of split ends. Check the various common causes of split ends below.

  • Excessive washing of hair with chemical based shampoos and conditioners
  • Direct exposure of hair to dust, heat, sun, and pollution
  • Using hair styling tools too often, like straighteners, flat irons, or curlers
  • Applying hair styling cosmetics, such as serums, sprays, and gels
  • Washing hair with hot water can lead to split ends. Hot water drains away the natural moisture of hair. Hence, it results in drying of hair, eventually giving birth to split ends.
  • Using low-quality accessories and products to style hair, such as headbands, combs, and hair pins
  • Not following a proper hair care routine. It is essential to practice a regular routine for maintaining hair, like trimming and cutting.
  • Excessive use of chemical treatments, like perms, hair color, and more
  • Not oiling the hair on a regular basis
  • Bringing hair in direct contact to hard water containing chlorine or other chemicals

These are some of the common causes of split ends. Hence, anyone can experience this hair problem at any time.

If you are wondering how to get rid of split ends without cutting your hair, then we can tell you the best solutions.

But before that, it is essential for you to identify this trouble. Before you follow these remedies, you need to be sure that these are truly split ends.

So, for this, let us glance at the symptoms or characteristics of split ends.

Symptoms of Split Ends – How You Can Identify Them?

You might be surprised to know that there are different types of split ends. Based on the type of split ends, you can follow a specific home remedy for it.

Generally, split ends occur at the end of the hair. But there are cases, when they may occur at the middle of the hair.

This may make your hair appear as a loop. There might be multiple loops on the same strand as well.

So, in order to get rid of split ends completely, it is essential to know its common symptoms.

  • If your hairs have started tangling more than often, then this may be due to split ends. Such tangles are rough, dry, and difficult to unknot.
  • If discoloration has occurred at the end of your ponytail, then this might be due to split ends. Such a discoloration occurs when your hair tips get damaged due to excessive exposure to sun or heat.
  • When your hair tips have lost their sheen and each strand appears thinner, then this is due to split ends. In such case, the fiber of each hair appears thinner than the remaining hair.
  • Your hairs have developed an uneven length at the bottom. When you have zigzagged hair at the bottom, then this is mainly due to split ends. It is because split ends hamper the healthy growth of hair. Hence, a hair strand with a split end is not able to grow properly.
  • Formation of small Y-shape at the end of your hair indicates split end. Even the color of the Y-shaped hair is different from the color of the entire strand.

If you want to know how to avoid split ends to the fullest, then this is simple. You just have to follow the remedies mentioned below.

So, without taking more time, let’s get started to know the best home remedies for split ends.

Split Ends – How to Get Rid of Them?

1. Egg Mask

If you wish to know how to get rid of split ends with ease, then this hair mask is just perfect for you!

Eggs have high contents of essential fatty acids and protein. Both these ingredients are great to treat split ends.

Proteins are good to rebuild our hair structure. So, when you apply this mask, it will help in strengthening the hair follicles to a great extent.

Also, this egg mask will enhance the texture of your hair. It will make your hair smooth and enhance their resistance to breakage.

It is also great in reducing the tangles occurring due to split ends. Using an egg mask once a week will prevent split ends problem to a great extent.

Method to Apply

  • Take an egg yolk and whisk it properly. This is great if you want to know how to stop split ends. You can 2tbsps of olive oil as well as honey into it.
  • Apply this mask on damp and tangle free hair.
  • Keep the mask for 30 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Follow with shampooing your hair.
  • You can also mix egg white with 1tbsp of almond oil and repeat the process.
  • Applying this mask will make your hair smooth and shiny instantly.

More: Homemade Avocado Hair Mask Benefits

2. Deep Conditioning with Hot Oil

Another excellent remedy for how to prevent split ends is deep conditioning your hair with hot oil. Oil is great for your hair.

It helps to restore moisture in the locks. As a result, the split ends are controlled to a high extent.

If you want your hair to be healthy and shiny, then this remedy is wonderful for you. You can start doing a hot oil massage on a daily basis.

Doing this will deep condition your hair with moisturizing oils! Also, it will enhance the strength of your hair.

Method to Apply

  • Take olive oil, almond oil, or coconut oil in a pan as per your preference.
  • Heat it in microwave for 15 – 20 seconds.
  • Massage the hot oil onto your scalp. It is an excellent solution for those who are looking for how to get rid of split ends without cutting hair.
  • Now let the oil rest on your hair for at least 45 – 60 minutes.
  • After that, shampoo your hair with your favorite shampoo.
  • Repeat this at least twice a week. You will get healthy, shiny, and thick hair.
  • You can add few drops of sandalwood, rosemary or other essential oils to this mask. It will enhance the effectiveness of the oil mask.

3. Beer Wash

If you are unsure of what causes split ends to your hair, then the beer wash will work perfect for you.

Beer contains high levels of protein (1). It is also rich in sugar levels that are great to build up the structure of hair follicles.

The sugar is also wonderful to treat damaged hair follicles. It is an excellent conditioner that adds volume and shine to your hair.

Hence, you can repair your damaged hair and get rid of ugly split ends with beer wash. This is one of the simplest remedies.

It is great for all types of hair. Using beer wash once a week will improve the luster and texture of your hair.

Also, it promotes hair growth. Hence, if you want to have long hair which is free from split ends, do give it a try.

Method to Apply

  • Shampoo you hair as you would normally do.
  • Take some beer in a spray bottle. Spray it on the mid and end sections of the hair.
  • Allow it to rest for few minutes, just like you do it for a conditioner.
  • Don’t rinse it out.
  • Do this practice once in a week.
  • You will start noticing the difference in just few weeks.

More: How to Get Rid of Grey Hair

4. Milk Cream Mask

You must be wondering how to fix split ends with milk cream. But let me tell you one thing, it is possible to fix split ends with this amazing remedy.

This remedy is ideally great for individuals with dry hair. If you have oily hair, then I would suggest you to select any other remedy from the above list.

You can apply the milk cream mask once a week. You can either purchase the milk cream from the market, or can prepare it at home.

Method to Apply

  • Take 1 cup of fresh milk cream in a bowl.
  • If you have dry hair, then you can add 1 tbsp of any hair oil as per your preference.
  • Now whisk the cream properly so that you obtain a mask like mixture.
  • Apply the milk cream mixture on your hair.
  • Cover all your hair from roots to tips.
  • Apply this mask for 15 to 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off with lukewarm water.
  • You may follow a shampoo wash in order to remove any oily left overs.
  • Use this remedy continuously if you want to try and find out how to avoid split ends.

5. Honey Mask

One of the best home remedies to treat split ends is honey. This one ingredient is full of numerous natural and powerful properties.

Honey is rich in moisture content (2). It also possesses antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Applying a honey mask once a week will help combat split ends completely. Moreover, it will help to improve the health of the scalp.

Method to Apply

  • All you need to do is take raw, organic honey in a bowl.
  • You may take 4tbsp honey for long hair and 2tbsp honey for shorter hair.
  • Make a thick paste of honey by adding curd or yogurt to it.
  • Just add enough yogurt so that a smooth consistency is obtained.
  • Apply the mask on your hair.
  • Let it settle for few minutes, probably 30 minutes.
  • Wash with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo.
  • One application of this mask every week will do wonders to your hair.

6. Bananas

If you are hunting out for an easy solution for how to stop split ends, then you will be glad to know this one.

This remedy includes bananas, which are high in potassium, iron, zinc, and natural oils.

Furthermore, bananas  along with olive oil help in promoting healthy and luscious hair growth as it is rich in vitamins E, C, and A, and help hair to regain their natural balance and elasticity.

It is always good to consume one banana on a daily basis. If you are not able to do so, then you can definitely give it a try.

The banana mask will enhance the elasticity of your hair (3). Also, it will reduce the breakage and soften and moisturize your hair.

If you have damaged hair, then banana is also great for repairing it. This mask is even great to enhance the manageability of your hair.

Method to Apply

  • Take one ripe banana.
  • You can mix 2tbsps. of yogurt and 1tbsp of honey into it. You can add lemon juice and rose water to it if needed.
  • Prepare a thick mask and apply it on your hair.
  • Cover all your hair well. Let the mask rest for half an hour on your hair.
  • Wash off with cold water.
  • You can use this banana mask twice a week.

7. Papaya

People suffering from split ends are always looking out for ways for how to get rid of split ends without cutting hair. Well, this remedy will be like good news to them.

This remedy is prepared from papaya, which is known to offer great benefits to the skin. Papaya contains natural amino acids, and tons of minerals and vitamins (4). It also contains high contents of anti-oxidants.

As a result, applying a papaya mask proves to be very great for hair. It combats split ends to the fullest. Moreover, it is great to enhance the texture and growth of the hair.

Method to Apply

  • Take one ripe papaya and peel it off.
  • Take the pulp of the papaya and mash it well in a bowl.
  • You can add yogurt into it in order to get the required consistency.
  • Now, blend the mixture well till you get a smooth and thick paste.
  • Apply this mask on your hair and let it settle for 30 minutes.
  • Wash it with cold water. If you feel, then you can wash it with a mild shampoo.
  • This mask is suitable for all hair types.

More: Natural Remedies of Vitamins for Hair Growth

8. Mayonnaise

Another excellent and effective solution to get rid of split ends is by applying mayonnaise. This is great and works as an excellent remedy for all types of hair.

Mayonnaise has high creamy content (5). It also contains egg and other nutrients that are great for the hair.

The mayonnaise mask nourishes the hair well and prevents split ends. It also provides a soft and shiny look to the hair.

With regular application of mayonnaise mask, it is possible to treat your hair to the fullest and get rid of dull and damaged appearance completely. Mayonnaise is considered as one of the best and the most ideal ingredients that help in combating hair breakage effectively as well.

Method to Apply

  • First wet your hair and just towel dry it.
  • Now take half cup of mayonnaise. You may increase or decrease the quantity required depending on the length of your hair.
  • Apply the mayonnaise on your hair and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Rinse well with a shampoo.
  • Repeat this once or twice a week as per the texture of your hair.
  • If you have oily hair, then a weekly application will also work perfect for you.

9. Shea Butter

The main reason that split ends occur is due to lack of moisture. When hair is exposed to sun or heat styling tools, it loses its natural moisture.

For such reasons, shea butter is another excellent solution to get rid of split ends.

If you are looking for how to avoid split ends then this remedy will work perfect for you.

Method to Apply

  • All you need to do is take the desired quantity of shea butter in a bowl.
  • Now apply this mixture on your scalp and hair.
  • You can add olive oil and honey into shea butter in order to get great looking hair.
  • Once you have covered all your hair then allow the mixture to rest for at least half hour.
  • Now wash off with cold water.
  • Another way to use shea butter to get rid of split ends is to use it as a hair serum.
  • This remedy is great for dry hair. Wash your hair as usual.
  • Take some shea butter in your palm. Rub it on your palm and then dab the residue on your hair. Let it stay on your hair entire day.
  • So, depending on the texture of your hair, you may use shea butter to avoid or repair split ends.

10. Aloe Vera Extracts

You have known what causes split ends. If you are looking out for how to fix split ends with an herbal remedy, then this one is for you.

This remedy is for all those ladies who are in love with herbal products. This remedy uses Aloe Vera gel or extract to treat split ends.

Aloe Vera has high moisture content and it also help you to get hair grow faster very fast. This gel is great to apply for all types of hair.

Method to Apply

  • Take some aloe vera gel in a bowl.
  • The quantity needed will depend on the length of your hair.
  • You can add few drops of fresh lemon juice into the aloe vera gel.
  • Add some castor oil, jojoba oil, and olive oil in this mixture.
  • Now apply this mask on your hair and let it rest for half hour.
  • Wash well with cold water.
  • If you are not able to find Aloe Vera gel then you can even purchase an Aloe Vera based shampoo to wash your hair.

While these remedies can definitely combat split ends completely, there are few practices that you must follow on a daily basis.

If you want to know how to get rid of split ends then you must avoid the problem at first.

For this, never wash your hair with hot water. Avoid excessive brushing of your hair. Avoid swimming in water with chlorine.

Even backcombing and using heat styling tools can damage your hair. Besides these, the best way for how to prevent split ends is to keep a check on your diet.

Eat a healthy, balanced, and nutritious diet. This will keep your hair healthy and free from split ends.