How to Get Rid of Hiccups

How to get rid of hiccups

When there is contraction of diaphragm for a slightly extended duration, you start inhaling at a rapid pace. This is succeeded by closing of vocal cords and then, you emit the sound associated with hiccups. Generally, hiccups last for not more than few minutes and, they do not cause/indicate any serious conditions.

However, owing to the discomfort that hiccups cause, you need to put a stop to them soon. This is what you are now going to read about. The article will provide you detailed information on how to get rid of hiccups with home remedies, which help you in no uncertain terms.

Causes of Hiccups

Before elaborating on natural cures to get rid of hiccups, have a quick glance at few of the chief causes (of hiccups).

  • Intake of carbonated/alcoholic drinks
  • Excessive indulgence in food
  • Consumption of Spicy foods
  • Eating hurriedly
  • Feeling stress/strong emotions

How do you get rid of Hiccups Naturally?

This segment of the article is going to educate you with knowledge on how to get rid of hiccups, depending only on natural remedies. You will be pleasantly surprised that the issue can be solved in such an effortless way! Continue reading and see for yourselves.

1. Honey

Honey denotes as being a simple and yet an effective response to the issue of how to get rid of the hiccups. Honey has the ability to stimulate the vagus nerve and this in turn instantly stops hiccups.

Things you need:

  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Warm water- 2 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of honey and 2 tbsp of warm water.
  2. Mix them together.
  3. Directly swallow the mix to immediately end hiccups.

2. Dill Seeds

The dill seeds also work in the same way as that of the above remedy, to ease the distress. Even here, your vagus nerve gets tickled making sure that getting rid of hiccups becomes an uncomplicated matter.

Things you need:

Dill seeds- 1 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of dill seeds.
  2. Just chew the seeds.
  3. Continue doing so till there are no more hiccups.

3. Sugar

When you intend to know as to what is the best way to get rid of hiccups, you get many choices. And, sugar will invariably be one of those. Once again, it is the vagus nerve stimulation that resolves the problem. Go for the remedy at this very instant!

Things you need:

  • Sugar- 1 tsp
  • Water- 1 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of sugar.
  2. Put the sugar in your mouth, but do not swallow.
  3. Allow that to get dissolved on the tongue.
  4. Soon after that, take 1 tbsp of water and have it.

4. Vinegar

Here you have another wonderful home remedy that will better the things in no time, vinegar. Trust the efficacy of the remedy and, it will not let you down!

Things you need:

  • Vinegar- 1 tsp
  • Water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of vinegar.
  2. Swallow it.
  3. Immediately, consume 1 glass of water to see how to get rid of hiccups fast.

5. Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a thoroughly tried and tested remedy, which is being used for the purpose since several decades. Here, the sticky texture of the substance (peanut butter) will do the job for you.

Things you need:

  • Peanut butter- 1 tsp
  • Water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of peanut butter.
  2. Now take it into mouth.
  3. Let it be in the mouth for few minutes.
  4. Then start to chew it.
  5. Have 1 glass of water.

6. Peppermint Oil

Using peppermint oil is among the most trusted ways to get rid of hiccups. This is due to the fact that it exercises a soothing effect on bottom region of the esophageal sphincter. You will be simply amazed with the oil’s effectiveness.

Things you need:

  • Peppermint oil- ¼ tsp
  • Coconut oil- ¼ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ¼ tsp of peppermint oil.
  2. Blend the oil with ¼ tsp of coconut oil.
  3. Take the mix in your mouth.
  4. Allow it to remain in mouth for few minutes.
  5. You can now swallow it to put an end to hiccups.

7. Lemon

How do I get rid of hiccups relying on home cures and without opting for regular methods? Well, you will get a wonderful answer for that through an ever-dependable natural remedy, lemon!

The sourness of lemon essays the key role of ensuring that the hiccups vanish almost in the blink of an eye! Try the awesome remedy now!

Method 1- Direct Intake

The direct intake of lemon juice is very helpful to you.

Things you need:

Lemon juice- ½ tsp

Things you need to do:

  • Take ½ tsp of lemon juice.
  • Put it in the mouth.
  • Hiccups will stop in just 2 minutes.

Method 2- Lemon Water

The mix of lemon juice and water will alleviate the issue, as well.

Things you need:

  • Lemon- 1
  • Water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 lemon and cut it into 2 equal parts.
  2. Then take 1 of those halves and extract juice from it.
  3. Add the juice in 1 glass of water.
  4. Consume it fast to understand how to get rid of hiccups.

8. Yogurt and Salt

The mix of yogurt and salt assists you to get rid of hiccups sooner than what you expect. Use this cure and you will not be unhappy!

Things you need:

  • Yogurt- 1 cup
  • Salt- 1 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 cup yogurt.
  2. Now take 1 tsp of salt.
  3. Put the salt in yogurt and blend it nicely.
  4. Consume the mix at a slow pace and you will experience relief.

9. Paper Towel Treatment

This seemingly peculiar method actually is a proven one for treating hiccups and therefore; do not underestimate its effectiveness! Here, the extra strain to which diaphragm is subjected to, while consuming water makes the hiccups to stop. You will be awestruck with the pleasant outcome!

Things you need:

  • Water- 1 glass
  • Paper towel- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 glass of water.
  2. Then take 1 paper towel and close the glass with it.
  3. Consume the water through the towel.
  4. The hiccups will end by the time you finish water in the glass.

10. Cardamom Powder

The name of cardamom powder has to be present in the top remedies showing you how to get rid of hiccups fast. The remedy has a healing effect on the diaphragm muscles and, this will give respite to you.

Things you need:

  • Cardamom powder- 2 tsp
  • Water- 2 cups

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 2 tsp of cardamom powder and 2 cups of water.
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Put the cardamom powder in boiled water.
  4. Stir it properly.
  5. Wait for around 10 minutes so that the liquid cools down a little.
  6. Just drink the preparation.

11. Mustard Seeds with Butter

Count upon the combination of mustard seeds and butter for getting rid of hiccups.

Things you need:

  • Mustard seeds- 1 tsp
  • Butter- 1 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp each of mustard seeds and butter.
  2. Mix the 2 ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Quickly swallow this mix.

12. Lemon Juice and Mint Leaves

There is one more super remedy for you, in the form of water that has a mix of lemon juice and mint leaves.

Things you need:

  • Warm water- 1 glass
  • Mint leaves- ¼ cup
  • Lemon juice- 2 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 glass of warm water.
  2. Now take ¼ cup of mint leaves and 2 tsp of lemon juice.
  3. Add both these items in warm water.
  4. Mix well.
  5. Slowly consume this water.

13. Asafetida and Clarified Butter

Going with this treatment is one of the best ways to get rid of hiccups. Read on!

Things you need:

  • Asafetida powder- 1 tsp
  • Clarified butter- ½ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of asafetida powder and ½ tsp clarified butter.
  2. Mix the 2 ingredients together.
  3. Swallow the blend.

14. Chamomile Tea

The chamomile tea, by relaxing muscles of your diaphragm, will halt the hiccups very fast. Go for it now!

Things you need:

  • Chamomile tea bag- 1
  • Water- 1 cup
  • Lemon juice- ½ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 cup of water
  2. Boil the water.
  3. Take 1 chamomile tea bag and dip it in boiled water.
  4. Steep that for 5 minutes.
  5. Then put ½ tsp of lemon juice in this water.
  6. Mix properly.
  7. Drink the tea.

Additional Tips

Along with above remedies, the points to be highlighted below are also very significant, to have a full understanding of how to get rid of hiccups. Hence, you are advised to note them carefully.

  • Inhale deeply and hold that for few seconds before you exhale. This soothes the diaphragm and stops hiccups.
  • Keep a paper bag tightly pressed against the mouth and, deeply exhale into it. This again makes you diaphragm to act in way so as to reduce hiccups.
  • Open the mouth to the maximum possible extent and hold that for roughly 30 seconds, to control hiccups.
  • Provided you have the needed privacy, you can rely on this simple method, too. Just bring out the tongue and keep it extended until you are able to feel relief.
  • From a glass of water, take about 12 sips continuously and briskly.
  • Have your meal in a slow and relaxed way.
  • Salt water gargling is an extremely useful treatment, as well.
  • Take 1 cotton swab and gently scratch it at the upper part, inside the mouth.
  • When it is the question of how to get rid of baby hiccups, there cannot be a remedy more reliable than gripe water. Here, just ½ tsp of this substance will put an end to infant hiccups.

So you now possess comprehensive details on how to get rid of hiccups naturally. Set aside all doubts and use any of the remedies. Please drop in a few words about how you have been helped by this article.

Shruti Menon:
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