Yoga for Weight Loss (Recommended Yoga Poses)

Do you know excess body weight is the root cause of many health ailments?

For this many people are opting for healthier ways to lose weight and keep health ailments at bay.

Nowadays there are many types of fad exercises and amongst these one of the most popular exercises is Yoga.

It’s a myth that yoga is only a form of relaxation and meditation. The fact is that unlike any other exercise that works on only burning the calories or building muscles yoga works on the mind, body and the spirit.

Moreover yoga for weight loss is far more effective and beneficial in longer term than any other form of strenuous exercises.

Yoga has been proven to increase mindfulness which helps one in eating consciously by increasing the satiety.

Practicing yoga is even considered as a great way to manage stress which can sometimes lead to binge eating disorder.

Moreover yoga has fat burning potential same as the aerobic exercises and is a great exercise alternative for maintaining long term weight loss goals.

Yoga for Weight Loss

Without further ado let us now move on with few most recommended yoga poses for weight loss:

1. Surya Namaskar / Sun Salutation

Surya Namaskar is one of the most popular weight loss yoga poses. This yoga posture has 12 poses which involves all the major muscles of the body.

Sun salutation or surya namaskar (1) is as beneficial as any cardio exercise for increasing flexibility, balance and toning the body for an effective weight loss.

Step 1- Pranamasana


  1. Begin by standing straight with feet together.
  2. Then join the palms together in front of the chest similar to prayer pose.
  3. Relax your body and exhale.

Step- 2 Ardha Chandrasana


  1. Inhale and stretch your arms above your head with palms facing towards the sky.
  2. Slightly arch your back and stretch your upper body.
  3. Feel the stretch in your entire body from the lower body to the chest and abdomen area while inhaling.

Step- 3 Padahastasana


  1. Exhale and bend your body forward downwards to touch your feet or mat with your palms.
  2. Make sure to keep spine and legs straight perpendicular to the floor.
  3. Beginners can bend their knees a little.
  4. Try and touch your forehead to your knees for a better stretch in hamstring and calf muscles for toning the muscles faster.

Step- 4 Ashwa Sanchalanasana


  1. Inhale deeply and stretch out your right leg backwards away from the body by placing the knee on the mat.
  2. Then bent the left knee and place both the palms flat on the mat.
  3. Place the bent left knee in between the palms and raise your spine to open your chest muscles.
  4. Keep your face tilted upwards towards the ceiling.

Step- 5 Parvatasana


  1. Exhale deeply again and extend your left leg backwards away from the body, place it along with the extended right leg.
  2. Then raise your hips towards the sky and lower your head bringing in between your arms to form an arch upwards.
  3. Later place your heels flat on the mat and make sure to keep your spine straight.
  4. In this step you can feel the stretch right from the arms to the feet.

Step-6 Ashtanga Namaskara


  1. Exhale and lower your knees to the mat slowly.
  2. Then lower your body to the mat until your forehead, hands, chest, knees and feet is touching the mat.
  3. Keep your butt raised upwards.
  4. Hold for 1 or 2 counts in this posture and breathe normally.
  5. This yoga weight loss step helps in strengthening and toning the arms and chest muscles.

Step- 7 Bhujangasana


  1. Relax and inhale deeply, then lower your hips by moving your chest forward in an upwards direction.
  2. Maintain your arms flat on the mat while moving your chest forward.
  3. Stretch your chest forward and upwards until your spine is arched and your face is skywards.
  4. This step helps in burning excess fat around the abdomen area and relieves back pain.

Step- 8 Parvatasana


  1. Exhale and raise your hips towards the sky so that your hips are arched upwards.
  2. Make sure your head is aligned straight between your arms.
  3. Keep your spine straight and hold in this posture for 1 to 2 counts.

Step- 9 Ashwa Sanchalanasana


  1. Inhale and extend your left leg forward.
  2. Then bend your knee to place it between your palms on the mat.
  3. Keep your right leg extended away from your body.
  4. Then raise your hips to widen the chest muscles.
  5. Tilt your face upwards so that you are facing the sky.

Step- 10 Padahastasana


  1. Exhale deeply and bring your right leg forward to join the left leg.
  2. Then rise upwards and bend your body forward so that your palms are touching the mat.
  3. Try and place your palms besides the feet and touch your forehead to your knees.
  4. Make sure to keep your knees and spine straight.

Step- 11 Ardha Chandrasana


  1. Inhale deeply and raise your arms above your head.
  2. Arch your back backwards slightly and stretch your body.
  3. You can keep your palms joined or palms facing skywards.

Step- 12 Pranamasana


  1. Exhale and bring back your arms in front of your chest.
  2. Straighten your body, feet together and your palms in prayer position.
  3. These 12 steps complete one repetition of surya namaskar or sun salutation.
  4. This surya namaskar yoga to lose weight must be repeated at least 12 rounds to burn calories and tone your body easily.

Also Read: Yoga for Back Pain (Top 15 Yoga Postures)

2. Veerabhadrasana / Warrior Pose

Veerabhadrasana is one of the popular fat burning yoga poses. This yoga asana targets the fat in the arms, thighs, abdomen, shoulders and back muscles.

Veerabhadrasana is even beneficial for toning the muscles after weight loss.


  1. Begin by standing straight on a mat.
  2. Then exhale and place your feet 4 feet apart.
  3. Later raise your hands to the sides so that they are parallel to the floor.
  4. Make sure your shoulder blades are wide and palms facing downwards.
  5. Then turn right foot slightly towards the left so that it forms 45 degrees to the left and stretch your left foot out to forms 90 degrees to the left side.
  6. Later exhale and twist your torso to the left side.
  7. Then bend your left knee so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor.
  8. Raise your arms above the head so that the palms are facing each other.
  9. Hold in this position for 10 to 15 seconds and then return to the starting position.
  10. Later repeat the same process on the other side for weight loss through yoga.
  11. Repeat this yoga asana 2 to 3 times on alternative sides for losing weight easily.

3. Utthita Hasta Padangustasana / Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose

Utthita Hasta Padangustasana (2) or the extended hand to big toe pose is an excellent yoga asanas for weight loss. This asana stretches and targets the fat in the hamstrings, arms, legs, hips and adductors.


  1. Begin with standing in mountain pose and place your hands on the hips.
  2. Then lift your right knee upwards towards your belly and transfer your body weight on the left leg.
  3. Now try to hold your right toe with your right hand’s fingers.
  4. Then slowly maintaining your balance and straighten your right leg forwards so that your toes are pointing towards the sky.
  5. Beginners can also use a band or a rope to hold your feet instead of fingers.
  6. Then extend your straightened right leg towards the right.
  7. Later raise your left arm straight at shoulder level.
  8. Take deep breathes and maintain this posture for 10 to 15 seconds or until comfortable.
  9. Then come back to the mountain position and repeat on the left side.
  10. This weight loss yoga asana can be repeated 2 to 3 times on alternative sides for losing weight and improving your balance.

4. Setu Bandhasana / Bridge Pose

 Setu bandhasana or the bridge pose is one of the best yoga for weight loss for around the hips, stomach, hamstrings and back areas.

This asana provides a great stretch in the back muscles, spine and neck to release the tension and pain easily.

Setu bandhasana even reduces the thyroid problems to boost the metabolism which eventually helps in losing weight faster.


  1. Begin by lying down on a mat and then bend your knees, set your feet flat on the mat.
  2. Place your feet hip width apart and closer to the buttocks.
  3. Then keep your palms facing downwards at the sides of your body.
  4. Inhale, slowly raise your back off from the mat so that your chest is raised and touches the chin.
  5. Ensure that your body weight is supported by the shoulders and feet.
  6. You can take the support of your arms to push your body off the floor and hold in this position for longer time.
  7. Maintain in this posture for 20 to 40 seconds.
  8. Then slowly lower your body and exhale.
  9. This setu bandhasana yoga for losing weight can be repeated 5 to 10 times daily.

 (Also Read: Yoga for Anxiety and Depression )

5. Dhanurasana / Bow Pose

Dhanurasana (3) or the bow pose is one of the easiest yoga exercises for weight loss which can be practiced by beginners at yoga as well.

This yoga exercise is beneficial for burning the fat around the abdominal sides, toning the stomach muscles to get rid of the belly fat easily.


  1. Start by lying down on your stomach and keep your feet 1 foot apart.
  2. Exhale and then bend your knees and hold your ankles with your hands.
  3. Inhale and lift your thighs, chest and head higher as possible from the floor while holding your feet with your hands.
  4. In this position the body’s weight will be on the stomach.
  5. Then bring the ankles of both the feet together and look upwards towards the sky.
  6. Later exhale and lower your head and thighs up to the knees.
  7. Hold in this position for 30 to 40 seconds.
  8. Then slowly lower your head, things and chest to the mat to come back to the starting position.
  9. Relax and repeat this weight loss yoga pose 2 to 3 times daily for losing weight faster.

6. Utthita Parsvakonasana / Extended Side Angle Pose

Utthita parsvakonasana or the extended side angle pose is an excellent yoga asana for people who want to lose weight with yoga.

This asana targets the arms, waist, thighs and hips effectively.

Moreover this asana is even great for boosting the energy levels and for regulating the blood circulation throughout the body.


  1. Begin by standing straight and feet 3 to 4 feet apart.
  2. Inhale and raise your arms at shoulder level and parallel to the floor with palms facing the floor.
  3. Then turn your left foot outwards to a 90 degree angle and right foot slightly inwards.
  4.  Make sure to keep your trunk straight and maintain stability.
  5. Then inhale and bend your body to the left, reach downwards to touch the floor or hold your ankle.
  6. Ensure that your body bend sideways and not forward.
  7. Then try to hold in this position for 40 to 60 seconds.
  8. Then slowly raise your body and come back to the starting position.
  9. Repeat this weight loss yoga asana on the other side and continue 5 to 7 repetitions on each side for trimming your waist faster.

Bhujangasana / Cobra Pose

 If you are looking for weight loss through yoga then try the bhujangasna or cobra pose.

This asana is an excellent front torso and spine bending pose as it helps you get rid of the stubborn fat and back pain in this area.

Yet the benefits of this pose is not just limited for weight loss as this asana provides relief from stomach disorders, respiratory disorders and promotes blood circulation as well.


  1. Start by lying down on your stomach on a mat and keep your toes flat.
  2. Then stretch your legs and keep the legs together.
  3. Place the palms flat on the mat besides the chest and maintain the elbows straight.
  4. Then inhale and raise your upper body upwards so that your torso’s weight is supported on the palms and thighs.
  5. Now try to bend your head backwards but don’t strain your neck.
  6. Maintain in this position for 40 seconds to 1 minute.
  7. Later exhale and lower your torso to the mat.
  8. This weight loss yoga asana can be repeated 4 to 5 times daily for getting rid of excess fat faster.

Naukasana / Boat Pose 

Many people believe that yoga and weight loss are not a power packed combination.

But the fact is yoga is not only beneficial for losing weight but asana like naukasana or the boat pose can even help in developing six pack abs.

It even helps in removing the belly fat and strengthens the thighs, hips and neck muscles.


  1. Begin by lying down on the back and place your palms facing downwards on the sides.
  2. Inhale deeply and raise your legs, arms along with your upper body so that the entire body’s weight is on the buttocks.
  3. Make sure your raised arms and legs are in the straight line.
  4. Then hold your breath and remain in this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until you are comfortable.
  5. Later exhale, lower your arms and legs to the starting position.
  6. Relax and then repeat this yoga to lose weight 4 to 5 times daily.

Chakki Chalan Kriya / Grinding Pose

For weight loss through yoga chakki chalan kriya is an excellent asana. This asana is great for reducing the belly fat, tones and strengthens the arms, spine, chest and thigh muscles.


  1. Start by sitting on a mat and spread your legs 4 feet apart.
  2. Then interlock the fingers of both your hands.
  3. Straighten and raise your elbows in front of your chest.
  4. Then move your hands with interlocked fingers in clock wise motion from right to left over your legs.
  5. This motion stretches your abdominal muscles, tones hands and legs too.
  6. Continue to move your hands in clockwise motion for 10 times.
  7. Then repeat the same yoga weight loss asana in anti-clock motion for 10 times.
  8. Later come back to the starting position and relax.

Salabhasana / Locust Pose    

Are you wondering can you lose weight doing yoga?

Then try the salabhasana or the locust pose. This asana is effective for losing stubborn fat around upper torso, abdomen, back, buttocks and arms.

This yoga exercise even improves the breathing capacity to prevent the body from respiratory disorders.


  1. Begin by lying on the stomach on a mat.
  2. Then rest your chin and forehead on the mat and toes pointing the floor.
  3. Stretch out your arms and place it beside your body with palms facing upwards.
  4. Inhale and clench your fist tight.
  5. Then lift your lower abdomen and raise your legs from the hips together.
  6. Ensure that lower abdomen to raised hips are in a straight line and try to raise your legs as higher.
  7. Hold in this posture for 10 to 15 seconds.
  8. Exhale and lower your legs and abdomen slowly to the mat.
  9. Relax and repeat this fat burning yoga asana 3 to 4 times daily for losing weight faster.

Ustrasana / Yoga Camel Pose

Ustrasana or the yoga camel pose (4) is one of the most popular yoga exercises for weight loss.

 As this asana targets the most difficult parts of the body like abdomen, back, arms and thighs which accumulates stubborn fat.

This yoga exercise even provides an excellent stretch to the lower back and torso to release the tension and increases the blood circulation.


  1. Start by kneeing on a yoga mat and place your hands on your hips.
  2. Make sure your body from shoulders to knees are in a straight line.
  3. Inhale, stretch your torso backwards to form a slight arch in your lower back.
  4. Place your palms on your feet and look skywards while turning backwards.
  5. Don’t strain your neck or back while arching your back.
  6. Take a few breathes and hold in this position for 40 seconds to 1 minute.
  7. Then exhale and slowly come back to the starting position by straightening your back and hips.
  8. This weight loss yoga can be repeated 3 to 4 times daily for losing weight easily.

Pavanmuktasana / Wind Releasing Pose

 Pavanmuktasana is an amazing yoga for weight loss. This asana besides being extremely easy to practice also helps in burning fat around the buttocks, abdomen and thighs as well.

It is even beneficial for strengthening and toning the abdomen, arms and legs for a fit body.


  1. Start by lying down on your back straight on a mat.
  2. Place your feet together and arms placed besides your body.
  3. Inhale, bend your knees and lift your legs upwards near the chest.
  4. Ensure that your thighs are touches your abdomen.
  5. Then clasp your palms around your legs.
  6. Hold in this position for 30 to 40 seconds.
  7. Then exhale, unlock your palms and lower your legs back to the mat.
  8. Relax and practise this lose weight with yoga asana 4 to 5 times daily for effective weight loss results.

Ardha Matsyendrasana / Half Spine Twist

 Ardha matsyendrasana is one of the most beneficial yoga poses for weight loss.

This asana provides a good stretch to your abdominal muscles, thighs and spine for burning the stubborn fat easily around this area.

This yoga pose is even effective for stimulating the digestive system which is equally beneficial for weight loss.


  1. Begin by sitting straight on a mat with legs stretched out.
  2. Keep your feet together and spine straight.
  3. Now bend your right leg and lift the leg over your left knee, place the heel of right leg on the mat on your left.
  4. Then place your left heel near the right buttocks, the knee should be resting on the ground.
  5. Twist your waist, shoulders and take your left hand over your right leg and hold your right foot’s big toe.
  6. Keep your other hand encircled around the waist outwards.
  7. Breathe deeply and keep your spine straight while maintaining in this posture for 40 seconds to 1 minute.
  8. Later slowly twist your torso back to the starting position and straighten your legs back to the starting position.
  9. Relax and repeat the same process on the other side.
  10. This yoga weight loss asana can be repeated 3 to 4 times on both sides for effective weight loss results.

Paschimottanasana / Seated Forward Bend Pose

 Paschimottanasana is one of the best yoga for weight loss.

 This asana can be easily practised by the beginners at yoga for treating obesity and getting rid of excess fat around the abdomen area.

This yoga asana is even beneficial for relieving the tension in lower back, hamstrings and shoulder muscles as well.


  1. Sit on a mat with legs stretched out and together.
  2. Relax and then bend forward to hold your toes with your hands.
  3. Ensure to keep your spine straight.
  4. Then holding your toes pull your chest close to your thighs and touch your forehead on your knees.
  5. Remain in this position for 50 seconds to 1 minute or till comfortable.
  6. Then straighten your arms and raise your trunk to the starting position.
  7. Paschimottanasana yoga to lose weight can be comfortably practised for 1 minute to 30 minutes as per your convenience.

Kumbhakasana / Plank Pose

Kumbhakasana or the plank pose is a great fat burning yoga for the entire body which targets the problem areas effectively and easily.

This yoga asana is beneficial for losing fat around the arms, abdomen, buttocks and thighs. It is even very helpful for tightening the core muscles with regular practise.


  1. Start by lying down on your stomach on a mat.
  2. Then take a push up position by placing your hands directly under your shoulders, balance your body weight on your feet.
  3. Later lift your torso in the air so that your body is perpendicular to the ground and your body is balancing on your outstretched hands and feet.
  4. Ensure your head is facing downwards and your back is straight.
  5. Tighten your core muscles and feel the tension in your abdomen area.
  6. Hold in this position for 40 seconds to a 1 minute.
  7. Then slowly bend your knees to lower your body to the floor.
  8. Relax and repeat this yoga to lose weight 4 to 5 times daily for getting rid of excess weight faster.

Vasisthasana / Side Plank Pose

 Vasisthasana is one of the best yoga for weight loss for around the waist area.

This asana extensively works on hamstrings, arms, shoulders, abdominal muscles and spine.

Vasisthasana is even beneficial for strengthening the core and increasing the flexibility in the body.


  1. Start by lying down on your stomach.
  2. Then bend your elbows and place your palms under your shoulders.
  3. Push the floor away from the floor with your hand to come into a plank position in a straight line.
  4. In this position the body weight will be supported by the shoulders.
  5. Then slowly twist your torso to the right by lifting your right hand from the floor.
  6. Along with twisting your torso stack your right foot on the left foot keeping legs straight.
  7. Ensure that you don’t lower your hips towards the floor.
  8. Look towards the extended arms and take 4 to 5 deep breathes.
  9. Then slowly lower your arm and come back to the plank position.
  10. Later repeat the same steps on the other side.
  11. This yoga for losing weight can be repeated 5 to 6 times on each side for trimming your waist and strengthening the entire body.

Important Tips for Yoga and Weight Loss-

  • Always practice yoga on an empty stomach.
  • Wear comfortable loose clothing and use a good quality yoga mat while practicing yoga.
  • Practice yoga in a quite and clean place.
  • Be regular at practicing yoga for significant results in weight loss.

With this we come to the end of the article and hopefully we have answered all your queries about does yoga help you lose weight in detail.

For losing weight you can practice any of these yoga asanas comfortably at home or even in your garden.

All these yoga asanas are completely safe and easy, if you experience any discomfort or pain during practicing any of these asanas discontinue the asana immediately.

It is even recommended to consult a specialist for the same.

Do comment or drop in a line to let us know which yoga asana recommended by us worked the best for you to lose weight easily.

Watch how to Lose Belly Fat by doing Yoga Asana


  1. I am doing Yoga from last two year and very successful in Losing Weight.I want to know quick Weight loss tips for my son 6 years old