Top 12 Home Remedies For Swollen Tonsils

home remedies for swollen tonsils

Tonsils are small structures inside our mouth. The main function of this part is to trap infectious air particles and transmit it to the lymphatic system so that they get ejected out of the human body through the immune system.

Swollen tonsils usually occur due to viral or bacterial infections like strep throat, cold, herpes, measles etc.

Introduction of Swollen Tonsils

Medically swollen tonsils are also known as tonsillitis. It is a swelling of the two lymph nodes on the side of the neck.

Any person can catch this disease but it is more prone to children. This disease is contagious because it is caused by streptococcal bacteria or other viruses.

If it is left untreated for a long time then it may lead to complications too. Many times the symptoms of swollen tonsils disappear on their own within 10 days. Given below are some home remedies for tonsillitis which prove to be useful during this infection. They are:

Home Remedies for Tonsillitis

1. Salt Water Gargle

Salt is anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti viral and anti inflammatory. It is thus the best home remedies for tonsillitis.

When you gargle you form a whirlpool of hot water inside the throat. This whirlpool helps to melt away the phlegm and pus that is stuck between tonsils which usually cannot come out with the usual spit.

When you gargle the water flushes the area and loosens the pus cells stuck around the crevices and other nook and corner.

Thus it helps support osmosis. Do you know why salt water gargle is advantageous for swollen tonsils? Salt water also helps in White Patch on Tonsil.

  1. It eradicates the contaminated water from virus or bacteria that is present in the tonsils. Thus the bacteria shrink and finally die.
  2. It also helps in lowering the inflammation of the tonsils.
  3. It prevents infection
  4. Restores the pH balance of throat
  5. Boosts blood circulation
  6. It also eradicates acidity and mucosal irritation.

The increase in blood circulation in the human body helps it to fight away the infections faster.


  • 5 grams salt
  • 250 ml warm water


  • Mix the salt properly in warm water till completely dissolved.
  • Gargle with the solution at least 4 times every day

This is the best tonsillitis cure as you will definitely note a difference within a matter of few days. Do not mix in excess salt as it will cause a drying effect in throat worsening the current situation.

2. Take Rest In Proper Position

When you are seeking home remedies for tonsils it is important to remember that taking proper rest in this condition is extremely important.

Taking rest speeds up the healing process. If you are suffering from tonsillitis then you must get proper 7 to 9 hours of sleep at night.

You can take a break from the regular exercise routine. Do not undertake any strenuous activity. You can also try sitting or sleeping in the positions given below to alleviate swelling.

Position 1: Lie on right side

  • Lay your head on the pillow
  • Create a 30degree angle when you face upper right on the pillow.
  • You can also place pillows under the right side of chest and abdomen to be extra comfortable.

Position 2: Lie on left side

  • Lay your head on the pillow
  • Turn to your left towards a 30 degree angle
  • To be extra comfortable place pillows under left side chest and abdomen

3. Baking Soda

It is the best home remedy for tonsillitis cure. Baking soda is commonly found in homes and used for several purposes like cleaning, skin problems and basic first aid too.

It is one of the most effective home medicines because of its anti bacterial, anti viral and anti inflammatory properties.

Process 1. Baking soda and warm water


  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ cup warm water


You need to mix the baking soda in warm water and swish with it. This needs to be done at least 1 time everyday till you get relief.

Process 2. Baking soda and salt


  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 cup lukewarm water


Mix salt and baking soda in the lukewarm water. You need to gargle every 3 hours with this solution for best results.

Process 3. Baking soda and lemon


  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda


Mix baking soda and lemon juice. Stir well and rinse your mouth 5 times each day for the best home remedy for tonsils.

4. Lemon

Lemon contains vitamin C that helps in increasing the immunity of the human body. The antiseptic and anti viral properties make this the best medicine for swollen tonsils home remedy. Lemon also helps in curing infections because it has anti-bacterial properties too (1).

Process 1. Water, salt and lemon


  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 tablespoon salt
  • ¼ cup warm water


Mix all the ingredients well. You can now gargle with this solution. For best results you can gargle 4 times a day with this solution.

Process 2. Lemon, salt and honey

Honey being an antibiotic helps to fight virus and bacteria away from your body.


  • Pinch of salt
  • ½ teaspoon honey
  • ½ teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 glass lukewarm water


Make a solution from all these ingredients. Drink it twice daily on empty stomach till your swelling subsides.

Process 3. Lemon, honey and thyme

Thyme is a herb and one of the best swollen tonsils home remedy. The extract from this herb can easily cure fever and also helps in weakening the symptoms of tonsillitis.

Thyme is used to treat lots of illnesses due to it being an antibiotic. It is also anti inflammatory and helps in reducing pain and swelling from the area.


  • Boiling 1 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon dry thyme leaves
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • Half lemon juice


  • In 1 cup of boiling water add 1 tablespoon of thyme and steep it for 5 minutes.
  • Wait and then steep for more 5 minutes
  • And mix in lemon juice and honey.
  • Drink this concoction while it is still warm.

 Process 4. Lemon Juice, ginger, honey and water


  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • ½ teaspoon grated ginger
  • Quarter lemon juice
  • 1 glass of hot water


  • Mix all the ingredients in hot water and let it steep for 5 minutes.
  • Swish with this solution twice a day for best results.


When you gargle with this solution daily you keep the bacteria and virus at bay.

Process 5. Salt, pepper and lemon


  • A slice of lemon
  • Salt and pepper


  • Dip lemon slice into salt and pepper.
  • Then suck on it at least 3 times a day.
  • Pepper has anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties it helps in reducing the swollen tonsils.

5. Orange Juice And Water

Orange is a citrus fruit and rich source of vitamin C (2). it helps in building immunity and fight swollen tonsils. It is the best natural remedies for tonsillitis.


  • Juice of 1 orange
  • 3 parts lukewarm water


  • The ratio of orange and water needs to be 1:3 always for this remedy.
  • Mix the orange juice and water
  • Gargle 2 to 3 times daily for best results

6. Carrot, Beetroot And Cucumber Juice

Beetroot is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals like iodine, sulphur, copper, calcium, manganese, iron etc.

These minerals help to fight toxins off the body. Carrot is storehouse of vitamin A. Cucumber is soothing and a laxative. Thus this is simply the best natural remedies for tonsillitis.

The combination of beetroot, carrot and cucumber is deadly and helps in removing the pus and white patches from the tonsils easily.


  • 1beetroot
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 cucumber


  • Wash and peel the vegetables.
  • Roughly chop and blend all.
  • Pour in a glass and drink it.


This is a great detox drink for your whole body. 

More: How to Get Rid of Tickle and Itchy Throat Naturally at Home

7. Take in lots of fluids

During swollen tonsils it is important to keep yourself hydrated most of the times. This is because it will keep your throat moist and prevent pain, itching and irritation. Fluids also help to soothe the tonsils.

Vegetable and fruit juice, smoothie, herbal teas, lemonade and fresh water. It is always better to avoid caffeine, milk, beer and wine during this time.

8. Ice Cream Popsicles

Eating cold products like ice creams or sucking to popsicles can actually help alleviate the inflammation, swelling around the tonsils.

Thus it is the best swollen tonsils home remedy. You can suck on to Popsicle for 10 minutes and see the difference.

9. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that acts as an antiseptic and antibacterial tonsils cyst home remedy.

This has to be prepared in the same manner as a salt water solution. Swishing or gargling with this solution is the best way to cure swollen tonsils.


  • 1 cup warm water
  • 1 cup hydrogen peroxide


Mix the two together and then swish with this solution twice daily for best results.


Spit the mixture out. Do not swallow.

10. Hot Compress

Hot compress of a wet towel or dry hot compress is the best tonsils cyst home remedy. This way you can eliminate the pain and inflammation to get immediate relief.

Wet hot compress

  • Take a towel and line it with salt.
  • Wash it with hot water
  • Compress on the outside of your neck

Dry hot compress

  • Take a soft cloth and put some salt on it.
  • Now tie it in a bundle
  • Take a hot pan and keep the salt bundle over it.
  • Heat it and then compress on the outside of your neck.

11. Fenugreek Seeds

If you are thinking about how to get rid of white spots on tonsils then stop. Fenugreek seeds are the best and safest solution for you. It is antibacterial and helps eradicate white tonsil spots easily.


  • 1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
  • 2 cups of water


  • Boil the water and add the fenugreek seeds
  • Now simmer for 30 to 40 minutes
  • Cool down till warm. Sieve and then gargle with this solution twice daily.

12. Basil

This is a basic herb and is found mostly in every kitchen and garden of the house. It is antiseptic, anti biotic, healing agent and soothing for the body.

It helps purify the blood. How to get rid of white spots on tonsils? Well, it is helpful for swollen tonsils too. It is a popular medication for cough and cold, fever, tonsillitis etc.

Process 1. Basil, pepper and Honey


  • 10 basil leaves
  • 1 glass water
  • 4 crushed peppercorns
  • ½ teaspoon honey


  • Wash the leaves and boil them in 1 glass of water.
  • Add the peppercorns to the solution
  • Simmer until it becomes ½ cup
  • Strain, mix honey and drink it while it is still hot
  • Drink it 3 times for best results

How to get Rid of Pus on Tonsils?

Pus usually forms on swollen tonsils if there is a presence of cyst. Cysts are a bubble like structure that has liquid inside it like water or pus. Cysts can happen anywhere, when it happens on tonsils it is known as tonsil cysts.

Symptoms of tonsil cyst

  • Whitish lump on tonsil
  • Itching
  • You feel that there is something stuck inside your throat
  • Pop sound near the ears

Given below is some home remedy for tonsillitis cysts. They are,

1. Alkalol Gargle:

This is herbal liquid solution that contains eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and menthol. Alkalol helps in clearing nasal passage way and also the cysts.


  • 2 to 3 tablespoon alkalol
  • Warm water in a glass to dilute


You can gargle directly with the solution. You can also dilute it with warm water and then gargle. When you are gargling with this liquid make sure that it touches the tonsils and cyst.

In the end, you have to be patient when treating swollen tonsils. It cannot happen overnight. It will take some days for the infection to pass away. Take rest, do not talk much, eat balanced meals and perform home remedies for fast relief.

Amber Rose:
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