Acne is the most common skin trouble that is faced by thousands of individuals daily. But, in reality it is also the toughest of the skin condition to heal and deal. Acne is a sign of an unhealthy body. It makes your face unattractive.
Many people search for home remedies that are fast and efficient. Hydrogen peroxide for acne is the best fast acting remedy.
H2O2 or hydrogen peroxide is a bleach and disinfectant. It has anti-bacterial properties. and it is affordable and readily available at a store near you.
It is also possible that this chemical is already available in your house. The only issue is that it being a chemical is not really a miracle that you have been searching for. But, many people believe that it can successfully fight acne on skin.
Table of Contents
Is Hydrogen Peroxide Good For Acne?
- The main idea behind the use of hydrogen peroxide for fighting acne is that it helps in killing the bacteria on your skin that causes it. It also helps to dry out excess oil from the sebaceous glands.
- Peroxide on acne is mostly an oxidizing agent. Thus with the help of oxidative stress it can actually kill the living cells like bacteria. But, it also means that this being a chemical cannot differentiate between a bad and good living cell. It will also damage your skin cells including fibroblasts.
- Fibroblasts play an important role to heal the wound on skin and create connective tissues. You will develop many scars if your skin is unable to heal properly. Recent studies have revealed that hydrogen peroxide actually slows the wound healing in human body and kills the fibroblasts.
- It will thus lead to a lot of scars on your skin which is definitely not good news for people suffering with acne. You do not want to deal with acne scars for life. Hydrogen peroxide on skin was earlier prescribed by the doctors for minor cuts. Peroxide kills the bad bacteria inside the cut or scrape effectively but it also troubles your healthy body cells around the wound.
- Nowadays, doctors simply advise to rinse the minor wound thoroughly. There has been another study that links the natural formation of hydrogen peroxide acne inside the human body. This happens mostly with people suffering from acne. The chemical is produced by neutrophils.
- If people suffering from acne take a medication that inhibits the formation of peroxide inside the body it will also help in inhibiting the acne inflammation.
Does Hydrogen Peroxide Help Acne?
Sebum is naturally produced by the skin cells to keep it moisturized and healthy. But when it is produced in excess quantities it results in the formation of acne.
The excess oils on your skin clog the pore with dead cells and bacteria thus forming a pimple.
Peroxide when applied on skin tends to lose the extra oxygen atom. The oxidation makes an adverse environment for the acne causing bacteria, killing it and providing a chance to your skin to heal properly.
It also helps in exfoliation and prevents further acne. It dries out excess sebum.
This chemical has to be used under medical guidance and with proper caution. It is a spot treatment and must not be used on entire face.
Using Hydrogen Peroxide On Face
Consult a Doctor
- Before you decide on using hydrogen peroxide on zits you must visit your dermatologist for a better opinion. Many doctors do not recommend using this chemical as it irritates the skin and dries it out extensively. It is bleach. Human body produces this chemical in very less quantities to help attract the white blood cells in the infected areas.
- As it is also a disinfectant it helps in killing bacteria. But, it does not selectively do it and may even kill good bacteria. Thus it is always better to take an expert opinion before going about doing it on your own.
Buy a good product
- Before you buy anything off the counter stop and check if the product is of good quality. There are two types of hydrogen peroxide available in the market. In the form of cream that has 1% concentration and in the pure liquid form that has 3% concentration.
- Peroxide for acne is also available in higher concentration but they must not be used on human skin. The pure liquid form of hydrogen peroxide with 3% concentration is available at all chemist stores. But if you only find the peroxide in higher concentration that is 35% then to make it come down to 3%, you will have to dilute it with 11 parts of water.
- However, if you use a peroxide cream then all you have to do is to follow the instructions given on the label. Given below are 6 different ways to use hydrogen peroxide on your acne. But if you have a sensitive skin then it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before embarking on this treatment journey.
Home Remedies Using Hydrogen Peroxide
The remedies given below with sting a little but if it causes an inflammation or redness or becomes too painful. You must wash it off immediately and visit a dermatologist.
1. Hydrogen Peroxide On Acne
- Face cleanser
- Towel
- Cotton pad
- Solution of 3% hydrogen peroxide
- Moisturizer
Time required: 5 minutes.
- Wash the face thoroughly with a face cleanser
- Dry it with a towel.
- Take the cotton pad and soak it with hydrogen peroxide solution.
- Dab the cotton pad on the acne spots.
- Leave it on for 5 minutes.
- Wash the face with cold water.
- Dry with a towel and moisturize the face.
How many times?
You can do this 2-3 times a week or until the acne disappears. If your skin is dry then repeat this treatment only twice in a week.
Why Is It Good?
This chemical is a disinfectant and helps to destroy the acne bacteria. Thus your skin heals faster. It also exfoliates your skin and removes all the dead skin cells providing a natural glow.
2. Baking Soda And Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture
- Face cleanser
- Towel
- 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide
- 1 tablespoon baking soda
- Moisturizer
Time Taken: 5 minutes.
- Take the face cleanser and wash your face thoroughly
- Pat dry with a towel
- Take a plastic or glass bowl and mix the hydrogen peroxide on acne with baking soda with the help of wooden or plastic spoon.
- Mix until a smooth paste is formed.
- Apply this mixture on acne affected areas. Take care and avoid applying it near your eyes.
- Leave the paste for 5 minutes then rinse with cold water.
- Pat dry again with clean towel and apply a moisturizer.
How many times?
This process should only be performed on your face once a week.
Why Is It Good?
Baking soda helps in exfoliating the skin and retaining the pH balance too. Many people just use baking soda on its own as a medication for acne but if it is used in combination with hydrogen peroxide on pimples.
It will eradicate all the pimples and zits on your skin. It will also dry up excess oil from your skin.
3. Tea Tree Oil And Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture for Acne
- Face cleanser
- Towel
- 1 tablespoon tea tree oil
- 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
- Moisturizer
Time Taken: 5 minutes.
- Take the face cleanser and wash your face thoroughly with it.
- Dry with a towel.
- Mix the tea tree oil and peroxide on face in a bowl with the help of a plastic or wooden spoon.
- Stir well
- Apply it on acne affected areas. Never apply it near the eyes.
- Leave this medication for 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
- Dry with a towel and apply moisturizer.
How many times?
This treatment can be easily done at least 1or 2 times in a week.
Why Is It Good?
Tea tree oil is always recommended as a home remedy for clearing acne from skin. It is a tried and tested product.
It is an anti-oxidant and anti bacterial in nature. But when you mix the oil with hydrogen peroxide solution then it becomes a more potent solution. (1)
If you apply it correctly then you will notice changes in your skin from the very beginning.
4. Lemon Juice And Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment
- Face cleanser
- Towel
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
- Moisturizer
Time taken: 5 minutes.
- Take the face cleanser and wash your face thoroughly.
- Dry with a towel.
- Mix the lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide pimple thoroughly in a bowl. Stir till the liquid is one.
- Apply it on acne affected areas. Leave the eye area.
- Keep it for 5 minutes and rinse it with cold water.
- Dry with towel and moisturize.
How many times?
This procedure must be duly followed only once a week.
Why Is It Good?
Lemon is a natural bleaching agent. It helps to lighten the acne scars naturally. Thus when it is mixed with hydrogen peroxide solution, this mixture becomes a potent defence against acne and acne scars.
5. Borax And Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture
- Face cleanser
- Towel
- 1 tablespoon borax
- 1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
- 1 tablespoon water
- Moisturizer
Time Taken: 5 minutes.
- Take the face cleanser and wash your face thoroughly.
- Pat it dry with a towel
- Mix the borax powder, water and hydrogen peroxide for face in a bowl to form a smooth paste like consistency.
- Apply it on acne affected areas. Never apply it near the eyes.
- Keep the medication for 5 minutes and then rinse with cold water.
- Dry with towel and moisturize.
How many times?
This procedure can be used only once a week for best results.
Why Is It Good?
Borax too like hydrogen peroxide for skin helps eradicate the bacteria and dead skin cells causing pimples. Therefore, when you make a mixture of these ingredients it becomes a potent medicine against acne.
6. Aloe Vera And Hydrogen Peroxide Mixture
- Face cleanser
- Towel
- 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel
- 1-2 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution
- Cotton pad
Time Taken: 5 minutes.
- Take the face cleanser and wash your face thoroughly with it.
- Pat dry with towel
- Soak the cotton pad with hydrogen peroxide pimple
- Dab it to the acne affected areas.
- Leave it for 5 minutes and then wash off with cold water.
- Pat dry with towel
- Now apply aloe vera gel onto your skin and leave it on.
How many times?
This procedure can easily be followed 1-2 times a week.
Why Is It Good?
Aloe Vera has good healing and calming properties. It helps in controlling the redness, inflammation and acne.
It is also high in antioxidants and thus speeds up the healing process. After the hydrogen peroxide on skin kills the bacteria the aloe vera works its magic and moisturizes your skin leaving it smooth.
In the end, it is always advised to visit a doctor before you proceed with using the hydrogen peroxide at home.
This is a chemical and you must use it with great care so as to not cause damage to other areas of your body.
Hydrogen peroxide on face is mostly a spot treatment so you should not apply it all over your face as it may dry up the entire area causing much trouble.
Dealing with acne affected skin is stressful and troublesome too. But with the above given home remedies you are one step closer to achieving a clear skin.
However, you must also alter your diet and drink lots of water for the best results. Water and healthy diet will automatically make your skin glow from inside.
Article Summary
Hydrogen Peroxide For Acne- Is It Safe
Hydrogen peroxide is a chemical that has to be used under careful supervision. It breaks away the zits and alleviates the inflammation. Follow home remedies carefully.