10 Promising Remedies to Heal Black Gums Naturally

Remedies to Heal Black Gums Naturally

Gums are vital for overall look of our face. Pink and healthy gums enhance our smile which makes us look gorgeous.

It reflects our oral health, but, if our gums tend to look purple or dark, then somehow we become conscious of our appearance. It gives an unpleasant look of our personality.

Gums turning black often alarm’s that something is wrong with us. What does it mean when your gums are black? It indicates a problem of unhealthy gums.

Black and dark gums not only make us feel embarrassed, if left untreated, can lead to more oral problems.

Are you having sleepless nights by thinking of your problem on how to get rid of black gums?

Have courage, because you are not alone going through this suffering, but many others are too facing it.

Stop fearing about your looks now, have hope because this article will help you find out natural ways on how to treat black gums?

Let’s discover completely about dark gums and its way out in detail.

Gum Disease Symptoms

Gum disease, also identified as ‘Gingivitis’, is a common disorder characterized by signs like bleeding gums, receding gums and loosing teeth, red or swollen gums, pain while chewing, teeth sensitivity and persistent bad breath.

It is very important to treat black gums, otherwise it can lead to later stage of gum disease called pyorrhea (Periodontitis), in which bones, and gums becomes swollen and infected.

In this stage, people start losing their teeth also. If your gums are already at advanced stage, then consult a dentist immediately.

Why are my gums black? Find out the causes of having black gums.

Causes of Dark Gums

Some of the causes of having black gums are:

  • Gingivitis
  • Smoking, intake of tobacco products and illegal drugs
  • Stress
  • Hereditary
  • Improper oral care
  • Poor and imbalanced diet
  • Teeth extraction, filling or dentures
  • Deposition of Melanin on gum surface
  • Production of plaque or tartar
  • Certain medications and health problems (like HIV Aids, Addison’s disease, Peutz Jeghers disease, Von Recklinghausen disease, etc.)

It is also found that people who travels under the sun and are in field jobs, get more prone in developing dark gums.

Black complexion people naturally get dark gums on the surface of teeth, but at the bottom they do have pink gums.

Treatment for Black Gums

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the condition.

If you are suffering with gum infections or Addison’s disease then you have to take treatment with medication.

How to get rid of purple gums? Try some of our best home remedies with the ingredients you have in your kitchen, to treat your black gums, which will help you on how to get your gums pink.

Along with these remedies, you just need to have a healthy diet, and proper oral hygiene.

Natural Remedies to Get Rid of the Black or Dark Gums

1. Oil Pulling

It’s a very old and famous method on how to make gums pink again. This technique helps in eliminating oral diseases and avoids forming cavities in your mouth. Anti-bacterial nature of coconut oil also helps in removing toxins from the mouth.


  • Take 1-2 tsp of coconut oil in your mouth.
  • It is always best to use virgin coconut oil. You can also use sesame oil.
  • Keep this oil for at least 20 minutes.
  • Pulling oil is same like gargling with mouth wash.
  • How to get pink gums? Repeat the same process for few days.

This method kills germs and let you get rid of bad breath. It’s also a perfect treatment for various types of gum disorders.

More: How to Make Homemade Toothpaste

2. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus essential oil is very powerful in killing germs (1), and reducing gum diseases, and tooth decay from the mouth due to its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. It provides you relief from gum swelling as well.


  • Take 5-8 drops of eucalyptus oil, and dilute in water.
  • You can also dilute with sesame, or coconut oil.
  • Mix well, and use this oil to massage your gums.
  • After massaging for few minutes, leave this oil for some time.
  • Leaving oil promotes tissue growth.
  • Now rinse your mouth with water.
  • Continue this remedy daily 2 times a day for few weeks or until your problem persists.

3. Green Tea

Being rich in anti-oxidants green tea is very beneficial in treating various diseases, and beauty problems. It is very useful in reducing dark gums, as it clears all the impurities, and bacteria from mouth.


  • Drink green tea 2-3 times a day.
  • Make a habit of drinking green tea regularly to have healthy pink gums.

Green tea reduces gum inflammation and makes it healthy. It also helps in making your teeth stronger.

More: Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea

4. Lemon Oil

Lemon oil helps you to get rid of bacterial infection due to its anti-bacterial nature. It cleanses teeth and gums efficiently. It is also a good source of anti-septic properties which replace the damaged tissues by building new ones.


  • Take a fresh lemon and extract its juice.
  • Dilute with few drops of olive oil and stir well.
  • Let it sit for 1-2 weeks to prepare lemon oil
  • Use this oil as a mouthwash to wash your mouth daily in the morning.
  • It is a very effective remedy to get rid of black gums.
  • It will also help to clean food particles stuck between the teeth.

Note: It is not recommended to use lemon oil directly for oral care, as it may corrode your enamel.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is enriched with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which avoid receding gums. It also helps in killing microbes, thus cures infection of gums.


  • Take out aloe vera gel from fresh aloe leaf.
  • Place this gel on your teeth and gums.
  • Brush your teeth, and massage your gums with this gel.
  • Do it for 5-10 minutes, and rinse it with water.
  • Repeat this 2-3 times a week to prevent receding gums, and to heal infections.

6. Sage Leaves

Sage leaves are another incredible remedy which works wonderfully in clearing mucus membrane of the gums. It protects and promotes healthy teeth and gums. This will guarantee to give you shiny and healthy pink gums.


  • Take fresh sage leaves and extract its juice.
  • Or you can prepare a decoction, by boiling its leaves in water for at least 15 minutes.
  • Sieve it when it cools down completely.
  • Apply this decoction, or juice directly on your teeth and gums, and leave it for few minutes.
  • Rinse the mouth with water.
  • Repeat this method for improved gums.
  • You can also drink sage tea regularly.

7. Clove

Clove is anti-septic in nature (2). It also contains anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties which help in improving oral hygiene.

It increases the growth of tissues and repairs the damaged ones. Clove oil is very effective in abscessed tooth treatment.


  • Take 5-10 drops of clove oil, and spread it all over your gums.
  • Massage your teeth and gums gently for few minutes.
  • Leave it for 15-20 minutes, and rinse off your mouth with water.
  • Clove oil is very effective in easing teeth and gums pain.
  • Repeat this process often to get rid of purple gums.

8. Rose Vinegar

Rose vinegar is very useful in making the gums strong, healthy, and pink.


  • Take few rose petals, and soak it in red wine vinegar.
  • Let it sit for a week, and then, sieve it with the help of a thin cloth.
  • Then, mix 1 tbsp. of rose vinegar in a cup of warm water.
  • Mix well, and use this solution to wash your mouth daily.
  • With this remedy, quickly you will find your gums returning to its natural pink color.

9. Sea Salt and Coconut Oil

Sea salt is very efficient in getting whiter teeth and healthy gums. Salt keeps all the gum diseases away, and provides you with better looking gums.

It is also very powerful to stop the pain associated with gums and teeth.

Both sea salt and coconut oil has great anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-microbial, and anti-inflammatory properties which minimizes every gum problems.


  • Take 2 tbsps of sea salt, and mix it with 1 tbsp. of coconut oil.
  • With the help of your index finger, spread it all over your gums.
  • Let it sit for 10-20 minutes, and then rinse it with warm water.
  • It reduces inflammation in your gums.
  • Do this once daily and every use of this will make your gums lighter.

10. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains powerful antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties (3) which prevents receding gums and damaged roots.

It benefits by reducing plaques on teeth, clear the germs, and avoids darkening of gums.


  • Take few drops of tea tree oil, and dilute it in water.
  • Stir well, and use this oil to gargle your mouth.
  • Repeat this daily to get rid of dark gums.

Note: Do not use tea tree oil directly on your skin, as it will cause irritation and burning. Always dilute before applying.

Tips and Precautions to Avoid Dark Gums

Following these tips and precautions below will help you to maintain oral hygiene, and have healthy pink gums.

  1. Clean your mouth daily using antibacterial mouth wash. Avoid mouthwashes containing alcohol as it dries up your skin. Use mouthwashes before brushing, or after 1 hour of brushing to get good results.
  2. Brush properly once in morning, and once before going to bed daily.
  3. Choose right toothpaste and toothbrush. Always use soft bristles toothbrush, and switch to new toothbrush once in 2 months.
  4. Floss regularly to have healthy teeth and gums. It removes food particles easily which is difficult to remove from brushing.
  5. Reduce alcohol, aerated drinks, and caffeine, as it contains high phosphorus content which diminishes calcium level, and stimulates tooth and gum decay.
  6. Avoid tobacco as it destroys your teeth and gums. Chewing tobacco also leads to oral cancer, and lungs cancer.
  7. Smoking makes your gums darker and leads to other diseases. Quit smoking, or at least reduce it to its maximum.
  8. Have regular checkups with your dentist to avoid any gum problems. Go for regular clean ups too.
  9. Eat healthy foods which contain vitamins, iron, calcium, and minerals. As, it will keep your teeth and gums healthy and pink.
  10. Stress is one of the causes of dark gums, so avoid stress by doing exercises, yoga and taking good rest.
  11. Include zinc and potassium in your diet. Consume lot of vitamin C to keep your immune system healthy.
  12. You can take Septilin, an ayurvedic medicine which will help to boost your immunity and fight gum infections. It also helps in reducing inflammation.
  13. Taking 300mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily for 12 weeks helps in reducing gum bleeding. Researches states that in some individuals it may prevent chronic periodontitis.
  14. Eating gooseberry (amla) or taking its pills helps in building dental health.
  15. Oxygen therapy is advised in chronic cases of black gums, which help in making pink gums.
  16. You can follow other useful natural remedies, like using sumac tree (tooth brush by removing the outer bark of the twigs), myrrh (as tooth powder), yarrow, (take its flowers or leaves and rub on your teeth) to prevent dark or purple gums.
  17. Black tea helps in healing swelling and inflammation of the gums. Boil water and dip a black tea bag, and when it cools down, use it over your gums and massage for few minutes. You can also drink black tea. Both will help in treating black gums.

Do try these home remedies, and follow additional tips to get great and swift results. But, even after trying these methods for a week you don’t find relief and your problem increases, then stop it and immediately consult a doctor.

We would love to hear your testimonies after trying these home remedies for treating your black gums. Do share it in the box below.

Amber Rose:
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