How to Get Rid of Warts on Hands and Fingers

How to Get Rid of Warts on Hands and Fingers

Though warts can appear anywhere on your skin, yet; they get more bothersome when they are seen on hands. This is in the sense that, it can become a reason for your embarrassment, more so during social situations. So, what can be done about this?

This write-up is going to give the answer for that! You will now read on how to get rid of warts on hands and fingers depending on natural remedies. Once you are equipped with this knowledge, it won’t be too long before the irritating growths on skin (Warts) completely vanish!

What Causes Warts?

Prior to moving on to home remedies, it will be appropriate to have a basic understanding on cause of warts. When the HPV (human papillomavirus) finds its way into your body, through a minor wound, you go on to develop wart/s. In some instances, they can appear in groups, as well.

How to Get Rid of Warts on Hands and Fingers– Natural Remedies

It goes without saying that this section of the article is of utmost importance! For, it is here that you shall obtain crucial information regarding getting rid of warts on hands and fingers, with home remedies. The problem is now an easy-to-solve one for you, thanks to these natural methods!

1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

The acidic property of ACV makes it a wonderful response to the matter of how to get rid of warts on fingers and hands. Just try the awesome cure immediately!

Things you need:

  • Apple cider vinegar- ¼ cup
  • Cotton ball- 1
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ¼ cup of ACV.
  2. Now take 1 cotton ball and immerse it in the vinegar.
  3. Squeeze it to remove extra ACV in it.
  4. Put the cotton ball over the site having wart/s, at bedtime.
  5. Close it tightly with a bandage
  6. Allow that to be undisturbed for the whole night.
  7. Early next day, take away the cotton ball and bandage.
  8. Repeat every night until needed.

2. Basil Leaf

Your search in the direction of how to remove warts on hands and fingers will obviously provide you many options. And, a basil leaf is one of those! The powerful antimicrobial effects of the substance will do the job for you.

Things you need:

  • Basil leaf- 1
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 basil leaf and crush it.
  2. Put the crushed leaf on the affected area.
  3. Close that using 1 bandage.
  4. Let that be as it is for 4-5 hours.
  5. Follow the process 1 time every day.

3. Banana Peel

Very soon, you will notice the complete disappearance of warts! This is because; you will now begin using a super remedy for the condition, banana peel, which comes loaded with enzymes that successfully combat warts. Go for it now!

Things you need:

  • Banana peel- 1
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 banana peel.
  2. Put it on impacted site just before going to sleep in the night.
  3. Make sure that the peel’s inner part touches the warts.
  4. Then take 1 bandage and cover the peel with it.
  5. Do not disturb that overnight.
  6. Use the method daily night to understand how to get rid of a wart on your hand.

4. Honey

Honey is one more reliable cure for the issue that you must not miss! Being an antimicrobial substance, honey will be extremely useful to eliminate warts on fingers and hands. You will simply be amazed with the positive outcome of using this remedy!

Things you need:

  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of honey.
  2. Gently put it over wart.
  3. Use 1 bandage to close the region having wart.
  4. Let that be as it is for many hours.
  5. Follow the treatment once every day.

5. Garlic

Undoubtedly, garlic is among the top natural remedies telling you about how to how to get rid of hand warts. Allicin, which is the primary element in garlic, guarantees you of wart removal and in fact, shows you the result within 48 hours! Is this not great?

Things you need:

  • Garlic cloves- 2
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 2 garlic cloves and crush them.
  2. Put the crushed garlic on the area with warts.
  3. Take a bandage and close the warts.
  4. Leave it like that for around 2 hours.
  5. Remove bandage and wash the skin using clean water.
  6. Use the method 1 time daily.

6. Birch Bark Powder

You can safely rely on the strong anti-inflammatory property of birch bark powder, to overcome the issue on hand!

Things you need:

  • Birch bark powder- 1 tsp
  • Water- 1 cup
  • Cloth- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 cup of water and boil it.
  2. Put 1 tsp of birch bark powder in the water.
  3. Steep it for roughly 7 minutes.
  4. Wait for the water to cool down a little.
  5. Take 1 cloth and soak it in this water.
  6. Then compress it over the warts.
  7. Keep that pressed for 15 minutes.
  8. Repeat once in 24 hours for getting rid of warts on hands.

7. Pineapple Juice

Owing to the fact that pineapple juice is acidic, it is a lovely remedy for finger warts. Also, the juice is comprised of an enzyme that directly makes the warts to fall off.

Things you need:

Pineapple juice- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 glass of pineapple juice.
  2. Now just immerse the finger with warts in the glass.
  3. Allow the finger to be in the glass for 5 minutes.
  4. Follow that 3 times every day.

8. Baking Soda and White Vinegar

Baking soda not just beats inflammation, but also works as an antiseptic. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the soda is a wonderful cure for warts on fingers and hands. You just have to trust the efficacy of this substance and, it will take care of the rest!

Things you need:

  • Baking soda- 1 tsp
  • White vinegar- 1 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of baking soda and 1 tsp of white vinegar.
  2. Mix both the ingredients till you notice a paste-like consistency.
  3. Put it over the site with wart/s.
  4. Repeat 2 times daily to know how to get rid of finger warts.

9. Aloe Vera

Here there is another dependable remedy for you, aloe vera gel. The anti-inflammatory effects of the gel will work wonders for you! When how to get rid of warts on hands fast is your primary concern, this is a remedy that you should not ignore!

Things you need:

  • Aloe vera gel- 1 tsp
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of aloe vera gel.
  2. Spread the gel on the warts.
  3. Take 1 bandage and enclose the affected site with it.
  4. Follow the method 2 times every day.

10. Tea Tree Oil

The topic of how to get rid of warts on hands naturally will be left incomplete, if it omits details on tea tree oil. That is not an exaggeration.

The antiviral tea tree oil includes a crucial element, erpinen-4, which specifically kills the human papillomavirus. With this remedy, you will become free of warts, sooner than your anticipation!

Things you need:

  • Tea tree oil- ¼ tsp
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ¼ tsp of tea tree oil.
  2. Put the oil over the region with warts at bedtime.
  3. Cover it using a bandage.
  4. Leave that without disturbing for the night.
  5. Early the next morning, rinse the area using clean water.
  6. Use the remedy accordingly, every night.

11. Oregano Oil

Oregano oil is one of the best natural remedies for the finger and hand warts, as it is packed with powerful anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

Things you need:

  • Oregano oil- ½ tsp
  • Olive oil- ½ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ½ tsp each of oregano oil and olive oil.
  2. Mix the 2 oils together.
  3. Spread the blend on warts.
  4. Allow it to dry down naturally.
  5. Repeat 4-5 times daily.

12. The Duct Tape Treatment

Notwithstanding that this treatment might appear strange to you, yet; it is a fact that duct tape indeed removes warts! As a matter of fact, there is no dearth for people who vouch for the effectiveness of the method!

Things you need:

  • Duct tape- 1
  • Pumice stone- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 duct tape.
  2. Cut a small part from the tape enough to cover the wart/s.
  3. Now firmly stick the tape on the hand/finger warts.
  4. Let it be like that for 6 days.
  5. Then take away the tape.
  6. Wash the skin with clean water.
  7. Take 1 pumice stone and gently rub over the area of warts.
  8. Follow step 6 and 7 after 24 hours to make the warts drop off.

13. Milkweed

Relax! You are now going to read about a highly trusted remedy showing you how to get rid of warts on hand/fingers. It is milkweed sap, which has been used as a cure for this issue since many centuries.

Things you need:

  • Milkweed leaf- 1
  • Pumice stone- 1
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 pumice stone.
  2. Slowly rub it over the warts.
  3. Take 1 milkweed leaf.
  4. Squeeze lower part of the leaf’s stem and the sap will come out.
  5. Now spread the sap on skin and use 1 bandage to close that.
  6. Use the treatment 1 time daily.

14. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids, which have the ability to kill many microorganisms, including the HPV.

Things you need:

Coconut oil- 1 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp coconut oil and heat it a bit.
  2. Rub it over the impacted area for 5 minutes.
  3. Wait for the oil to dry down, on its own.
  4. Repeat 2 times daily.

15. Castor Oil

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory castor oil is extremely helpful for getting rid of warts on hands. With this oil around, there won’t be delay for you in experiencing the much-needed relief!

Things you need:

  • Castor oil- ½ tsp
  • Cotton ball- 1
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ½ tsp of castor oil.
  2. Now take 1 cotton ball and soak it in the oil.
  3. Put the cotton ball on the warts before going to sleep in night.
  4. Keep it pressed with a bandage.
  5. Ensure that it remains undisturbed during nighttime.
  6. In morning, slowly take away the cotton ball and bandage.
  7. Take 1 pumice stone and rub it over the skin (having warts).
  8. Follow this pattern every night.

16. Turmeric

The antiviral effect of turmeric is what that makes it an excellent cure for the condition. Count upon turmeric and you will not be disappointed!

Things you need:

  • Turmeric- 1 tsp
  • Water- ½ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of turmeric.
  2. Add ½ tsp of water in it.
  3. Mix them properly until you get a paste.
  4. Apply that over warts.
  5. Wait for roughly half-hour.
  6. Wash it off.
  7. Use the cure 2 times daily.

17. Neem Oil

Rest assured of getting the matter resolved in a fairly short span, with the capability of neem oil to combat many types of microbes.

Things you need:

  • Neem oil- ¼ tsp
  • Bandage- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ¼ tsp of neem oil.
  2. Put it over the problematic area.
  3. Close using a bandage.
  4. Repeat once daily to see how to get rid of warts on fingers.
  5. Here, you also have the option of using clove oil, in place of neem oil.

18. Potato

Potato is a potent remedy that eliminates the human papillomavirus, by subjecting it to dehydration. This, in turn, will redeem you of the warts on fingers and hands. Just give the humble vegetable a chance and, it will not let you down.

Things you need:

Raw potato – 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 raw potato.
  2. Cut it into two equal halves.
  3. Take one of those parts and rub it over the warts.
  4. Continue doing so for 5 minutes.
  5. Follow that 3-4 times daily.

19. Thyme Oil

How to get rid of hand warts is now a very simple thing, for you are about to start using thyme oil! Well, scientific experiments have proved beyond doubt that, this oil destroys HPV! So what for you are waiting? Give it a try!

Things you need:

  • Thyme oil- ¼ tsp
  • Carrier oil- ¼ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. First, wash the warts using lukewarm water.
  2. Take ¼ tsp each of thyme oil and carrier oil.
  3. You can go with any carrier oil of your choice.
  4. Combine both these oils.
  5. Put the blend of oils on the growths (warts).
  6. Wait for it to become dry.
  7. Use the method 1 time every day.

20. Hydrogen Peroxide

When an ingredient has both antimicrobial and also astringent properties, it becomes a very strong remedy for treating warts. And, this precisely is what hydrogen peroxide is! The moment you begin to use this cure, you can consider that the warts have already fallen off!

Things you need:

  • 35 % Hydrogen peroxide- ½ tsp
  • Cotton swab- 1
  • Pumice stone- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 pumice stone.
  2. Slowly rub it over the wart on hand.
  3. Now take ½ tsp of 35% hydrogen peroxide.
  4. Take 1 cotton swab and soak it in hydrogen peroxide.
  5. Gently put the swab on wart and rub it a little.
  6. Exercise caution; do not press it hard.
  7. Follow it 3 times daily.

21. Raw Papaya

Do you intend to fully know about how to get rid of finger warts, with home remedies? If yes, then you have to consider raw papaya. The highly powerful proteolytic enzyme that is obtained from the fruit eliminates warts in no time! You will be pleasantly surprised with the end result!

Things you need:

  • Raw papaya- 1
  • Water- ½ cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 raw papaya.
  2. Then gather its milky sap.
  3. Put the sap in ½ cup of water.
  4. Mix properly.
  5. Spread it over the warts.
  6. Repeat that twice daily.

Additional Tips

Here, you are advised to make note of a vital aspect. For the subject of how to get rid of warts on hands and fingers, the points to be highlighted in this segment are as relevant as the above remedies.

  • Get a dandelion, take out the sap from it and, just put it over the warts. Repeat 1 time each day for getting rid of warts on hands/fingers.
  • Applying citric acid on the impacted zone of hand/finger is one more trusted cure for the issue.
  • Make it a point that your staple diet is comprised of foods that provide your body with plenty of vitamins and other nutrients. This is pivotal from both the preventive as well as curative angles.
  • Please do not touch the affected region nor should you try to directly pick the warts.
  • In case you happen to touch them, make it a priority to immediately rinse the hands.
  • Keep in mind that warts can be transmitted from one person to another.
  • The significance of personal hygiene, in this regard, can never be overstated.
  • While using public showers, never forget to wear the slippers.
  • Remember, scratching will just worsen things for you, in that the virus can then extend to other regions of body.
  • If the problem you are having is finger wart, then do not bite the nails.
  • While having bath, use a waterproof band-aid to keep the wart/s closed.

You are now thoroughly informed on how to get rid of warts on hands and fingers, with natural treatments. Just start to use any of the remedies and you will soon notice the positive difference. Please send across a few lines about how this article has helped you.

Shruti Menon:
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