Miraculous Remedies for Treating Pleurisy At Home

Miraculous Remedies for Treating Pleurisy At Home

Pleurisy is no longer a rare disease, now a day’s many people are suffering from this awful disease. Patients with respiratory illnesses have a high danger of building pleurisy.

Besides, the danger of creating entanglements of pleurisy will likewise grow with age and with other therapeutic conditions, for example, diabetes, unending bronchitis, emphysema, coronary illness, and collagen sicknesses in the vein. This condition can make you feel uncomfortable and restless.

What Is Pleurisy?

The inflammation that happens in the pleura membrane of lungs and chest is known as Pleurisy. In fact, pleurisy is categorized into two types, dry pleurisy and wet pleurisy.

Dry pleurisy is an ailment, where swollen pleurae create friction directly against each other whereas; wet pleurisy is caused, when the fluid oozes from the inflamed tissue into the gap between lungs and chest cavity.

This results in suffocated lungs and chest pain, especially when you breathe.

You might be thinking how to get rid of pleurisy? Well, in this article you will find various home remedies for pleurisy, which will help you to get rid of your problem, but before that let’s look into the symptoms of pleurisy and what causes it, so that you can treat them effectively.

Symptoms of Pleurisy

The most common signs of pleurisy are:

  • Cough and fever in rare cases
  • Increase in chest pain while breathing, sneezing, or coughing
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle and joint especially when you breathe
  • Chest pain on one side, or along with shoulder pain or back pain
  • Headache

It is always best to consult a doctor if you are experiencing any severe symptoms, or if your symptoms get worse after 3-4 days.

Cause of Pleurisy

Pleurisy might be because of bacterial disease, or might be because of medicinal methods that stimulate the pleura. Some of the causes for pleurisy include:

  • Bacterial infection, or pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Viral infection, or, flu (influenza)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Fungal infections
  • Rheumatoid joint inflammation
  • Rib fractures
  • Lung cancer near pleural surface

Complications in heart surgery, immune system disorders, certain medications, or inherited diseases can also cause pleurisy.

How to treat pleurisy? There are various treatments for pleurisy, one is treating medically, and the other is home remedies for pleurisy treatment at home. But, it is always better to check with a doctor before trying any of the remedies.

Home Remedies for Pleurisy

1. Ginger

One of the top pleurisy treatments at home is ginger. It is widely known herb from ages, and used to treat most of the respiratory and heart diseases, along with pleurisy and other sickness like indigestion, ulcer, fungal infection, cancer, diabetes etc.

Ginger is a storehouse of many important nutrients, and works as a potent antioxidants and anti-inflammation. It helps to thin the fluid, and treat the breathing difficulty due to congestion.

Process: Ginger Juice

  • Take 2 inches of raw ginger, and peel its skin.
  • Clean it thoroughly with water.
  • Crush the ginger, and put them in 2 cups of boiling water.
  • Steep for 10 minutes, or till the amount is reduced to half.
  • Allow it to cool a bit, and then sieve the juice.
  • Drink this juice 2-3 times a day.
  • You can also add 1 tsp of honey, or pinch of salt to enhance the taste.

Process: Ginger Tea

  • Or, you can prepare a ginger tea, by using a ginger flavor tea bag.
  • Add few drops of lemon, and 1tsp of honey to enhance the taste.
  • Sip it slowly, and drink several times during the day.

Ginger is one of the least economical home remedy, which you must try for pleurisy treatment.

2. Basil

Basil is one of the wonderful herbs which you must have in your kitchen. It aids in treating and preventing various diseases, like cold and cough, sore throat, headache and stomache, skin ailments, lung pleurisy, and all types of respiratory disorders.

Basil is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can make the pleura mucus dry, and assist in relieving the pleurisy symptoms.

Process: 1

  • Take 5-8 fresh basil leaves, and wash it with water.
  • You can chew these leaves directly on an empty stomach, or anytime in the evening.
  • How to get rid of pleurisy fast. Continue this method for several weeks.

Process: 2 Basil Tea

  • Take few fresh basil leaves, and clean them with water.
  • You can also take dried basil leaves.
  • Boil 1 cup of water, and add basil leaves in it.
  • Allow it to boil for about 10 minutes.
  • Sieve the tea, and drink it warm.
  • You can also add 1 tsp honey, or jaggery to sweeten the taste.

3. Black Seed Oil

Black seeds are commonly known as black cumin. This oil is mostly used in cooking, but it is one of the miraculous home remedy to treat pleurisy.

How to ease pleurisy pains. Researchers suggest that black seed oil is loaded with anti-spasmodic, painkilling, and disinfectant properties (1), which can help to increase your immunity, reduce inflammation and pain.

Apart from curing pleurisy, it can cure other ailments like, skin problems, rheumatoid arthritis, high cholesterol, and blood pressure as well.

Process 1: For Massage

  • Take some pure black seed oil in your palm.
  • Rub your palms to heat the oil.
  • Apply this oil on your chest, and gently massage for few minutes.
  • For best result: Apply this oil 2 times a day.

Process: 2 Vapor-inhaling Method

  • Take 1 tbsp of black seed oil, and mix it in the boiling water.
  • Start breathing the vapor of black seed oil.
  • Inhale the vapor deeply, and then exhale for about 10 minutes.
  • Repeat this method frequently till you see the progress.
  • This process helps to relieve from the symptoms of pleurisy.

It is best to add 1-2 tbsp of black seed oil into your meal every day.

Note: Pregnant women should consult their gynecologist before taking black seed oil.

4. Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flower is a powerhouse of medicinal properties (2). It is also known as shoe flower, which has wonderful anti-inflammatory properties to fight infection and inflammation in the body. Plus, it increases the immune system, and assist in regulating the blood pressure and cholesterol.


  • Choose 4 to 5 fresh Hibiscus flowers, and remove its stamen.
  • Wash the flowers, and grind them to make a paste.
  • Now, add 3 tsp of organic honey, and mix it in the paste.
  • Consume this paste, and continue following this remedy for 4-6 weeks.
  • This will provide relief from discomfort associated with pleurisy.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar

It is very easy to find a bottle of apple cider vinegar in every kitchen. It is not just used for culinary purposes, but is very effective in treating diseases like asthma, migraines, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, diabetes, allergies, blood pressure, and lung pleurisy.

ACV contains disinfectant and anti-swelling properties, which can help in balancing the PH level in your body, which further aids in fighting against the infection in lungs.


  • Take 1 tbsp of organic apple cider vinegar, and mix it in a glass of water.
  • Drink this empty stomach daily, till you see a progress in your condition.
  • To enhance the taste, you can add 1 tbsp of honey in it.

6. Hogweed

Hogweed seeds are mostly used for cooking purpose. Many researches have recently discovered hogweed plants benefits for human health.

It has been proved the most effective remedy for curing pleurisy, not only that it has been proven to cure heart attack, cancer, fungal infection, and liver diseases.

Plus, hogweed is full of vitamin C, and other beneficial properties (3). It also acts as a disinfectant, which helps to remove phlegm and catarrhal issues from the bronchial tubes successfully.

Process: 1 Hogweed Root Powder

  • Take some fresh hogweed roots, and wash them.
  • Keep the roots to dry naturally for 2-3 days, or you can dry them in a microwave.
  • Grind the roots into powder.
  • Mix this powder with a cup of hot water.
  • Add 1 tsp of honey or jaggery to enhance the taste.
  • Consume this paste 3 times a day for few days, till you find relief from pleurisy.

Process: 2 Hogweed Soup

  • Take some clean hogweed roots, and few garlic leaves.
  • Chop the roots into small pieces.
  • Heat a pan with 1 glass of water, and add the chopped roots and garlic leaves to it.
  • Add a pinch of salt. (optional)
  • Cook this soup for 10-15 minutes.
  • Use a blender to blend the mixture smoothly.
  • Drink this hot soup daily for few days.

7. Turmeric

It is a famous spice with many health benefits, which is not only good for treating pleurisy, but can heal other disease such as, liver disease, diabetes, and can prevent cancer and arthritis. It also helps to increase immunity levels.

Turmeric contains anti-inflammatory and pain reliving properties, which alleviates pleural inflammation and pain.


  • Take 7 to 10 fresh turmeric roots, and wash them.
  • Put them in a pan of boiling water.
  • Boil this water for about 45-50 minutes.
  • Allow the water to cool down.
  • Then remove the turmeric bulb, and chop them into small pieces.
  • Allow the turmeric to sun dry for 2-3 days.
  • Then, grind them well, and strain them carefully.
  • Store this turmeric powder in a sealed container.
  • Drink turmeric water daily, by adding 2 tsp of turmeric powder in a cup of warm water.
  • You can also add some honey for a better taste.
  • Add this turmeric powder in your daily cooking.

8. Fenugreek Leaves

Fenugreek leaves is another effective remedy for pleurisy. It is loaded with healing properties and contains vitamin C which boosts immunity.

These leaves are safe to use, and can be added while cooking. It does not have any side effects.


  • Take handful of fenugreek leaves, and clean them with water.
  • Immerse these leaves in 1 liter of boiling water.
  • Keep it for at least 10 minutes, and allow it to cool down.
  • If you want you can add 2-3 tbsp of honey.
  • Keep this solution in the fridge, and drink 1 cup daily.

9. Celery

Celery is often eaten raw, or cooked without even knowing its health benefits. It is very beneficial in treating high blood pressure, cold and flu, muscle spasms, heart disease and lung pleurisy.

It is loaded with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammation properties; and is also a rich source of vitamins and minerals.

Besides that, it also contains anti-spasmodic properties which alleviate the stabbing pains caused by lung pleurisy.

Celery can be consumed raw or the best way to have it is making celery salad. Below is the recipe of making a celery salad.

Process: Celery salad

  • Take some fresh celery leaves, and wash it thoroughly.
  • Chop the celery leaves finely.
  • Squeeze some fresh lime juice and add in the leaves.
  • Keep the leaves in the fridge for few minutes.
  • Now, dress this salad by taking 1 tbsp of lemon juice, 1 cup of olive oil or you can use black seed oil for the same.
  • Also, add 1-2 tsp of celery seed, and mix all the above ingredients.
  • Now remove celery from the fridge, and mix it with this dressing.
  • You can even garnish some roasted nuts of your choice, and enjoy the salad anytime during a day.

Prevention and Basic Care During Pleurisy

Here are some additional ways, which may help decrease the pain and treat the side effects of lung pleurisy. Try to follow them:

  • Take a warm Epsom salt bath, as it eases pain of pleurisy.
  • Try not to inhale profoundly.
  • Take a sunbath by lying with an infected side on front, for about 30-60 minutes daily.
  • Keep away from painkillers, like ibuprofen and headache medicine.
  • Keep away from liquor, soaked and trans fat oils and sugar.
  • Eat entire grain items, rather than eating refined grains like French fries, white rice, white bread, and so on.
  • Eat extensive measure of natural products, fruits, vegetables, and nuts.
  • Include dates, figs, pineapple, beetroot, carrot, onions, eggs, and milk in your daily diet as these foods help to treat pleurisy.
  • Avoid eating spicy and cold food.
  • Eat plenty of foods that contain vitamin A and C.
  • Use humidifier in your room while sleeping, as it helps to treat lung pleurisy.
  • Don’t forget to drink 8-12 glasses of water every day.
  • Do exercises daily, but avoid strenuous exercises.
  • Consume selenium rich foods, such as Brazil nuts, bananas, chicken, ham, beef, fish, brown rice, baked beans, cashews, oatmeal etc., as selenium deficiency can also cause pleurisy.
  • You can drink various herbal teas, like green tea, clove tea, sage tea, fennel tea, peppermint tea, rosemary tea, hyssop tea, or eucalyptus tea to clear the congestion and cough due to pleurisy.

Hope the information provided in this article was helpful to treat pleurisy. Never left pleurisy condition untreated. If your condition doesn’t improve, even after trying all these natural ways for treating pleurisy, then do check with a doctor.

Amber Rose:
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