Sleeping in Best Direction is Good for Your Health and Well-being

best sleeping directions

Every individual require adequate amount of sleep to function properly. Lack of sleep or poor sleep often causes anxiety and stress.

You will be able to focus on your work or studies only if you are sleeping well that too in correct direction.

Have you ever thought sleeping positions can play a significant role in your life?

According to research, there are best directions to sleep scientifically. If your sleeping direction is not right, then sooner or later, you can face lots of mental and physical complications. Proper sleep direction also increases blood circulation in your body.

If you are sleeping towards the east direction, you must have your head in order to get a peaceful sleep.

Another good sleeping position will be putting your head towards the west. Keeping head in that position supplies positive energy to your body and you wake up fresh.

Let us discuss proper sleeping positions in detail about which direction to sleep scientifically, and which one to avoid.

Proper Sleeping Positions

1.Back Sleeping Position with a Pillow Under your Knees

Which direction should i sleep? If you are suffering from severe back and neck pain then this position is suitable for you. Sleeping in this position will reduce your pain. Using a pillow underneath your knees helps in alignment of your spine and inner organs.


  • Lie down flat on your back.
  • Keep a pillow under your knees, and let your spine be neutral.
  • Put pillow beneath your knees, as it helps in supporting curve in your lower back.
  • Or you may take a small towel, roll, and use it under your back for proper back support.
  • Sleeping on your back reduces the pressure on your spine, and helps your body weight to be distributed evenly.

2.Side Sleeping in the Fetal Position

Which direction should you sleep, if you have a herniated disc? Sleep on your side curled in a fetal position if you’re suffering from disc herniation.

This problem occurs when a part of disc comes out from its normal position. It causes lot of pain in nerves and weakness.

When you curl yourself in a fetal position, is best direction to sleep because you open the space between the vertebrae.


  • Lie down on your back and flip on one side.
  • Fold your knees towards your chest, and bend your upper body towards your knees.
  • Switch sides while sleeping to avoid any imbalances.
  • Never change position quickly, as it may cause spasm or other problem. Always do it gently.

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3. Side Sleeping Position with a Pillow between your Knees.

Sleeping on side will only help you if you’re using a pillow in between your knees. This position helps for better alignment of hips, pelvis, and spine. Always choose a firm pillow for this position.


  • Lie down on your back and turn to left or right side.
  • Allow one side of your shoulder with rest of your body, to touch the mattress.
  • Now, put a firm pillow, or rolled towel between your knees.
  • If you still find a gap between your waist and mattress, then try adding a smaller pillow for extra support.

Note: Even if you use a pillow, avoid sleeping only on one side as it may cause muscle imbalance and scoliosis.

4. Sleeping on Stomach with a Pillow Under your Abdomen

Which direction to sleep if you have a degenerative disc? Sleeping on stomach with a pillow underneath will help you to relieve stress from intervertebral disc breakdown.

Usually, people say sleeping on your stomach is not good, as it stresses your neck, and causes it to pain. To some extent it is true, but if you find comfort in this position, then you can sleep for some hours and then change the sleeping position.


  • Avoid lying down directly to your stomach.
  • First, lie down normally and then switch to this position.
  • Now, place a thin pillow under your pelvis and lower abdomen.
  • This position helps in relieving some of your back pressure.
  • Based on your comfort, try to choose a pillow under your head. It is better not to choose a pillow for your head for this position.

Note: This position is not advisable for pregnant women, or people with too much weight especially on their belly.

5. Back Sleeping in a Reclined Position

Sleeping on your back in a reclining way is good for people who are suffering from Isthmic spondylolisthesis disorder. It is a lumbar spinal condition, in which one vertebra slips over another vertebra.

Reclined position is comfortable for your back (1), as it forms an angle between your thighs and torso. It benefits by avoiding pressure on your spine.

Usually this position may not be good for back, as it is uncomfortable to sleep in a chair or a recliner, but it is best for people who are suffering with Isthmic spondylolisthesis condition.

If you don’t have a proper bed, then consider buying a comfortable bed, or a recliner for proper support and alignment.

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Why Sleeping Direction is Important?

Many people find sleeping direction irrelevant, or is not a matter of concern to them. But science has facts to tell you why sleeping direction matters.

Scientific Description

Scientists explain the reason why sleeping direction is important. You may be aware of the fact that earth has a magnetic pole, which expands from North to South Pole. South is believed to be a negative pole, where north is a positive pole.

Science considers that humans have inherent magnetic compass, where head is known as the positive pole and feet is a negative pole.

So, if you lay your head on north side, then two positive poles, being at the same side, will repel each other. That is why it has been said to avoid north direction because it makes difficult to get sleep.

Researches states that sleeping in an east-west direction makes shorter REM sleep cycle. Whereas sleeping in north-south position increases REM sleep cycle. Short REM sleep cycle affects our health.

Best Direction to Sleep

Now you may know that sleeping direction is so important. Let’s discover some of the best direction to sleep properly.

  • East

According to science, the best direction to sleep is resting your head in the east direction. Using this direction for sleeping will boost your memory, and improve your overall health. Children and students should definitely consider sleeping in this direction.

  • South

Sleeping with positioning your head in south is also good. Scientists believe that sleeping in this position make you feel, happy, positive, and fresh. Not only that, it also helps to get rid of stress and improves your ability to perform well in your job, or task.

Direction to Avoid for Sleep

  • North

As, discussed before that north direction is not good for your sleep. Sleeping in this direction results to insomnia or poor sleep.

It has been proved with people who chose north direction to sleep that they often complains about bad dreams and disturbed sleep.

Eventually, it makes you feel terrible, confused, and frustrated when you wake up in the morning.

Due to its negative effect, it also decreases your willpower and soul power. It results in poor blood circulation which affects your brain, and makes you suffer physically and mentally.

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Things You Should Notice and Avoid When Placing Your Bed

The best direction to rest is essential, so the position of your bed is. How you position your bed will likewise affect your general wellbeing.

You can really limit the hazard, by making little acclimations to the situation of your bed in your room. This will enable you to rest without dread, and you will wake up fresh.

Here are a couple of tips to outlook at the top of the priority list, while changing the situation of your bed:

  • Pick a firm or medium-solid pillow made with great quality innersprings or froth. Your pillow should support your head and neck, and should help the upper part of your spine.
  • Choose a firm mattress for your bedding, or you can place a memory foam mattress topper to improve your innerspring mattress.
  • Never put your bed in a way that you can glance through the open entryway.
  • Ensure that you don’t put your bed in a way that it obstructs a window.
  • Never put your bed specifically under a window, since this will result in disturbed sleep.
  • Avoid situating your bed towards entrance of your restroom.
  • Never sleep underneath a pillar or a light since it can make you sick.
  • Avoid using spring bed if you are suffering with back pain.
  • Make sure to change your pillow at regular intervals, almost every 18 months, because pillows still hold heaps of sensitivity triggers like form and residue parasites.
  • Better not to sleep on the floor with a mattress, instead you can use a thin mat.
  • By no means put your bed in front of open racks.

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Other Tips for Having a Good Sleep

Here are some different guidelines on how to improve your sleep during the nights and lessen your back agony:

  • Keep a sleeping schedule– Setting normal sleep times and wake times can enable your body to fall into a more regular dozing design. Expect to get around 8-9 long stretches of sleep every night.
  • Facing difficulty in a sleeping schedule? Try following a daily standard. Begin this routine around 30-60 minutes prior to your set sleep time. You can pick two relieving exercises, or yoga or you can choose to do some quiet hobbies, like reading a book or knitting, listen to some light music, all this assist you in getting a peaceful sleep.
  • Keep strenuous exercise for the morning or early evening hours-Doing anything excessively thorough before bed may raise your adrenaline levels and even your body temperature. These two variables make it significantly harder to sleep.
  • Avoid caffeinated drinks– Before going to bed avoid drinking tea or coffee, or other beverages containing caffeine as it makes you to stay awake, rather helping you to sleep.
Amber Rose:
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