How to Get Rid of Mucus in Throat

How to Get Rid of Mucus in Throat

Mucus, also called as phlegm, actually keeps the respiratory system protected, under normal course. But when you are unwell, the phlegm thickens and becomes sticky, causing lot of discomfort. Additionally, the thickened mucus becomes breeding ground for various microbes, not to mention that even pollutants and allergens get trapped in it.

It is here that phlegm has to be eliminated from within! This write-up is going to give full details about how to get rid of mucus in throat, naturally. By the time you finish reading, the issue of phlegm in throat will be a simple-to-resolve one! Go ahead to experience relief!

Symptoms of Mucus in Throat

Notwithstanding the fact that presence of excessive mucus in throat, by itself, is a symptom, it still is usually accompanied by few other signs. These are some of those:

  • Congestion in nose
  • Coughing out phlegm
  • Headache
  • Running nose
  • Difficulty in breathing

Throat Mucus Home Remedies

You are now going to read on how to get rid of mucus in throat with the help of natural remedies.

Getting redeemed of the problem is no longer a complicated matter for you! It is just the question of trusting the home remedies and when you do so, you will bring back the smile on your face! So, get into a relaxed mode and carefully note the key information.

1. Steam Inhalation

If you seek to get freedom from phlegm in throat, steam inhalation is one of the simplest natural methods available.

To be precise, you will breathe in steam of dried lavender herb, which comes with antibacterial effects. Also, ability of the herb in curing many issues of respiratory system is too well-known to necessitate special mention. Give it a try immediately!

Things you need:

  • Dried lavender herb- 2 tsp
  • Water- 1 bowl

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 bowl of water and boil it fully.
  2. Now put 2 tsp of dried lavender herb in the boiled water.
  3. Mix it well.
  4. Move your head closer to the bowl.
  5. Cover head using a towel.
  6. Inhale the steam for roughly 15 minutes.
  7. Repeat that 2 times daily.

2. Warm Compress

This is another easy-to-follow natural method to alleviate mucus in throat, warm compress. This apparently humble method goes a long way in lessening the severity of distress!

Things you need:

  • Water- 1 bowl
  • Towel- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 bowl of water.
  2. First boil the water and then allow it cool down just a bit.
  3. Then take 1 towel and soak it in this water.
  4. Gently squeeze the towel to remove excess water.
  5. Spread the towel on your face.
  6. Make sure that it covers the entire face.
  7. Let that be undisturbed for around 10 minutes.
  8. Follow the steps 2 times every day, until required.

3. Salt Water Gargle  

When quick relief is what that you are looking at, then salt water gargle is a treatment you should not ignore. In fact, this method soothes soreness of throat that has caused accumulation of mucus, as well.

Things you need:

  • Warm water- 1 cup
  • Salt- 1 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 cup of warm water. It must not be too hot.
  2. Now take 1 tsp of salt.
  3. Put the salt in warm water and stir it properly.
  4. Gargle with this salt water.
  5. Use the method 3-4 times per day to see how to get rid of phlegm in throat.

4. Honey

The antibacterial and antiseptic honey exercises a soothing effect on soreness of throat, by getting rid of phlegm. Choose this cure and, you will not regret your decision of having opted for it.

Things you need:

  • Honey- 1 tbsp
  • Warm water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tbsp of honey.
  2. Put it in 1 glass warm water.
  3. Mix well and drink it.
  4. Have this honey remedy 4 times daily.

5. Blend of Essential Oils

The blend of essential oils is among the most dependable natural remedies to cure excess mucus in throat. Eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil and tea tree oil, etc, are the ingredients of the remedy and, all these are strong antimicrobial substances. You will be awestruck with effectiveness of the home treatment!

Things you need:

  • Eucalyptus oil- ½ tsp
  • Peppermint oil- ½ tsp
  • Thyme oil- ½ tsp
  • Tea tree oil- ½ tsp
  • Chamomile oil- ½ tsp
  • Essential oil diffuser- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ½ tsp each of eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and thyme oil.
  2. Then take ½ tsp tea tree oil and ½ tsp chamomile oil.
  3. Mix all the oils together thoroughly.
  4. Add the mix to an essential oil diffuser.
  5. The diffuser should be able to run for the whole night.
  6. Switch it on just before bedtime and go to sleep.
  7. Follow the treatment every night to get rid of mucus in throat.

6. Lemon

It is indispensable that lemon has to be included in the top natural remedies that will heal mucus throat. The antibacterial lemon, along with the abundant amount of vitamin C in it, will come to your rescue! Want to know how to use it? Just read on!

Method 1- Mix of Lemon Juice and Honey

The mix of lemon juice and honey will improve things sooner than what you expect.

Things you need:

  • Lemon juice- 3 tsp
  • Honey- 1 tbsp
  • Warm water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 3 tsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of honey.
  2. Put both ingredients in 1 glass having warm water.
  3. Mix nicely.
  4. Directly consume the remedy.
  5. Repeat 4 times daily and you will understand how to clear mucus from throat.

Method 2- Lemon, Salt and Pepper

The combination of lemon, salt and pepper shall rapidly ease your discomfort.

Things you need:

  • Lemon- 1
  • Salt- ½ tsp
  • Pepper- ½ tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 lemon and cut it into 2 halves.
  2. Now take 1 of those parts and rub ½ tsp salt on it.
  3. Put ½ tsp of pepper on this lemon piece, too.
  4. Then directly suck in the juice from the piece.
  5. Follow the method 3 times daily.

7. Ginger

Apart from being an antibacterial substance, ginger also acts as an expectorant. Thus, there is nothing surprising that it is a wonderful response to the query on how to get rid of phlegm in your throat. Begin using this natural cure and the end result will make you happy!

Things you need:

  • Ginger root- 1
  • Honey- 1 tsp
  • Water- 1 cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 ginger root.
  2. Cut it into tiny pieces.
  3. Take 1 cup of water and boil it.
  4. Allow that to cool down just a little.
  5. Put the ginger pieces into the water.
  6. Steep the water for about 7 minutes.
  7. Take 1 tsp honey and add it to ginger tea.
  8. Mix properly.
  9. Have the curative ginger drink.
  10. You can drink this tea 4-5 times in a day.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

An article about how to get rid of mucus in throat will be left incomplete, if it does not speak of apple cider vinegar. The vinegar, which has antimicrobial property, comes with the capability of both eliminating mucus and also providing respite from other symptoms.

Things you need:

  • Apple cider vinegar (raw) – 1 tbsp
  • Water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tbsp of ACV (raw) and 1 glass of water.
  2. Put the vinegar in water and stir nicely.
  3. Consume the vinegar drink.
  4. Use the ACV remedy 3 times daily.

9. Ginger and Cinnamon

When ginger is used together with cinnamon as a remedy, mucus in throat will get cured in no time. Cinnamon includes antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects and hence perfectly complements ginger in providing respite to you.

Things you need:

  • Ginger root- 1
  • Cinnamon stick- 1
  • Hot water- 2 cups
  • Bowl- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Put 2 cups of hot water in 1 bowl.
  2. Add 1 ginger root and 1 cinnamon stick in the bowl.
  3. Steep that for about 10 minutes.
  4. Strain the water and consume it.
  5. Repeat 2 times in a day to get well soon.

10. Turmeric

How can I become free from the mucus in my throat relying only on home remedies? Is that the question that is the cause of your worry? If yes, then turmeric is the remedy that deserves your attention, at this very instant!

Turmeric is a proven antiseptic that kills the microorganisms responsible for the mucus build-up. In addition, the super ingredient also boosts your immunity power. The solution for the issue is just round the corner! All you have to do is to walk few steps and get it!

Method 1- Turmeric in Milk

The mix of turmeric and milk will invariably contribute to your rapid recovery!

Things you need:

  • Turmeric- 1 tsp
  • Milk- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of turmeric and milk in 1 glass.
  2. Add turmeric to the milk.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Have the milk early in the day.
  5. Take the remedy once again at bedtime.
  6. Follow the steps every day until you require.
  7. Here, you can even use 1 glass of water, in place of milk.

Method 2- Turmeric Water Gargle

The turmeric water gargle will also be of great help, in this context.

Things you need:

  • Turmeric- 1 tbsp
  • Warm water- 1 glass

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tbsp turmeric and 1 glass of warm water.
  2. Put the turmeric in warm water.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Gargle with this turmeric water.
  5. Do that for about 4 times per day.

11. Garlic

A natural substance that essays the role of an expectorant and that has antibacterial effects, as well, will be very effective, in this regard. And, that exactly is what you can anticipate from garlic!

Garlic is comprised of allicin, a compound to which most of its (garlic) health-related positives are attributable. You just need to allow the powerful ingredient to work for you and, it will take care of the rest!

Things you need:

  • Garlic cloves- 4
  • Warm water- 1 cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 4 garlic cloves and crush them.
  2. Directly consume the crushed cloves, early in morning.
  3. Simultaneously drink 1 glass of warm water.
  4. Take the remedy accordingly, each morning.

12. Onion

Your search for the right natural cure for throat mucus will end, the moment you get an onion! Onion consists of quercetin that successfully combats many ailments and allergies of respiratory tract.

Things you need:

  • Onion slices- 2 tbsp
  • Honey- 2 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 2 tbsp of onion slices and crush them.
  2. Add 2 tsp of honey to the crushed onion pieces.
  3. Blend well.
  4. Just go ahead and consume it.
  5. Repeat thrice every day.

13. Cayenne Pepper

Owing to the fact that it is an anti-inflammatory agent that also fights against bacteria, cayenne pepper is an excellent remedy. As a matter of fact, it can be of help in treating the infection, too, which has led to excessive mucus in throat. This will work wonders for you!

Things you need:

  • Cayenne pepper- ½ tsp
  • Honey- 2 tsp
  • Water- 1 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take ½ tsp of cayenne pepper and 2 tsp of honey.
  2. Then take 1 tbsp of water.
  3. Combine all of these together and mix properly.
  4. Directly consume the throat mucus remedy.
  5. Use the treatment 1 time every day.

14. Carrot Juice

There is absolutely no necessity for you to get overly concerned on how to get rid of phlegm in throat.

What is the need for worry, when the antioxidant-rich carrot is here to better the things for you? In fact, the high amount of vitamin C in this vegetable is also a pivotal element, to treat the condition.

Things you need:

  • Carrots- 4
  • Honey- 2 tsp
  • Water- ¼ cup
  • Glass- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 4 carrots and take out juice from them.
  2. Put the juice in 1 glass.
  3. Pour ¼ cup of water in the glass.
  4. Now add 2 tsp of honey in it.
  5. Mix them well.
  6. Have the juice.
  7. Repeat 2-3 times daily.

15. Pineapple

If your priority is to clear mucus from throat, you are strongly advised to consider opting for pineapple as a remedy. The fruit contains bromelain, an enzyme, which assists to beat inflammation and it also is loaded with vitamin A and vitamin C.

Things you need:

  • Pineapple- 1
  • Water- 1 cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 pineapple and slice it into 2 equal parts.
  2. Then take 1 of these halves and extract its juice.
  3. Take 1 cup of water and mix the juice with it.
  4. Drink the healing beverage.
  5. Consume the drink 2 times every day to remove excess phlegm in throat.
  6. For the purpose, you have the choice of replacing pineapple with an orange, which also is a vitamin C fruit.

16. Oil Pulling

This easy-to-use remedy will lower the severity of your discomfort, as it quickly draws out the accumulated phlegm. Oil pulling also eliminates microorganisms that have caused infection in the first place.

You will be amazed with the efficacy of this natural cure!

Things you need:

Sesame/coconut oil- 1 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tbsp of either sesame or coconut oil.
  2. Swish this oil in mouth for about 20 minutes
  3. You have to do that soon on waking up in morning and before having any beverage/food.

17. Grape Juice

Very soon, you are going to feel total relief and, there indeed is a valid reason for this optimism! Well, you will begin to use an excellent remedy, grape juice.

Grapes consist of vitamin B-6 and vitamin C as well as antioxidants that eliminate free radicals. Opt for the method with faith and you will not be unhappy!

Things you need:

  • Grape juice- 3 tbsp
  • Honey- 3 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 3 tbsp each of grape juice and honey.
  2. Combine the ingredients together.
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Consume the blend.
  5. Take the remedy 3 times daily for roughly 7 days and there will be no more excessive mucus in throat.

18. Chickpea powder, Almonds and Honey

Many people are benefiting from the remedy that mixes chickpea powder, almonds and honey. So, why should you be left behind? Continue reading for full details.

Things you need:

  • Chickpea powder- 3 tbsp
  • Oil- 1 tsp
  • Almonds- 2 tsp
  • Honey- 2 tsp
  • Water- 4 cups
  • Bowl- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 bowl and put 1 tsp of oil in it.
  2. Add 3 tbsp of chickpea powder in bowl.
  3. Broil that till you notice that it has changed color.
  4. Take 2 tsp of almonds and crush them into powder.
  5. Add the almond powder in chickpea powder.
  6. Put 2 tsp of honey and 4 cups water in it.
  7. Blend this nicely.
  8. Consume this preparation to get rid of mucus in throat.
  9. Follow the process 2 times daily.

19. Bay Leaves

Do you want to recover very fast? If yes, then one of the best things that you can do is to rely on bay leaves!

Bay leaves come with antibacterial effects and are known to cure many illnesses of respiratory system. With the remedy around, excess mucus in throat will soon become nothing more than a thing of the past!

Things you need:

  • Bay leaves- 4
  • Water- 2 cups
  • Bowl- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 4 bay leaves and 2 cups of water.
  2. Put the leaves and water in 1 bowl.
  3. Boil the water and then let that cool down a bit.
  4. Strain the water and drink it to alleviate mucus throat.

20. Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is one more reliable cure for phlegm in throat that will give you the desired outcome quicker than your anticipation! The flavonoids found in chamomile flowers combat inflammation of both throat and also mucus membranes. Try the remedy now!

Things you need:

  • Chamomile flowers (dried) – 3 tsp
  • Boiled water- 1 cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 3 tsp of chamomile flowers and 1 cup of boiled water.
  2. Add the flowers in this water.
  3. Steep that for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Strain it and drink the remedial tea.
  5. Have this tea minimum 2 times daily.

Additional Tips

If you are thinking that that is all there is to the topic of how to get rid of mucus in throat, then you are totally mistaken. The fact of the matter is that the tips to be mentioned in this segment are as relevant as remedies.  

  • Make it a point that you do not get exposed to chemicals, paint fumes and other irritants. Any negligence, in this respect, will just worsen things for you.
  • If you are really serious about treating mucus throat, stay away from all forms of tobacco smoking.
  • Ensure that your staple diet consists also of spicy foods, as they help in loosening of phlegm.
  • Keep drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Regular nasal rinses are of immense value, as well.
  • At least until you completely recover, refrain from consuming meat, fried foods and dairy products.
  • Have chicken soup as frequently as possible, to get rid of mucus in throat.
  • Just include shallots in your daily diet and they will bring about a positive difference soon.
  • Daily intake of licorice root tea will assist to push out the accumulated phlegm.

You are now fully informed about how to get rid of mucus in throat with natural methods. All the aforesaid remedies are tried and tested ones and thus you can use any of them, without hesitation. Please send across few words on how this article has helped you.


Shruti Menon:
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