Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

how to get rid of mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are synonymous with the summer and monsoon seasons in every country in the world.

And in spite of taking precautionary measures, there is always that one mosquito that manages to bypass all of them to get a bite out of our skin.

Come summer or monsoon and you will start experiencing increasing mosquito attacks, especially in and near areas with stagnant water.

Mosquito bites can be painful and annoying, especially if they continue to itch long after the mosquito bit you.

Of late, more concerns have risen about the spread of diseases like dengue and Zika virus via mosquito bites which gives us all the more reason to get rid of these pests and treat their bites as soon as possible.

Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites that Work

So what is your first course of action when it comes to wondering how to relieve mosquito bites?

Lather on some ointment or bug repellent cream and arming yourself with a store bought bug spray of course! However, that need not necessarily be the only solution to the problem.

Rather than depending on store bought solutions to cure mosquito bites and keep mosquitoes away, take a look at the following home remedies for mosquito bites that work better than their synthetic counterparts.

1. Witch Hazel for Mosquito Bites

You might have heard of a herb called witch hazel which is considered a miracle cure for any kind of blemishes and pigmentation marks on the skin.

Witch hazel is also a very effective cure for mosquito bites and can reduce the pain, swelling and the itchiness that accompany a mosquito bite almost instantly.

Method I: Plain Witch Hazel Extract

The secret behind witch hazel’s quick healing action is the presence of substances called tannins in it.

These tannins help heal the skin from a mosquito bite pretty quickly while keeping off bacterial infection.

What you need:

  • Distilled Witch Hazel – 2 to 4 drops

What you need to do:

  • Apply the witch hazel extract to the mosquito bite using a Q-tip or a filler.
  • Cover the area with a piece of gauze or a soft cloth. Remove the cloth after about 30 minutes.
  • Continue following this remedy until the pain and swelling caused by the mosquito bite reduces.

Note: Do a patch test with witch hazel extract on the skin of your hand before applying it over the bite.

Method II: Witch Hazel and Baking Soda

This remedy combines the healing properties of witch hazel with the antiseptic properties of baking soda to act as a very effective natural mosquito bite treatment for your skin.

What you need:

  • Distilled Witch Hazel Extract – 2 to 4 drops
  • Baking Soda – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the baking soda and the witch hazel extract to make a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly on the bite and allow it to dry for about 30 minutes.
  • Wipe off the paste after this period. Repeat the process regularly until the bite disappears completely.

Method III: Witch Hazel and Calamine Lotion

Witch hazel contains loads of antioxidants (1) which help to ease the pain and swelling caused by mosquito bites. Combine it with some calamine lotion to create a soothing ointment for the bite.

What you need:

  • Distilled Witch Hazel Extract – 2 to 4 drops
  • Calamine Lotion – 2 to 4 drops

What you need to do:

  • Mix the witch hazel extract with the calamine lotion and spread the same over the bite mark.
  • Allow it to dry for about 15 minutes and wipe it off with a damp cloth.
  • Follow up with your regular skin conditioner and apply a small amount of it on the bite.
  • Do this thrice every day until you get relief from the bite and its symptoms.

2. Tea Bags for Mosquito Bites

That’s right! The quintessential tea bag you use every day can be your solace when it comes to taking care of a particularly itchy mosquito bite.

There are many types of tea bags you can use for mosquito bites. Here are three of the more common ones.

Method I: Chamomile Tea Bags

Chamomile tea bags offer a soothing remedy for mosquito bites.

In addition to bringing down the pain almost instantly, the antiseptic properties of chamomile help bring down the swelling rather quickly and promote quick healing of the skin.

What you need:

  • Chamomile Flower Tea Bags – 2 to 3
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Steep the chamomile tea bags in the water and place the container in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
  • Squeeze out any excess water from the tea bags and place them directly on the bite.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes and remove the tea bags. Wipe the skin with a soft towel and place the tea bags in the refrigerator again for future use.
  • Repeat this remedy more than thrice a day until the skin heals completely from the mosquito bite.

Method II: Green Tea Bags

Looking for an easy, quick and effective mosquito bites treatment? Try some green tea bags for a change. Green tea bags are known to benefit your body in more ways than one.

While they have been propagated as natural weight loss remedies, they can also help cure insect bites, including mosquito bites almost instantly.

This is partly due to their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and anti-oxidant properties which help them act like antihistamine creams.

What you need:

  • Green Tea Bags – 2 to 3
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Soak the tea bags in the water for about 10 minutes.
  • Remove the tea bags and squeeze out excess liquid from them.
  • Place the damp tea bags on the mosquito bites and wait for about 10 minutes after which you can remove the tea bags and wipe the area with a soft cloth.
  • Repeat this remedy regularly several times a day until the pain and swelling caused by the mosquito bites come down.

3. Tea Tree Oil for Mosquito Bites

Tea tree oil is loaded with plenty of antibacterial and antiviral properties that help cure mosquito bites while keeping infectious pathogens away.

Use some tea tree oil along with a little bit of carrier oil to treat mosquito bites effectively. Direct application of tea tree oil can treat ant bite.

What you need:

  • Tea Tree Oil – 1 to 3 drops
  • Carrier Oil (Vegetable Oil or Coconut Oil) – 3 drops

What you need to do:

  • Mix the tea tree oil with the coconut oil nicely. Rub this mix on the skin (the affected part) and wait for about 15 minutes.
  • Wipe off the mix with a cloth and follow up with your regular moisturizer.
  • Do this once every two days until the pain and swelling caused by the mosquito bite reduces.

Note:  Tea tree oil may have different reactions for different skin types. Hence, it is considered best to do a patch test another area of your skin to ensure minimal side effects on applying the oil on the skin.

4. Coconut Oil for Mosquito Bites

Coconut oil is a great choice if you are looking for a quick and soothing way to heal mosquito bites.

Coconut oil has natural antihistamine properties (2) that help it to relieve the itching that accompanies a mosquito bite.

In addition to this, coconut oil has antiseptic, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that help the skin to heal faster from a mosquito bite while preventing the affected area from bacterial infections.

What you need:

  • Coconut Oil – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Gently rub the coconut oil on and around the affected area.
  • Once the oil dries up, apply some more oil on the area.
  • Keep repeating this until the itching and swelling subside.

Note: Make sure you use unrefined coconut oil for best results sans any side effects.

5. Neem for Mosquito Bites

The potent antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of neem (3) help treat mosquito bites easily. You can use neem in the form of a juice or oil derived from the leaves of the plant as mentioned below.

Method I: Neem Juice

Neem is loaded with antibacterial properties. Not only does this help in healing the affected skin quickly, but also prevent bacteria and other harmful pathogens from attacking the area.

What you need:

  • Neem Leaves – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Crush the leaves nicely and extract their juice.
  • Apply this juice on the affected skin and wait for about 15 minutes.
  • Keep reapplying the neem juice on the skin until the pain and itchiness reduce.

Method II: Neem Oil

The natural mosquito repellent that it is, neem can effectively prevent mosquito bites as well.

What you need:

  • Neem Oil – 2 to 3 drops

What you need to do:

  • Apply the neem oil on the site of the mosquito bite and rub it into the skin nicely.
  • Apply the neem oil at frequent intervals on the affected skin until you get relief from the pain, swelling and itchiness.

6. Olive Oil for Mosquito Bite

There is no dearth to the number of oils that can help treat mosquito bites. One of them happens to be olive oil which works wonders in treating mosquito bites quickly and effectively.

Got a mosquito bite that just doesn’t want to stop hurting you? Simply lather on some olive oil for quick relief.

What you need:

  • Olive Oil – 4 to 5 drops

What you need to do:

  • Rub the olive oil on the affected skin nicely.
  • Keep reapplying the oil at regular intervals for prolonged relief from the bite and pain it causes.

More: Get Rid of Cockroaches with These simple DIY Remedies

7. Oatmeal for Mosquito Bites

Ever tried oatmeal for mosquito bites? Well, we recommend you do. Oatmeal happens to be one of the most effective remedies for mosquito bites and can easily reduce the pain and itchiness causes by the bites on the skin.

Here are two ways you can use oatmeal to get relief from a mosquito bite.

Method I: Oatmeal Bath

Soaking in an oatmeal filled bath is a wonderful experience in itself.

Not only does it reduce the pain, swelling and itchiness caused by the mosquito bite, but it also helps in soothing the entire body and relaxing your tired muscles while you wait for the affected area to recover from the bite.

What you need:

  • Oatmeal – 1 cup
  • Chamomile Oil (or any other essential oil of your choice) – 2 to 3 drops

What you need to do:

  • Grind the oatmeal to get a coarse powder.
  • Add the powder along with the chamomile oil to a bathtub filled with warm water.
  • Soak in this oatmeal filled bath once or twice a day to get relief from nasty mosquito bites.

Method II: Oatmeal Paste

Don’t have time for a bath? Consider making your own oatmeal paste at home for the same results. Here’s what you need to do for that.

What you need:

  • Oatmeal – ¼ cup
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Grind the oatmeal to form a coarse powder.
  • Add the water to the powder and mix nicely to form a paste.
  • Add the honey to the paste and mix nicely.
  • Apply this paste on the affected area and wait for it to dry.
  • Wash off the paste with warm water afterwards and reapply a fresh coating of the same paste.
  • Do this regularly throughout the day and you will find the skin healed and in perfect condition by night.

8. Honey for Mosquito Bites

We talked about using honey along with oatmeal to treat mosquito bites. Let’s take a look at how honey can work to heal mosquito bites as well.

The antiseptic properties of honey help to cure serious mosquito bites in addition to preventing infections.

What you need:

  • Honey – 1 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Dab some honey on the affected area evenly. Wait for about 15 minutes and wipe off the honey with a damp cloth.
  • Apply some more honey on the area and follow the same process.
  • Do this 4 to 5 times a day. The swelling and pain will subside quickly.

Note:   Always use raw, unprocessed honey for best results.           

Make sure you wipe off the honey within 15 minutes as honey can attract more mosquitoes and insects to the area.

More: Home Remedies for Fleas

9. Aloe Vera for Mosquito Bites

If there is one treatment for mosquito bites that can never fail, it’s Aloe Vera.

The ever popular Aloe Vera has been deemed as a miracle cure for any and every skin related ailment out there, including insect bites.

Aloe Vera helps to draw the sting out and is loaded with enough anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties to bring down the pain and swelling almost instantly.

Plus, its moisturizing properties help the skin remain hydrated while the latter is healing from the mosquito bite.

What you need:

  • Aloe Vera Gel – 1 tbsp.
  • Calamine Lotion – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the Aloe Vera gel and the calamine lotion.
  • Place the resulting cream inside the refrigerator for about 15 minutes, allowing it to cool nicely.
  • Apply a small amount of this cream on the affected area of the skin. Wipe it off with a cool washcloth after about 20 minutes.
  • Repeat regularly for desirable results.

Note: Opt for pure Aloe Vera gel collected from the plant. If you don’t have access to an Aloe Vera plant, make sure the gel you buy contains Aloe Vera in its pure form.

10. Basil for Mosquito Bites

There is a reason many households in India prefer to have a basil plant in their homes.

While the Hindus consider the plant as revered, the benefits of basil for the house goes way past beyond worship.

Research has indicated that basil may probably have natural anti-repellent properties that can keep mosquitoes miles away from your house should you prefer to have a basil plant in the premises. Basil leaves is very helpful to treat chigger bites.

So here are some natural remedies you can make using basil that would be very effective in treating mosquitoes.

Method I: Basil Leaves

In addition to being a natural repellent, basil contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help treat a mosquito bite effectively.

What you need:

  • Basil Leaves – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Crush the basil leaves to extract their juice.
  • Rub a small amount of this juice on the affected area multiple times a day to get relief from the pain and swelling.

Method II: Basil Juice Rub

Basil contains eugenol, a chemical compound which is useful in reducing the itchiness caused by the mosquito bite on the skin. Here’s another way you can use basil for the same purpose.

What you need:

  • Dried Basil Leaves – ½ cup
  • Water – 2 cups

What you need to do:

  • Boil the water and add the dried basil leaves to it.
  • Remove the water from the flame and allow the leaves to steep in it for about 10 minutes or so.
  • Allow the mix to cool down. Dip a soft washcloth in the mixture and wrap it around the affected area. Wait for about 15 minutes before removing the towel and repeating the process.
  • Do this twice or thrice until the pain and itchiness subside to tolerable levels.

11. Aspirin for Mosquito Bites

Wondering what to put on a mosquito bite in order to get rid of that incessant itching? Why not try some aspirin?

Aspirin is a natural anti-inflammatory agent which helps reduce the itchiness and pain caused by a mosquito bite.

In addition to swallowing an aspirin for relief, here is another way you can use it to treat mosquito bites.

What you need:

  • Aspirin Tablets – 4 to 5

What you need to do:

  • Crush the aspirin tablets and add some water to form a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly over the affected skin. Wait for 20 minutes before washing off the paste with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat this process at least thrice a day until the swelling comes down completely. You can continue to use aspirin paste until the itchiness subsides completely as well.

12. Listerine for Mosquito Bites

Listerine has known to be very effective in providing relief from the pain caused by itchy bug bites.

The methanol content of Listerine can help cool the skin while its antibacterial and antiseptic properties promote quick healing by keeping dirt and bacteria away.

What you need:

  • Listerine – 1 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Apply some Listerine on the affected skin and allow it to dry.
  • Continue reapplying the Listerine on the area throughout the day until the skin does not feel itchy anymore.

13. Toothpaste for Mosquito Bites

You tried mouthwash for mosquito bites. How about trying some toothpaste as well while you are about it?

Toothpaste offers  a quick and effective relief from mosquito bites and can be used to prevent further infections on the spot.

What you need:

  • Peppermint (or) Neem based toothpaste – ¼ tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Apply the toothpaste gently on the bite mark and allow it to dry.
  • Keep reapplying a small amount of paste on the mark as and when the area starts itching again. Do this until you don’t feel the pain or itchiness any more.

14. Baking Soda for Mosquito Bites

Baking soda remains one of the most underestimated and underrated natural remedies for mosquito bites, owing partly to many who don’t consider it as a potent remedy for insect bites.

The truth of the matter is that baking soda contains ammonia which can help offer relief from the itchiness. Here are some ways you can use baking soda to your benefits.

Method I: Baking Soda Paste

Rubbing some baking soda paste on the affected area can bring down the itching quickly. Here is how you do that.

What you need:

  • Baking Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the baking soda and the water to create a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly on the affected area and allow it to dry.
  • Wipe off the baking soda paste after about 20 minutes.
  • Repeat regularly until the itchiness reduces completely.

Note: If you have sensitive skin, it pays to do a patch test on the skin of your hand before applying it anywhere else on the body.

Method II: Baking Soda and Apple Cider Vinegar

A mixture of baking soda and apple cider vinegar can be quite effective in treating stubborn and extremely painful mosquito bites.

While the baking soda reduces the itchiness and pain from the bite, the apple cider vinegar would prevent infections from setting in.

What you need:

  • Baking Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 4 to 5 drops
  • Water – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the baking soda with the water to form a paste.
  • Add some apple cider vinegar to the mix and stir nicely.
  • Apply this mix on the affected area and allow it to dry.
  • Re apply a fresh coat of this paste once every 2 hours or so until the itchiness stops.

15. Apple Cider Vinegar for Mosquito Bites

Get your hands on some apple cider vinegar if you are suffering from a particularly nasty mosquito bite.

Apple cider vinegar can help neutralize the mosquito bites and draw the sting out within minutes. Find out two ways in which you can use apple cider vinegar for mosquito bites here.

Method I: Apple Cider Vinegar Rub

Rubbing some food grade apple cider vinegar on the mosquito bite can help bring down the pain and swelling instantly. It can also protect the area from bacterial infections.

What you need:

  • Food Grade Apple Cider Vinegar – 5 to 6 drops
  • Water – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the apple cider vinegar with the water.
  • Rub this mix lightly on the affected area multiple times a day to get relief.

Note: Apple cider vinegar may cause a burning sensation on the skin if applied in its raw form. Make sure you dilute it with some water beforehand.

Do a patch test with the mix on normal skin before applying it on the affected area. If you notice a burning or itching sensation, wipe off the rub immediately and avoid using apple cider vinegar again.

Method II: Apple Cider Vinegar Bath

In addition to an oatmeal bath, an apple cider vinegar bath can also help alleviate the symptoms of a mosquito bite, including the pain and itchiness.

What you need:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Fill up your bath with warm water.
  • Add the apple cider vinegar to the water and mix nicely.
  • Soak in this bath for about 30 minutes until the pain and itchiness around the affected area subsides.
  • You can opt for an apple cider vinegar bath once every day until the pain and swelling reduce completely.

16. Alcohol for Mosquito Bites

Remember how some people use alcohol to treat cuts and wounds? It will not come as a surprise therefore to note that alcohol is one of those cool remedies to turn to when you are wondering how to stop itching mosquito bites.

Alcohol does this by offering a stinging sensation to the affected area, making you forget about the itchiness until the alcohol dries up.

What you need:

  • Alcohol – 2 to 3 drops

What you need to do:

  • Using a cotton ball, apply the alcohol over the bite wound and wait for it to dry naturally.
  • Reapply a small amount of alcohol on the affected area three to four times a day until the itchiness dissipates completely.

17. Shea Butter for Mosquito Bites

Applying some shea butter on the mosquito bite may offer some relief according to experts.

Shea butter contains Vitamin A which will assist in reducing the itchiness caused by the bite while also hydrating the skin and preventing infections near the bite mark.

What you need:

  • Shea Butter – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Spread the Shea butter evenly on the affected area and wait for 20 minutes.
  • Use a damp washcloth to wipe off the butter after this time period.
  • Reapply the Shea butter on the bite mark at regular intervals throughout the day until it heals completely.

18. Fuller’s Earth for Mosquito Bites

Fuller’s earth is known to be a great ingredient for the skin. In addition to helping the skin heal quickly from wounds and infections.

The hydrated aluminum silicate content of Fuller’s earth helps it to reduce the swelling and redness caused by a mosquito bite.

It also helps to prevent bacterial infections by preventing the accumulation of dirt in and around the bitten area.

What you need:

  • Fuller’s Earth Powder – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 2 to 3 drops

What you need to do:

  • Mix the Fuller’s earth and the water to form a paste.
  • Apply this paste evenly on the affected area and cover the latter with a plaster.
  • Wait for about 3 hours or so for the pain to disappear completely.

19. Sandalwood for Mosquito Bites

Sandalwood does not usually come to the mind when one thinks of mosquito bites remedies.

However, it can easily get rid of the pain and swelling caused by a mosquito bite while keeping the skin protected and healthy.

If you have some sandalwood powder in your home, consider using it in the following way to treat mosquito bites.

What you need:

  • Sandalwood Powder – 1 tsp.
  • Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp.
  • Lime Juice – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the sandalwood and turmeric powders nicely.
  • Add the lime juice and mix until you get a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste on the bite mark and allow it to dry naturally.
  • Wash off the paste with lukewarm water and reapply after patting the area dry with a soft towel.
  • Two to three applications will produce desirable results.

Note: If you notice a stinging sensation when using this remedy, substitute the lime juice with water or honey.

20. Turmeric for Mosquito Bites

Turmeric has been used from time immemorial to heal a number of skin issues, including insect bites.

Its antiseptic properties are powerful enough to promote quick healing of the skin from a bite mark, wound or rash.

So here are some ways you can use it to get relief from mosquito bites.

Method I: Turmeric Powder Paste

Applying turmeric powder paste on the affected area can provide fruitful results within minutes. Here is what you need to do for the same purpose.

What you need:

  • Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 2 to 3 drops

What you need to do:

  • Mix the turmeric powder and water to create a fine paste.
  • Apply this paste on the bite mark and wait for it to dry. Wipe off the paste with a damp cloth afterwards.
  • Keep reapplying the turmeric powder paste on the affected area throughout the day until the pain, swelling and redness disappear.

Method II: Turmeric Powder and Butter

You may want to try this remedy in the event that the bite opens up when you scratch it accidentally.

The combination of turmeric powder and butter will help the skin heal faster while preventing infections from setting in on the open wound.

What you need:

  • Turmeric Powder – 1 tsp.
  • Butter – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the butter and turmeric powder nicely.
  • Apply the resulting paste directly on the wound and cover with a plaster.
  • Remove the plaster, clean the area with a damp cloth and reapply the paste and a fresh plaster after a few hours.
  • Do this for a day or so until the wound heals and the pain reduces.

21. Banana for Mosquito Bites

An apple a day can keep the doctor away. Similarly, a banana  a day can keep mosquito bites at bay.

Eat a banana to help your body fight the bite from inside and use the peel to help the skin fight the bite from outside.

What you need:

  • Banana Peel – 1

What you need to do:

  • Rub the banana peel (the inside part) on the bite mark several times a day until the itchiness, redness, pain and swelling come down.

22. Lemon for Mosquito Bites

Wondering how to relieve mosquito bites and get relief from the symptoms in the case of an infection?

Try some lemon juice. With its antiseptic and antibacterial properties, lemon can aid in bringing down the infection while healing the skin from the same within a matter of a few hours.

What you need:

  • Lemon Juice – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Apply the lemon juice on the bite mark and allow it to dry.
  • Reapply the lemon juice twice or thrice depending on the severity of the itching.
  • The itchiness should come down with a few applications while the infection would reduce within a day.

Note: Always use freshly squeezed lemon juice for this remedy.

You may notice a stinging sensation upon applying the lemon juice. However, if the feeling persists after 15 minutes or so, do not use this remedy.

23. Onions for Mosquito Bites

Onion does more than just make you tear up. The antifungal properties of onion can aid in preventing a bite mark from contracting infections.

Onion can also help provide immense relief from the bite by drawing the sting out of it and reducing the itchiness.

What you need:

  • Onion – 1

What you need to do:

  • Peel the onion and cut it into thin slices.
  • Place an onion slice on the affected area for a few minutes until the pain and itchiness come down.
  • Remove the onion slice and wash the area with lukewarm water.
  • Follow this remedy at regular intervals throughout the day until the bite has healed completely.

Note: You can also grind the onion and apply the paste on the bite mark to reduce the mosquito bites swelling if you do not prefer to place onion slices on the affected area.

24. Garlic for Mosquito Bites

Garlic is one of the most effective home remedies for mosquito repellent, thanks to its pungent odor.

In addition to this, garlic also has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help the skin to heal from the bite faster while staying safe from infections.

What you need:

  • Garlic Cloves – 2 to 3

What you need to do:

  • Peel the garlic cloves and crush them.
  • Apply the crushed garlic cloves on the bite mark and rub them into the skin nicely.
  • Wait for about 30 minutes or so and wipe of the garlic paste with a damp cloth.
  • Do this twice or thrice a day until the pain and swelling subside.

Note: You may notice a slight burning sensation when applying the garlic on the mark. Do not be alarmed with it as it is a natural reaction to the garlic reacting with the sting in the bite.

25. Thyme for Mosquito Bites

And last but not the least, let’s take a look at the use of thyme to get rid of mosquito bites. Thyme can do much more than act as a flavor enhancing ingredient for your meals.

Here are two ways you can use it to treat mosquito bites.

Method I: Thyme Leaves

Thyme contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that can reduce the pain and irritation caused by the mosquito bites.

What you need:

  • Thyme Leaves – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Crush the thyme leaves and apply them evenly on the affected area.
  • Wait for about 10 minutes and wash the area with lukewarm water.
  • Repeat until the pain and swelling subside to tolerable levels.

Method II: Thyme Juice

This method can be adopted in case you are wondering how to stop mosquito bite itching without applying sticky pastes and ointments on your skin.

What you need:

  • Thyme Sprigs – A handful
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Bring the water to a boil and add the thyme sprigs to it.
  • Allow the thyme sprigs to steep in the water for a few minutes until the water cools down.
  • Dip a washcloth into the thyme infused water and place it on the bite mark for a few minutes.
  • Follow the same process for about 30 minutes or so until you get relief from the itchiness caused by the bite.

Note: You can wrap some ice inside the cloth before placing it on the affected area for an instant cooling effect.

Guidelines to follow when taking care of mosquito bites

Mosquito bites may be harmless, and may be extremely harmful as well. These home remedies for mosquitoes bites will help you get rid of the pain, swelling and itchiness caused by a mosquito bite. Combine them with these guidelines for lasting results.

Get rid of stagnant water in and around your home: Take a close look around your home and try to get rid of water that has been left stagnant in a spot for too long.

Water that remains in a spot for a couple of days becomes an easy breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Cover the bite mark with a scotch tape: If you have a penchant for scratching your skin while asleep, consider covering the area with scotch tape to avoid breaking the wound accidentally and preventing infections.

Cover up when going outside after sunset: Mosquitoes are hyper active at night. So it pays to cover yourself up with long sleeves and pants, or apply some mosquito repellent cream on your body before heading out at night. This keeps you safe from annoying bites.

Avoid bright clothes and perfumes: These attract mosquitoes galore! So watch out and play it simple unless you start attracting hordes of these pesky insects.

Avoid traveling to places that have mosquito-borne disease outbreaks: Health organizations around the world warned tourists against traveling to Brazil during the Zika virus outbreak.

The same rule can be applied to travelers as well. If you want to know how to prevent mosquito bites, you will be surprised to note that choosing not to travel to a destination that is known for its mosquito borne diseases will keep you and your family safe from the same.

Check with a doctor: Although mosquito bites stop with just the itching, there are chances for the bite to form a blistering lesion on the skin in addition to causing fever and joint pain, especially if you are allergic to mosquito bites.

If not treated on time, stubborn bites can also cause anaphylaxis, a life threatening condition which can cause dizziness, wheezing and even hives.

If the affected area does not heal even after a few days and after following all these home remedies, consider calling a doctor to check further course of action.


Most individuals do not consider mosquito bites as harmful. While this may be the case most of the times, there are chances for a mosquito bite to become infectious and cause a lot of harm to the body.

Follow these home remedies diligently to treat a mosquito bite in time and follow the guidelines to prevent further bites.

Shruti Menon:
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