17 Health Benefits of Matcha Green Tea    


 Many people mistakenly think that a lot of effort is involved in maintaining good health. Are you one of them?

Well, the fact is that keeping oneself healthy is as simple as consuming the right foods/beverages! It is about one such excellent beverage that you are going to read here.

The article will elaborate on Health benefits of Matcha Green Tea, which will dispel all your fears about ill-health and ailments! Thus, just continue to read and contribute to your own health and well-being!

What is Matcha Tea?

Matcha green tea, which is a traditional beverage of Japan, is made from the leaves of the plant camellia sinesis.

The leaves are first converted into a powder, which is then used to prepare the tea.

These leaves have shades on them and these keep the nutritional value (of the leaves) intact.

It is interesting to note that the Japanese have been consuming this healthy drink of the matcha powder since several centuries.

Nutrients and key elements in matcha green tea

It is obvious that you are now keen to start reading about the benefits of green matcha tea.

Before that, it is important that you have a brief look at the nutrients and key elements that are found in this beverage.

This will enable you to fully appreciate the crucial information that the article is going to provide you.

  • Antioxidants: The matcha tea powder comes packed with an abundant quantity of antioxidants. The quantity of antioxidants in just 1 cup of matcha tea is almost the same as that seen in 3 cups of your usual green tea. Is that not awesome?
  • L-theanine: This is an amino acid that is found in the green tea matcha powder. L-theanine works excellently as an effective relaxant.
  • Vitamins: The wonderful beverage includes both the A and C vitamins. The fact that these vitamins are very important for the health warrants no special mention.
  • Chlorophylls: The matcha green tea contains plenty of chlorophylls, which essay the crucial role of eliminating various toxins from within the body.
  • Dietary fiber: One more key element that you get in the green matcha tea is the dietary fiber. It is a well-known fact that this fiber contributes to the health of your digestive system in no uncertain terms.
  • EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate): EGCG is a variety of the catechins, which is not that common. It is seen in only a few specific food supplements, with matcha tea powder being one among them. More than 50 percent of the matcha tea is constituted of this particular catechin, which successfully combats many serious ailments.

Health Benefits of Matcha Tea

So now, you have come to the part that can be considered to be the heart of this highly informative article.

It is here that you will obtain details about the  Health benefits of matcha green tea.

Once you finish reading about these matcha health benefits, you yourself will admit that it is not at all difficult to safeguard the physical well-being!

Hence, do not delay further! Just go ahead and allow the tea to bring about a positive change in your life!

1. Stay Away from Infections with Matcha Green Tea

One of the most striking benefits of matcha green tea is its ability to keep you protected from many infections. This includes infections caused by viruses, bacteria and fungi, etc.

The catechin EGCG is the most crucial element, in this regards, as it has powerful antimicrobial properties.

All you have to do is to make the beverage a part of your daily life and, you can safely forget about infections and illnesses.

Things you need:

  • Matcha tea powder- 1 tsp
  • Water- 2 cups

Things you need to do:

    1. Take 1 tsp of matcha powder and 2 cups of water.
    2. Boil the water.
    3. Allow the water to cool down for around 5 minutes.
    4. Now add the matcha tea powder in this water.
    5. Mix thoroughly.
    6. Then directly consume the tea.
    7. Repeat that at least 2 times every day and remain free from infections.

2. Matcha Green Tea Enhances Body Cholesterol

Matcha benefits will be incomplete if a mention is not made of the tea’s role in positively contributing to the cholesterol.

Research shows that regular intake of this beverage both reduces the bad cholesterol level and raises the quantity of good cholesterol, in the body (1).

This particular improvement in the cholesterol substantially minimizes your vulnerability to several diseases! So, begin to consume the matcha tea from now and see the difference for yourself!

Things you need:

Matcha green tea- 1 cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Make 1 cup of green matcha tea as described above.
  2. Then directly consume the beverage in the morning.
  3. Have minimum one more cup of the beverage later in the day.
  4. Follow that daily to gain from the cholesterol-related benefits of matcha.

3. Matcha Tea- Improve Your Facial Complexion

When you want to improve your facial complexion using natural methods, you just cannot afford to ignore the facemask of green tea matcha powder.

The vitamins and other vital nutrients that are seen in the powder will make sure that you are not disappointed.

Additionally, this face mask contains yogurt and honey as well, which nicely complement matcha. You will be simply amazed at the eventual outcome! Go for it now to get a lightening skin naturally.

Things you need:

  • Matcha tea powder- 3 tsp
  • Honey- 3 tsp
  • Yogurt- 4 tsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 3 tsp each of matcha powder and honey and, 4 tsp of yogurt.
  2. Combine all these 3 ingredients together.
  3. Mix them well.
  4. Now apply this mixture on your face.
  5. Allow it to be undisturbed for roughly half-hour.
  6. Then wash it off with cool water.
  7. Repeat that regularly to see the skin benefits of matcha.

4. Matcha Tea Safeguards You from Sunburn  

Are you on a lookout for natural ways to safeguard your skin from sunburn in the summer?

If yes, then the green tea matcha powder is what that you need! The crucial nutrients present in the powder will come to your rescue!

You will be pleasantly surprised that being unaffected by the summer heat is so simple! This matcha face mask will work wonders for you to get rid of sunspots!

Things you need:

  • Matcha powder- 1 cup
  • Distilled water- 5 cups
  • Clean towel- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 cup of matcha powder and 5 cups of distilled water.
  2. Add the matcha powder in the distilled water.
  3. Mix thoroughly until the powder gets fully dissolved in the water.
  4. Pour this mixture into a bottle for storage.
  5. Then take 2 tbsp of the mixture
  6. Rinse the face with it for about 5 minutes.
  7. Dry the face with a clean towel.
  8. Keep washing the face with 2 tbsp of mixture 2 times every day, during the summer.

5. Maintain the Health of Your Hair Using Matcha Tea

You are now going to see how the matcha green tea promotes the health of your hair. Apart from keeping the hair overall healthy, the tea also resolves problems like dandruff and hair-fall.

Here, the panthenol found in the tea is the most important element and, even the vitamins play their part.

This particular matcha remedy also has shea butter that has its own beneficial properties. Try it immediately!

Things you need:

  • Match tea- 1 tbsp
  • Shea butter- 1 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tbsp each of matcha tea and shea butter.
  2. Blend both these ingredients together.
  3. Mix them well.
  4. Now spread this mixture on your hair.
  5. Massage the hair thoroughly for about 10 minutes.
  6. Wait for around 30 minutes.
  7. Then wash the hair with your regular shampoo.
  8. Follow the process regularly and realize the benefits of matcha tea.

6. Matcha Beverage Detoxifies Your Body

If your priority is to detoxify your body in a safe and effective way, the matcha green tea is a beverage that you should not miss!

The chlorophyll there in the plant is the most crucial substance, in terms of giving you the detoxification benefits of matcha tea.

Of course, even the antioxidants will be of help here. Just have faith in this excellent drink and it will not let you down!

Things you need:

Matcha green tea- 1 cup

Things you need to do:

  1. Make 1 cup of the matcha green tea.
  2. Just drink it.
  3. Repeat it minimum once daily and your body will soon be redeemed of the toxins.

More: How to Detox Your Body Naturally at Home

7. Matcha Tea Powder- Healthy Cardiovascular System

This can easily be rated as the most crucial of all the matcha green tea powder benefits. This is because; the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system is essential for the very life of a person.

An exhaustive study was carried out in Japan covering more than 40,000 subjects, to understand the link between consumption of the tea and cardiovascular health (2).

The study found that the risk of stroke and heart attack declined by around 25% for people consuming at least 5 cups of the beverage daily.

Is that not a highly valid reason to make the green matcha tea an integral part of your everyday life?

8. Want to Stay Away from Type 2 Diabetes? Try Matcha Green Tea

There are several natural methods to minimize the possibility of developing the type 2 diabetes.

And, one of the most important of those is regular consumption of matcha green tea. Here, there is one more study conducted in Japan that substantiates the role of the beverage in preventing diabetes.

In the research, adults belonging to 25 communities spread across Japan were studied.

The study came out with the finding that, intake of this beverage brings about a marked decline in the risk of having type 2 diabetes.

The decline in the vulnerability was seen even after considering all the other related risk factors.

Therefore, if you want to initiate ant-diabetic measures, make sure that the tea becomes an element of your daily routine.

More: Honey for Diabetes Treatment

9. Matcha Tea is an Energizer

Here, you will read as to what is matcha powder’s role in keeping you energized. In spite of the fact that the tea contains caffeine, the beverage still boosts your energy without any unpleasant side effects.

The caffeine that you get in the green matcha tea is totally different from the one that is seen in your usual coffee.

The caffeine there in this tea is called as theophylline (3), which both boosts and also maintains your energy and that too in an entirely safe way.

10. Beat Stress with the Help of Matcha Green Tea

When you want to beat stress and anxiety, you generally think in terms of going for the regular anti-depressants.

But, these medicines are not without some unwanted reactions, when taken for prolonged duration.

Then what is the option? The answer for that is the ever-dependable matcha tea.

As mentioned earlier, the matcha tea powder consists of L-theanine (4), which exercises a highly positive effect on the brain.

The theanine works in such a way that, it relaxes you without making you feel drowsy! And, this drowsiness is inevitable when you depend on the regular medications!

Thus, just begin to have the tea daily and you will quickly forget about stress and anxiety! There is no need for the further delay! Consume the matcha green tea now!

11. Matcha Tea- Benefit for HIV Patients

The numerous matcha powder benefits also include its ability to safeguard the brain of patients affected by the HIV virus.

In this connection, the epigallocatechin seen in the powder is what that is the most crucial element.

It has been observed that the epigallocatechin works more efficiently than the conventional anti-retroviral medications when it comes to keeping the brain protected.

12. Lose Excess Body Weight with Green Matcha Tea

Are the results of your efforts in the direction to lose excess body weight not satisfactory?

If yes, then the matcha green tea is the beverage that you now require! Many studies testify the effectiveness of the tea, in this context.

It is seen that when a person drinks a cup of matcha just before a workout, there is a 25% increase in the fat burned.

So, make it a habit to drink this tea before exercising and you will be awestruck with the result, in due course!

More: Home Remedies for Weight Loss

13. Matcha Tea and Healthy Digestive System

Keeping the digestive system healthy is one of the several matcha benefits, too. The dietary fiber found in the green tea powder helps in treatment/prevention of many conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Also, research has shown that intake of matcha facilitates smooth bowel movements.

14. Matcha Has Anti-Cancer Effects

The very mention of the word “cancer” is terribly scary to many people. But when the trusted matcha green tea gets included in your staple diet, you can safely eliminate the fear of cancer!

Extensive medical research has found that the tea is comprised of polyphenols that check the growth of cancerous cells.

Additionally, the EGCG of matcha comes loaded with chemo-preventive effects. Now, it is not all surprising if you say that this is the most persuasive reason to have the tea every day!

15. Matcha Strengthens the Immunity Power

The tea of the matcha powder denotes as being among the best foods that you can ever hope to have, to strengthen the immunity power.

The antioxidants and vitamins obtained in the tea, along with its strong antimicrobial effects, strengthen your immunity power. You will become less prone to many ailments.

16. Good Dental Health- Matcha Tea

The catechins of the green tea matcha powder are very good for your dental health as well.

Research has shown that daily intake of the tea effectively curbs the growth of streptococcus mutans, which leads to plaque and other issues.

Hence, if you have the matcha tea daily, your susceptibility to various dental problems will substantially come down.

17. Green Matcha Tea for General Health

You are now going to read about few matcha green tea-based recipes that are extremely beneficial for your general health.

Once you start to include these recipes in your everyday diet, all the worries on ill-health and diseases will get dispelled!

Matcha Lemonade

This wonderful recipe for matcha lemonade, apart from contributing to your health, also appeals to the palate. Here, you also gain from the health-promoting properties of lemon and mint leaves. Go for the recipe now!

Things you need:

  • Organic matcha green tea powder- 1 tsp
  • Lemon- 1
  • Water- ½ bowl
  • Mint leaves- 4

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of organic matcha green tea powder and 1 lemon.
  2. Squeeze out the juice from this lemon.
  3. Now take a Half bowl of water.
  4. Add the matcha powder and lemon juice in the water.
  5. Mix thoroughly.
  6. Then add 4 mint leaves in the water.
  7. Again mix well.
  8. The healthy green tea matcha powder lemonade is ready to be served.

Matcha Powder with Legumes

When you combine matcha tea powder with the fiber-rich legumes, you get a blend that boosts your health! If good health is what you seek, then this simple recipe deserves to have your attention.

Things you need:

  • Legumes- 1 cup
  • Matcha tea powder- 1 tbsp

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 cup of legumes and 1 tbsp of matcha tea powder.
  2. Sprinkle the tea powder on the legumes.
  3. Mix them well.
  4. Then just go ahead and have these legumes.
  5. Repeat that daily and you can rest assured of good health.

Matcha Green Tea Shots

Look in detail at making the matcha green tea shots. You will simply love this

Things you need:

  • Matcha powder- 3 tsp
  • Sweet vanilla almond milk- 1 cup
  • Shot glasses- 4

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 3 tsp of matcha powder and 1 cup of sweet vanilla almond milk.
  2. Blend the matcha powder and the almond milk.
  3. Put this blend into a martini shaker and shake thoroughly.
  4. The powder has to fully dissolve.
  5. Now take 4 shot glasses empty the contents into them.
  6. The green tea shots are ready to be consumed.

Matcha Coconut Latte

The easy-to-make matcha coconut latte is not just a healthy recipe, but it is also very delicious! Good health will be yours, once you add this lat to your regular diet. So, do not wait anymore!

Things you need:

  • Matcha powder- 1 tsp
  • Hot water- ½ cup
  • Warm coconut milk- ½ cup
  • Mug- 1

Things you need to do:

  1. Take 1 tsp of matcha tea powder.
  2. Then take ½ cup each of hot water and warm coconut milk.
  3. Add the matcha powder, hot water and the milk in a mug.
  4. Whisk it for around 45 seconds till you notice froth inside.
  5. The yummy latte can now be consumed.

More: Health Benefits of Fuller’s Earth

Additional Tips

You can get the full matcha green tea powder benefits, only when you carefully follow some key guidelines. Have a look at the most significant of these tips.

  • Buy only that green tea matcha powder, the green color of which is very bright. This striking green is an indication that all the vital elements in the powder are intact.
  • As far as possible, opt for only the organic matcha green tea powder.
  • You have to ensure that the powder that you are going to buy has come directly from Japan, the country where this excellent beverage originated.
  • It is equally crucial to make sure that the powder has been kept in a cool and dry place, in the store. The matcha should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Stay away from the powder that is priced abnormally low. It could be a substandard product that does not provide any of the health benefits of matcha.

So, you now possess complete knowledge about the Health benefits of Matcha Green Tea and other related aspects.

The sooner you make this beverage an indispensable part of your routine, the better it would be for your health. Thus, the ball is now in your court.

Watch Video of Green Tea Benefits

Shruti Menon:
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