How to Lose Hip Fat (21 Effective Hip Exercises For Women)

How to Lose Hip Fat

Lower body is a trouble area for most women as hips and thighs are the areas which are predominantly known to store excess fats.

This annoying fat storing genetics around thighs and hips have been passed on to future generations from the cave dwelling women.

So, because of these hormones and enzymes in the body migrates every calorie to the fat cells in the hips and thighs.

In fact it’s a myth amongst women that losing hip fat is difficult. There are a few tricks and tips to coax the muscle cells around the hips to burn that excess fat and give you shapely slim hips.

Besides the genetics one should understand that there are few more underlying factors which could contribute to the fat around the hips.

Here are a Few Factors That Just Might Cause Those Fat Hips-

  • High Hormone level
  • Cellulite
  • Fluid Retention
  • Poor Blood Circulation
  • Emotional Stress

Now let us move onto our main topic of the day which is about how to lose hip fat.

Through this article we shall highlight the underlying factors which can add up your concerns about fat around hips.

No matter what the factor is the good news is that you can lose the fat around the hip easily with regular workouts.

We have listed out the workouts that will not only help you lose fat around the hips but also these exercises will even help you diminish the ugly cellulite.

How to Lose Hip Fat Using Effective Exercises

Here are a few effective hip exercises for women which are a combination of equipment’s and without equipment’s –

1. Standing Side Kick

This exercise is excellent for targeting the stubborn hip fat easily as it helps to trim inner thighs, outer hips, glutes and quadriceps effectively.


  1. Start with keeping your feet at hip width apart distance and place your hands on hips.
  2. Then slowly extend the left leg to the side at hip level for 3-4 counts.
  3. Make sure that your inner thigh is perfectly parallel to the floor.
  4. Then hold the raised leg for a single count to the side of the hip.
  5. Later slowly take 3-4 counts to lower the leg.
  6. Then switch to right side and repeat.
  7. Continue 3 sets of 15 repetitions on alternate sides for banishing fat hips faster.

2. Side Stepping Curtsy

 Want to know about how to lose hip fat then try this side stepping curtsy exercise. This travelling lunge focuses on burning the fat around hips, thighs, glutes and challenges the core muscles as well (1).


  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and clasp your hands behind your head.
  2. Then take a large step and cross your right leg behind left leg.
  3. Later lower into a curtsy lunge.
  4. Then reach your right hand to the floor.
  5. Quickly stand back up and return to the starting position.
  6. 1 to 5 steps completes 1 repetition and then switch to other side.
  7. Continue 3 sets of 20 repetitions on alternate sides of side stepping curtsy hip exercise for slimming down the hips faster.

More: Our Top 13 Exercises to Tone Your Butt

3. Side Jump

 This is one of the easiest hip workouts which can be performed anywhere. Moreover this exercise effectively targets the outer hips, hamstrings, glutes and inner thighs for giving you slender hips.


  1. Begin by standing with hands on the hips.
  2. Then jump on to your right side and land on your right foot.
  3. In the process keep your knees slightly bent.
  4. Then bring your left foot down on the floor.
  5. Later repeat the same process on the left side.
  6. Continue to alternate for 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side for getting rid of fat hips.

4. Front to Back Hip Swing

This hip exercise gives you perfect and proportionate hips in no time as it targets the hip flexors and helps you lose weight and tone muscles faster.


  1. Lie on your side on a floor, keeping your hips stacked one on the top of the other.
  2. Keep your legs long and bend the leg touching the floor to 90 degrees angle.
  3. Point your toes of the straight leg.
  4. Place your one hand in front of your stomach and the other hand under your head to stabilize your upper body.
  5. Then slowly sweep the top leg forward and backwards as far as you can.
  6. Make sure to keep your body straight and abs tight so that it does not roll along with leg movement.
  7. Continue to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on one side and then switch to other side for banishing hip fat.

5. Travelling Squats with Resistance Band

Amongst various hip exercises this travelling squats with resistance band challenges your outer thighs and hip muscles effectively to give you toned and slimmer hips (2).


  1. Start with standing with feet hip width apart and resistance band tied around your ankles.
  2. Then take a step to the right as far as you can, working against the resistance of the band.
  3. Then bring your left foot to meet the right foot.
  4. Later lift your right leg out to the side as high as possible.
  5. Maintain your torso upright and toes pointing slightly downwards.
  6. Later switch side and repeat.
  7. Continue to do 3 sets of 12 to 15 repetitions on each side for toning fat hips.

More: How to Tone your Arms with 10 Easy Exercises

6. Hip Raises

Hip raises is one of the most popularly suggested hip workouts by fitness trainers, as it burns the fat around the hip area, outer part of the hips, the outer thighs and also the glutes as well. So, try this workout which will assure you slimmer and firmer hips.


  1. Begin by lying down with your face upwards and the knees bent and with feet flat on the floor.
  2. Now slowly lift the hips and make sure to extend your right leg by pointing the toes towards the wall in front of you.
  3. Hold in this position for a single count and then move your right leg out to right side at a good 90 degree angle.
  4. Again hold in this position for a single count and then return to the starting position before lowering your leg.
  5. Continue to do 10 repetitions and then switch sides and repeat.
  6. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side for losing hip fat.

7. Skater Slides

One of the best hip exercises is skater slides as this workout has dynamic movement which works effectively on hips, legs and acts as a cardio workout too. This fun exercise helps you lose weight as well as shapes your hip area.


  1. Start by standing on your left foot with knees slightly bent.
  2. Then place your right foot behind your left ankle.
  3. Later lower your body to a squat position.
  4. Then take your left arm out to the side and your right arm across the hips.
  5. Hop to your right foot by jumping off your left foot by bringing the left foot behind your right foot by swinging your arms to the right.
  6. Then repeat your move from side to side.
  7. Make sure your chest is lifted through out the move.
  8. Continue this hip exercise of 5 repetitions of 10 jumps on each side.

More: What to Eat Before and After a Workout

8. Side Plank with Leg Lift

 Want to know some of the best exercises for hips for slender hips and toning the lower body then try this side plank with leg lift exercise (3).

This exercise is excellent for the whole body and not just the hips as it targets the hips, abs, back and the lower back, inner thighs and the outer thighs and the glutes as well.


  1. Start by placing your left elbow over the ground.
  2. Now extend both your legs outwards making sure that the body forms a straight line and balances towards the outer edge of your left foot.
  3. Next try to flex your both feet and reach your right hand to the ceiling.
  4. Make sure your spine is lengthened and abs is engaged throughout this exercise.
  5. Then lift your right leg a little higher than the top portion of your hip.
  6. Later gradually lower it towards the bottom of your leg.
  7. Don’t sink your waist to the bottom, keep your waist up and lifted.
  8. Continue to do 3 sets of 14-15 repetitions of this side plank with leg lift on each side for getting rid of hip fat easily.

9. Kettlebell Windmill

Kettlebell windmill (4) exercise for hips is excellent for targeting multiple muscles like hips, outer thighs, inner thighs, shoulders, arms and oblique as well. This helps in losing overall excess weight for slender and shapely hips.


  1. Start by grabbing a Kettlebell with one hand and raise it straight over your shoulder.
  2. Then stand with your feet a little wider than your hips and let your other arm rest at your side.
  3. Later look up at the Kettlebell and let your resting arm glide down to your leg.
  4. By gliding your arm your hips will push out to the opposite side, but make sure your legs straight.
  5. Go as low as you can with straight legs.
  6. Exhale and squeeze your obliques to help you to come back to your starting position.
  7. Firstly perform all your repetitions on one side and then switch to the other side.
  8. Continue to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions on each side for target fat hips.

10. Wood Chopper with Medicine Ball

Want to know how to lose hip fat effortlessly at home? Then try this wood chopper with medicine ball as it focuses on trimming hips, back, thighs and arms as well.


  1. Start with holding a medicine ball in both your hands.
  2. Then squat and twist right to hold the medicine ball on the outside of your right leg.
  3. Then exhale and lift the medicine ball diagonally across your body ending twisted to the left with medicine ball above your head.
  4. Twist on your right foot as needed.
  5. Focus on engaging the core while initiating rotation.
  6. Then return to the starting position by bringing the ball to the starting position without bending the elbows to complete one repetition.
  7. Continue to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions of wood chopper hip exercise on each side.

11. Shifting Side Lunge

Shifting side lunge is a powerful hip exercise as it helps you lose the flab around the hips as well as tones the hip area. This workout targets hips, inner and outer thighs, arms and shoulder muscles too.


  1. Start by standing with your feet together and grabbing dumbbells by your sides.
  2. Then take a wide step out to your left and lower into a side lunge and reaching dumbbells on either side of your left leg.
  3. Bend your right knee and shift your body weight into both legs in a wide squat position.
  4. Then reach the dumbbells to the floor in front of you.
  5. Later extend your left leg and shift your weight to the left moving into a side lunge with your with your right leg.
  6. Then push off your right foot to bring your legs together and return to starting position to complete one repetition.
  7. Continue to do 20 repetitions in total on alternate sides each time to lose hip fat.

12. Bench Step-Up with Dumbbells

 This hip exercise bench step up with dumbbells is perfect for toning and losing weight in the lower body. This workout even helps in toning the hips, thighs, hamstrings, shoulders, upper and lower calf muscles for slender hips.


  1. Start by grabbing 5 to 8 pounds dumbbells in your each hand standing next to a bench lengthwise.
  2. Then step up with your left foot onto the middle of the bench and hold for 3 counts with right leg lifted to the side.
  3. Later step down with right leg and tap down with the left foot.
  4. Immediately step back up to the bench with the left foot and repeat.
  5. Continue to do all the repetitions on this leg and later rest for 30 seconds and then switch sides.
  6. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions on alternate sides for getting rid of stubborn hip fat.

13. Bent Knee Dead Lift with Dumbbells

 Amongst various hip exercises for women with dumbbells this bent knee dead lift workout may look easy but is very effective.

This workout strengthens and targets several muscle groups such as lower & upper body, glutes, legs, hips and back. Thus, it is beneficial for trimming down the fat around the hips and the lower body.


  1. Begin by placing a pair of dumbbells of 5 to 8 pounds on the floor in front of you.
  2. Then squat keeping your chest up and grab the dumbbells with overhand grip.
  3. Make sure your hands are straight and your lower back is slightly arched.
  4. Then contract your glutes and stand up with dumbbells by straightening your legs.
  5. Thrust your hips forward and pull your torso back and up slowly.
  6. Then slowly lower the dumbbells to the floor to complete one repetition.
  7. Continue to do 2 sets of 12 repetitions of bent knee dead lift with dumbbells for trimming down fat hips.

 14. Leg Raises

Wanting to get rid of excess hip fat then try this simple pilates exercise leg lifts. This exercise targets the lower abdominal muscles, core muscles, lower back muscles and hip flexors effectively to burn the accumulated fat in this area.


  1. Start by lying down on your side with your head supported by your arms.
  2. Then stretch out your legs one over the other.
  3. Later lift the leg up slowly by contracting the abdominal muscles and make sure not to arch your back.
  4. Then slowly lower the leg to the starting position.
  5. Later switch sides and repeat.
  6. Continue to do 3 sets of 20 repetitions of this hip exercise on both sides for strengthening and trimming down the hips.

15. Pilates Leg Circles with Resistance Band

Pilates hip exercises are quite a popular form of workout as it mainly helps in strengthening and losing excess fat around the hips easily.

Moreover these pilates can be performed by anyone within the comforts of one’s home. This leg circles with resistance band targets the hips and even helps in flattening the tummy.


  1. Start by lying down on the back and legs straighten.
  2. Then hold the ends of resistance band with both hands.
  3. Later raise one leg and place the resistance band around the extended leg.
  4. Then keeping the elbows anchored at your sides let the extended leg circle freely.
  5. Make sure not to pull the resistance band with hands.
  6. Repeat 6 to 8 circles with the extended leg and then lower the leg to the starting position.
  7. Switch the leg and repeat the circles with extended leg.
  8. Continue to do 3 sets of 6 to 8 repetitions on each side for losing hip fat fast.

16. Mermaid with Hip Flexor Stretch with Pilates Ring

This mermaid with hip flexor stretch with Pilates ring exercise for hips not only looks beautiful but even assures to give you slender hips if performed regularly.

This stretch is effective for targeting the hip flexors, obliques and the quads as well.


  1. Start in a high kneeling position and take left leg forward into a lunge position.
  2. Then press hips forward until you feel a stretch through the front of hip and thighs.
  3. Later raise your left hand reach up to the ceiling and then side bend towards the ring, pressing the pilates ring down with right hand.
  4. This posture will make you feel the stretch through the side of your body.
  5. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and then slowly lower your hand and return to the starting position.
  6. Switch side and repeat.
  7. Continue to stretch for 30 seconds on each side and continue to breathe throughout the stretch for losing hip fat and strengthening the hips.

17. Pilates Crisscross

This pilates crisscross hip exercise is the definite way to slimmer hips and toned abdomen. The crisscross motion in this exercise targets on strengthening and burning the bulging fat around the hips, waist and abdominal areas effectively.


  1. Start by lying down straight on the back on a mat.
  2. Then place the palms below the head with elbows out to the sides.
  3. Curl up to raise your head, neck and shoulders off the floor.
  4. Then inhale and rotate your torso to the right by bringing your right knee and left shoulder towards each other.
  5. Then take your extended left leg towards the ceiling in a diagonal line from your hips.
  6. Later exhale and rotate to the left by bringing your left knee towards your right shoulder and extending your right leg like cycling.
  7. These steps complete one repetition.
  8. Continue to do 3 sets of 6 repetitions in total for targeting fat hips.

18. Thigh High Lift with Mini Ball

Want to know how to lose hip fat then try this excellent thigh high lift with mini ball. This workout challenges the hips, butt, inner thighs, abs and triceps very well to burn out the excess fat overall the body.


  1. Begin by sitting on the floor with knees bent with feet flat on the floor.
  2. Place the ball between the inner thighs and place the palms on the floor slightly behind the hips.
  3. Then squeeze the ball using inner thighs and then lift the hips so that the body is in a tabletop position with torso parallel to the floor.
  4. Later lower your hips to the floor, returning to the starting position.
  5. Then squeeze the ball once more quickly.
  6. Continue to do 3 sets of 15 repetitions of this thigh high lift with mini ball workout to get rid of fat hips.

19. Lateral Step-Out Squat

This lateral step out squat exercise for hips challenges various muscles for losing body weight which can help trim down your hips as well. This workout targets hips, quads and core muscles as well.


  1. Begin by standing straight with feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Keep your toes pointed straight ahead and knees over toes.
  3. Then lower into a standard squat position.
  4. Hold that squat position and take 2 steps to your right.
  5. Pause for 2 counts and then take 2 small steps side to your left.
  6. Continue to do 3 sets of 12 repetitions on each side for slimming down the fat hips.

20. Side Lying Leg Lift with Stability Ball

 Want to know how to lose hip fat and have slender hips then try this side lying leg lift with stability ball. This workout targets hips, glutes and core muscles and helps to lose fat around the hips easily.


  1. Begin by lying on the side with your torso on the stability ball.
  2. Keep your bottom leg bent on the mat and your top leg is extended with foot resting on floor.
  3. Rest your top hand on the hip and extend your other arm over the ball and place it on the floor for balance.
  4. Make sure your abdomen is tight to balance and stabilize.
  5. Then lift your top leg as high as comfortable without bending at the hip.
  6. Hold for 2 counts and then lower your leg.
  7. Keep body in one place with maintaining tight abs so that it does not rotate forward or backwards.
  8. These steps complete one repetition.
  9. Continue to do 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions on each side for toning fat hips.

21. Cardio Exercise

 Cardio exercises are even considered as the best hip exercises for women as it helps to lose weight easily for slimming down the hips as well. In cardio exercises one can choose easy workouts with basic equipment’s such as stationary bike, treadmill or elliptical trainer. Choose any of the cardio workouts but perform it for minimum 30 to 40 minutes 5 days a week for losing fat around hips.

Women wanting to engage in simple and easy hip exercises can even opt for jogging, walking for 30 to 40 minutes 5 days a week for losing weight around the hips.

Dietary Changes Will Help You Lose Hip Fats

Along with hip workouts following a few basic dietary changes will help you lose excess body weight and give you slender hips in no time. So, here are a few suggested dietary changes-

  • Cut down on fats like clarified butter, margarine and opt for healthy fats such as vegetable oil and olive oil.
  • Choose low fat yogurt, skimmed milk over full fat dairy products.
  • Restrict carbs intake like potato, white rice, sago, pasta and refined flours.
  • Say No to fried and deep fried foods for avoiding fat hips.
  • Indulge in fiber rich foods such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains for losing excess body weight.
  • Opt for fish, eggs, lean proteins such as chicken and turkey and avoid red meat for losing fat around the hips easily.
  • Hydrate! Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water a day to suppress hunger and keep off excess fat accumulation around hips.
  • Eat healthy breakfast with healthy food choices for giving your fat burning metabolism a quick start.
  • Avoid unnatural and sweetened drinks such as colas, sodas, cocktails to avoid unnecessary calories.
  • Keeping away from sugary and salty foods like sweets and chips will even benefits in losing weight around hips faster.
  • Relish on water based fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cucumber, melons and leafy greens for suppressing your hunger pangs and controlling your appetite.
  • Don’t forget to get enough sleep to repair the muscles after intense hip exercises and maintain a healthy body.

So, after knowing about how to lose hip fat we urge you to try these workouts at home or garden or in any comfortable surroundings. Make sure you to follow these workouts regularly for losing fat around the hips faster.

All the above mentioned hip exercises are safe. So, combine any preferred exercise like Pilates with strength training with cardio for best results. If in case you feel any kind of discomfort or pain while performing any of the exercises, discontinue it immediately and consult a specialist.

Don’t forget to drop in a line or comment to let us know which workout recommended by us benefited you the most in losing the stubborn hip fat.

Shruti Menon:
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