Honey for Curing Diabetics

use -honey-to-cure-diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most discussed and researched about of all the health concerns. People diagnosed with diabetes are prescribed to follow an extremely strict diet that is devoid of any kind of sugar substance to be included in it.

This particular diet specification is what makes diabetes also one of the most complicated and difficult health concerns to deal with.

As much as the health concern diabetes has been discussed for many years now there has been no definite cure found for the disease yet.

However there are treatments that claim to reduce the symptoms of diabetes to a certain extent.

Be it the over the counter medications, prescription drugs or the strict diet that is recommended to decrease the side effects of the disease.

But the best possible way to treat any kind of health concern is with the help of some easy, safe and completely natural ingredients such as honey that we shall be discussing about in this article.

Before we move on with the remedies using honey for curing diabetes let us first gain some basic knowledge about what exactly is diabetes all about.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a common and yet the most difficult health concern to deal with. This health condition is caused when the body fails in using the hormone insulin in the right proportion.

This result in high and imbalanced blood sugar levels and this further can lead to artery blockage or the hardening of the arteries as it’s commonly known as.

This entire process eventually leads in improper blood flow to the various organs of the body and the complete system in the body gets haywire.

So ultimately one health condition such as diabetes can lead to some major and multiple health concerns and this is also the reason why people are suggested to keep a regular check on their blood sugar levels in order to prevent and treat diabetes.

Although there is no definite cause of diabetes but some of the most common causes that can be the reason or lead to diabetes are as follows:

Causes of Diabetes:

  • Hereditary
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Insulin Deficiency
  • High Cholesterol Levels
  • Others

Now that we are well aware about what can lead to diabetes let us now proceed with how to detect diabetes?

So how does one know if they are at the initial stages of diabetes?

Well don’t worry as in this section we shall discuss about some of the most common and initial symptoms of detecting diabetes.

Symptoms of Diabetes:

  • Fatigue
  • Rapid Weight Loss
  • Metabolic Disorder
  • Infections
  • Extreme Thirst or Hunger
  • Numbness
  • Blurred Vision
  • Frequent Urination
  • Others

There are basically two types of Diabetes one is the Type 1 Diabetes and the other is the Type 2 Diabetes.

But the symptoms of both these diabetes are almost similar and the type can also diagnosed with the different blood sugar levels in the each one.

Now for the most discussed topic related to diabetes – honey and diabetes!

There has been a debate going all around the globe if the diabetics can consume honey or not.

This is exactly what we shall be talking about here.

Can Diabetics Eat Honey?

Several studies have proven the fact that the consumption of honey in moderate levels helps in lowering the glucose levels in the body.

Some senior scientific researchers have also proven that a regular in limited consumption of honey has helped in reducing the bad cholesterol levels in the body and has improved the good cholesterol levels in the body.

Honey contains a lower glycaemic index which does not raise the blood sugar levels in the body as sugar does. So a limited consumption of honey for diabetics is still acceptable and can cause no harm what so ever.

Apart from this honey is also a rich natural source for minerals and nutrients such as the following.

Nutritional Content of Honey –

  • Calcium
  • Folate
  • Amino Acids
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin B6
  • Niacin
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Zinc
  • Iron
  • Riboflavin
  • Others

This has further scientifically confirmed the fact that honey for diabetics is the most natural and effective medicine available with us.

Therefore honey can definitely be considered as a natural substitute of sugar for diabetics.

However it is strictly suggested to consume only the purest and the most unadulterated form of honey and under specialist guidance and in moderation.

There are many types of honey retailed in the market out of which only a few ones are unadulterated and don’t contain any added sugars.

Natural Types of Honey:

  • Acacia Honey
  • Manuka Honey
  • Neem Honey
  • Buckwheat Honey

By now you must have gained enough knowledge about how honey can reduce the symptoms of diabetes and is not as bad as sugar for diabetics.

 Honey for Curing Diabetes Using Home Remedies:

So let us now proceed with some helpful remedies using honey for curing diabetes.

1. Honey Replacement of Sugar Remedy

Are you constantly questioning yourself with can diabetics have honey?

Then get this question of yours immediately resolved by reading this article and discovering some unknown health facts related to honey.

Yes scientifically it has been proven that honey is a natural substitute of sugar and can be consumed by diabetics in moderation.

The best that the diabetics can balance or reduce their blood sugar levels is with the consumption of honey.

It has been medically recommended to consume about 1-2 tbsp of raw and unadulterated honey every day to reduce or control the blood sugar levels (1) in the body and further help with the symptoms of diabetes.

2. Ginger, Honey & Lemon Tea Remedy

This home remedy will resolve your question about is honey ok for diabetes?

Low or weak immune system is also one of the reasons for diabetes or for the slow recovery process from the symptoms of diabetes.

Therefore the ultimate and natural way of boosting the immune system of the body is with the help of this amazingly health beneficial remedy.

This drink is packed medicinal qualities as ginger in this remedy is loaded with anti inflammatory, anti fungal and anti bacterial properties (2).

It is also known to boost the immune system and helps in speeding up the recovery process.

Lemon in this remedy is packed with anti oxidant properties and vitamin C which further helps in reducing the risk of diabetes as well as protects the body from the after effects of diabetes.

Honey for  diabetes acts as a natural sweetener as well as helps in balancing the blood sugar levels of the body.

So if you wish to reduce the risk of diabetes related health concerns then make sure to include this natural home remedy using honey in your daily diet!


  • Ginger – 1 Small Piece
  • Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp
  • Honey – 2 tsp
  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Metal Strainer
  • Saucepan
  • Serving Cup


  1. Firstly add some water into a saucepan and place it over medium heat.
  2. Now let the water to boil for at least 4-5 mins.
  3. Add in the piece of ginger and allow it boil for another 5-6 mins.
  4. Once the water reaches the boiling consistency take it off the heat and cover it with a lid and let it steep for another 4-5 mins.
  5. Later strain this ginger infused water using a metal strainer and retain the tea and discard the piece of ginger.
  6. Now transfer this ginger infused tea in a cup and add in some lemon juice and honey and stir it well.
  7. Now drink this ginger, lemon and honey for diabetes tea remedy to reduce the risk of health concerns related to diabetes.
  8. This  process needs to be repeated at least 2-3 times in a day and continued every day for best results.

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2. Garlic & Honey for Diabetes Remedy

Unsure about can a diabetic eat honey then read this remedy further and resolve your doubt!

Apart from honey being the best natural ingredient to reduce the signs of diabetes garlic too plays an important role in treating diabetes naturally.

Wondering how?

Well it is because garlic helps in lowering the blood sugar levels in the body and this further aids in reduces the signs and negatives affects on the body caused due to diabetes.

Try this home remedy if you are looking for a natural cure to diabetes!


  • Garlic Cloves – 2-3
  • Honey – 1-2 tsp
  • Mortar & Pestle


  1. Firstly peel 2-3 garlic cloves and then add them into the mortar and pestle.
  2. Crush them until they form in a paste like consistency.
  3. Add some honey to this garlic paste and mix this well until both the ingredients are well combined.
  4. Now consume this mixture once in a day everyday as a honey and blood sugar balancing remedy.

3. Yogurt & Honey Remedy

Honey is the perfect natural alternative to sugar which is rich in various nutrients, minerals and amino acids.

Honey also helps in preventing excessive sugar from entering into the blood vessels of the body and this further helps in balancing the blood sugar levels of the body.

A bowl of yogurt is highly recommended to any diabetic patient early in the mornings as its very healthy breakfast option.

Adding honey to yogurt further helps in reducing the signs of diabetes naturally.

So try this honey curing diabetes remedy to reduce the side effects of diabetes!


  • Yoghurt – 1 Serving Bowl
  • Honey – 1-2 tsp


  1. Add some raw honey to a bowl of yoghurt.
  2. Mix this well and consume this early in the morning as a healthy breakfast alternative.
  3. This is a healthy breakfast diet for diabetics and also helps in reducing the various symptoms and side effects of diabetes.
  4. This is also the most recommended diet using honey for diabetes with type 2
  5. Following this remedy and breakfast diet suggestion needs to be continued once in a day.

4. Honey & Cinnamon Tea Remedy

Not many people are aware about the kind of nutrients and minerals that the humble honey is naturally packed with.

Honey is a rich natural source of amino acids, magnesium, anti inflammatory properties and many other health beneficial nutritional qualities (3).

Cinnamon too is an amazing natural source of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, copper, iron, calcium and many other health beneficial properties.

Apart from this cinnamon the very commonly used sweet spice is also an excellent remedy to treat the symptoms of diabetes.

Yes, cinnamon has been scientifically proven to have an anti-diabetic effect on the body as it helps in reducing the blood sugar levels in the body.

It also has been proven to improve the sensitivity to the insulin hormone which is also the most importantly needed hormone especially for the diabetic patients.

So ultimately this remedy is the best answer to your confusion about honey for diabetics good or bad as this remedy has been proven to be of the best help to the diabetics!


  • Water – 1 Cup
  • Honey – 1 tbsp
  • Ground Cinnamon – 1 tsp
  • Saucepan


  1. Firstly take a saucepan and into this add in some water and place it over medium heat.
  2. Now allow the water to boil and once it reaches the boiling consistency take it off the heat.
  3. Now add some ground cinnamon and honey into this water and cover it with a lid.
  4. Let it steep for about 10-15 mins.
  5. Later once the tea feels warm enough drink it.
  6. This remedy using honey for curing diabetes is the best and the safest way to reduce the high blood sugar levels in the body of the diabetic patients.
  7. This remedy can be followed daily once in a day and preferably in the mornings.

So these were our top most recommendations of remedies using honey for curing diabetes. Apart from these remedies there are a few precautionary measures that one needs to follow in order to prevent from the symptoms of diabetes.

More: Home Remedies for Weight Loss

Important Tips & Suggestions to Prevent Diabetes:

  • Always make sure to follow a routine that involves some kind of physical activity like swimming, working out, walking.
  • Jogging or even playing a sport everyday for at least 30-40 mins. This helps in boosting the metabolic rate of the body and also lowers the blood sugar levels in the body.
  • Always make sure to keep yourself well hydrated throughout the day and consume at least 2-3 litres of water every day as it helps in flushing out the toxins and excess sugar from the body.
  • Always make sure to include fibre rich foods like lentils, beans, artichokes, broccolis, brussel sprouts, fruits and green vegetables in your diet.
  • This helps in controlling the blood sugar levels in the body and also lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart diseases as well.
  • Apart from following a honey diabetes diet it is highly recommended to consume foods that are made up of whole grains as it is also a rich source of healthy carbs and fibre.
  • Avoiding smoking and consumption of alcohol further helps in reducing the symptoms of diabetes.
  • Avoid intake of high sugar foods and aerated drinks and instead opt for healthy and fresh fruits and fruit juices.
  • Always make sure to choose healthy and natural fatty foods such as nuts and seeds that are packed with vitamins and minerals and avoid consumption of cakes and chocolates.

All of the above mentioned remedies using honey for diabetes and tips are completely natural, safe and cause no side effect what so ever.

These remedies are cheaper in comparison to the ones available in the market.

However it is best suggested to consult your specialist or doctor before including honey in your diet as the diabetics are recommended to consume only a certain amount of honey on an everyday basis.

Do drop in a line and let us know as to which of the remedies using honey for diabetes mentioned in this article was of best help to you.

We would love to hear from you and know your opinion about the same in order to serve you with better natural recommendations.

If at all experience any discomfort after the consumption of honey make sure to discontinue using it and consult your specialist immediately in order to avoid any serious harm.

Shruti Menon:
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