Get Rid of Cockroaches with These simple DIY Remedies

how to Get Rid of Cockroaches

Get rid of cockroaches in your home with these simple DIY remedies. They look unsightly! They smell even worse! And they become the most terrifying creatures on the planet the moment they spread their wings and fly straight towards you!

If you are wondering what we are talking about, ask anyone (possibly yourself as well) who has had a cockroach infestation in his/her home and you will get the idea.

Roaches remain one of the most dreaded insects to invade a home, thanks to their generous nature of passing along harmful micro-organisms to anyone and anything they come in contact with.

On a more serious note, cockroaches are one of the main reasons for bacteria and other harmful organisms entering the home.

is why it is rather necessary to get rid of them as soon as you spot one or two cockroaches roaming around in your home.

Cockroaches breed and multiply rather fast, making it imperative for you to find out a way to get rid of them before they infest your entire home.

Possible Signs of a Cockroach Infestation

So how do you know that your home is being invaded by these pests? Take a look at a few signs that need to set off alarm bells in your head the moment you spot them.

Visible cockroaches running around: If you notice more than a few roaches running around here and there, chances for a possible roach infestation are strong.

Considering the fact that they breed pretty fast, it can be understood that once you spot a roach in the house, you will spot more as the day goes by.

Scratching Sounds at Night: The majority of cockroach facts state that these insects love to hang out in the dark at night.

This is why you tend to notice them scuttling around in your home via the scratching sounds they make while moving around.

Musty Odor around the House: Too many cockroaches indoors and your house will most surely attract a pungent, rotting smell that is very hard to get rid of. The smell is far worse in humid climates.

Signs of Egg Casings all over the House: Cockroaches tend to leave behind shell casings of their eggs. If you spot these egg shells lying around the house, be rest assured that you have more than a few roaches running around.

Signs of Cockroach Feces all over the House: Another sure sign indicator of a cockroach infestation according to many cockroach facts, the presence of cockroach feces (they look like coffee grounds) in cupboards, cabinets and other places in your home is more than enough to confirm an infestation.

Signs of Dead Roaches: As the insect population in your home increases, you will start noticing dead cockroaches here and there on a regular basis.

However, if food is scarce, the cockroaches may eat the dead bodies, leaving you with no clue of their whereabouts.

Family suffering from frequent Stomach Upsets: Cockroaches waste no time in contaminating food and water sources once they enter a home.

If you find yourself as well as your family members complaining of stomach upsets, cramps and diarrhea, etc.

frequently, chances are your house has already been invaded by roaches.

Why use Natural Remedies to Get Rid of Cockroaches?

While you may be tempted to call in an exterminator the moment you notice these cockroaches running around, there are plenty of other ways to get rid of roaches without spending a huge amount on an exterminator.

An exterminator will most likely use powerful insecticides for the job. While this may be beneficial in killing the roaches instantly, the toxic chemicals in these insecticides can harm your body to a great extent.

And there is also the fact that the majority of cockroach species has grown surprisingly immune to chemicals and insecticides.

This is why we are prompted to search for how to get rid of roaches without an exterminator.

Simple DIY Home Remedies to Get Rid of Cockroaches Effectively

Alright, we have finally reached that part of the article where it is time to dive into the home remedies that will help us get rid of these pesky roaches from our home once and for all.

Remember, there are many kinds of cockroaches out there, including American cockroaches, oriental cockroaches, german cockroaches, smoky brown cockroaches and brown-banded cockroaches, etc.

These home remedies will work fine for all kinds of cockroaches and can assure you of a clean, pest free home in just a few days.

Chrysanthemums for Cockroaches

When it comes to driving away the roaches in house, you have a powerful natural ingredient for the same in the form of the chrysanthemum flower. These flowers contain pyrethrins (1), natural insecticides which can paralyze the roaches on contact.

You can make your own bug repellent spray with chrysanthemums, creating a remedy that not only kills roaches instantly, but prevents them from entering your home again.

What you need:

  • Chrysanthemums – A handful
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Boil the water. Add the chrysanthemums to the water and allow them to steep in it for 15 minutes.
  • When the solution cools down, drain out the flowers and pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray this solution on the roaches wherever you spot them in the house and remove the paralyzed/dead roaches immediately.
  • Do this thrice a day for a week until you no longer spot any more roaches in the house.

Note: Growing chrysanthemums around the house can keep cockroaches off your garden and home as well.

The spray may have a pungent odor owing to the pyrethrins. Hence, cover your mouth and nose with a cloth when spraying the repellent. Keep the spray away from children and pets as well.

2. Bay Leaves for Cockroaches

When it comes to wondering how to get rid of cockroaches from the house without the use of chemicals, bay leaves most usually feature near the top of the list of home remedies for the purpose.

Roaches hate strong smells, which is why they will hate bay leaves as well. Check out some ways in which you can use these leaves to repel cockroaches from your home naturally. Bay Leaves will also eliminate the Water Bugs.

Method I: Bay Leaf Powder

This is a great natural remedy for cockroach infestations and can get rid of the cockroaches from your home without necessarily killing them.

What you need:

  • Bay Leaves – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Dry the leaves in the sun for a day or two (you can also buy dried bay leaves from the market).
  • Grind the dried leaves to create a coarse powder.
  • Sprinkle some of this powder near the areas where the roach nests are located.
  • The pungent smell of the powder will drive away the roaches from their nests and they will have no choice but to relocate to another nest outside your home.

Method II: Bay Leaves, Garlic Powder Spray

How about getting rid of roaches with a more pungent home remedy? This remedy will definitely drive the pesky insects from your home if the first remedy were to fail.

What you need:

  • Bay Leaves – A handful
  • Garlic Powder – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 2 cups

What you need to do:

  • Boil the water and add the garlic powder to it.
  • Add the bay leaves to the solution and allow it to steep for 15 minutes or so.
  • Drain out the bay leaves and pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the solution on the roaches as well as their nests. Follow this remedy twice a day or so until the roaches leave their nests and your home permanently.

3. Borax for Cockroaches

Many commercial bug repellents and insecticides use borax as an ingredient owing to its ability to get rid of roaches in a very short span of time, in many cases overnight.

You can use this acid to make your own roach repellent mix at home. However, you will need to attract the roaches to this mix, and this is where sugar enters the picture.

What you need:

  • Borax– 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – ½ tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the borax, sugar and flour nicely.
  • Add water to this mix and create a smooth paste which is just a bit runny.
  • Smear this paste in holes, cracks, crevices, ducts, cabinets, baseboards, countertops and every other place in your home where you happen to notice roaches frequently.
  • Leave the paste on these areas overnight. You will be able to see at least a few dead cockroaches in these areas by morning. Remove the dead roaches immediately and apply some more paste the following night.
  • Continue doing this until your home is finally rid of all the cockroaches.

Note: Borax is toxic for children and pets. So make sure you keep them away from the mix when using it around the house.

4. Fabric Softener for Cockroaches

Cockroaches are known to breathe through their abdomen. Hence, spraying a repellent in this area can kill the roaches instantly.

Now that doesn’t mean you need to go about flipping them around before spraying them.

Rather, we recommend using a DIY fabric softener spray that can suffocate the roaches without harming you in any way.

What you need:

  • Fabric Softener – 2 cups
  • Water – 1 ½ cup

What you need to do:

  • Mix the fabric softener with the water.
  • Pour this mix into a spray bottle and shake the bottle nicely to ensure that both ingredients have blended properly.
  • Arming yourself with one of the best home remedies for roaches, start hunting the insects down and spray them with the mix. You will get assured results within just a few days (spray areas of infestation twice or thrice a day as well).

5. Baking Soda for Cockroaches

Ever tried using baking soda to get rid of a cockroach? Well if you have this ingredient in your kitchen, trust it to come to your rescue when you can’t get your hands on anything else.

Plus, baking soda offers a safer option when compared to borax acid which may be a problem to use if you have pets and children in the house.

In this case, while the sugar attracts the roaches to the trap, the baking soda will destroy their digestive system via gas accumulation. Baking soda can also help with fleas and fleas on humans as well.

There are two ways you can use baking soda to treat a cockroach infestation.

Method I: Baking Soda and Sugar

This simple and easy to make remedy can be your solace in case of a sudden roach infestation.

What you need:

  • Baking Soda – 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 2 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the baking soda and sugar nicely.
  • Sprinkle this powder on and around the areas where you happen to see the cockroaches roaming around often.
  • Regular application of the powder will kill the roaches and drive them away from their nests.

Method II: Baking Soda, Sugar and Flour

This remedy is a great way to get rid of cockroaches that remain hidden from your view behind cupboards and cabinets, and inside cracks, ducts and drains.

What you need:

  • Baking Soda – 3 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 2 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the baking soda, sugar and flour together.
  • Add water in parts to the mixture and knead it until it becomes a dough.
  • Make small balls of this dough and roll them into the cracks, crevices, gaps, ducts and drains. Place them inside cupboards and cabinets.
  • You will start to notice quite a number of dead roaches in your home over the course of the next few days. The remaining roaches will leave their nests soon and move out of your house for good.

6. Corn Starch for Cockroaches

Corn starch is a natural repellent and can eliminate the roaches invading your home easily. When used with plaster of Paris, it can keep these pests away from your home for good.

What you need:

  • Corn Starch – 2 tbsp.
  • Plaster of Paris – 2 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the corn starch and plaster of Paris well.
  • Sprinkle this mix all around the house, concentrating on areas where there seem to be more roaches.
  • Remove this mixture after a week and follow up with a new batch.
  • Continue doing this until your home is finally roach free.

7. Beer for Cockroaches

This may probably be the best way to get rid of roaches, especially if you have a bottle or two of extra beer in the house from the party the night before.

You can make use of the beer and some leftover bread to create a death trap for the roaches invading your home.

What you need:

  • Beer – ½ can
  • Bread – 2 pcs.

What you need to do:

  • Break the bread into small pieces and add it to a bowl.
  • Pour the beer over the bread pieces and allow them to soak in it for about 20 minutes.
  • Remove the beer soaked bread pieces from the bowl and put them in a jar.
  • Place the jar near the cockroaches’ nest.
  • Keep checking the jar from time to time. You will see the number of dead cockroaches inside it increase day by day.
  • Remove the contents of the jar after two days and fill it up with more beer soaked bread.
  • Continue doing this until the roach trap fails to attract any more cockroaches simply because there are no more roaches in your home.

8. Wine for Cockroaches

Beer and now wine? We are not kidding when we say that you can handle a cockroach infestation at home with some wine in a spray bottle.

The sweetness of the wine attracts the roaches which will drink it to their heart’s content only to fall down dead after a few hours owing to the increased alcohol content in their bodies.

What you need:

  • Wine – ½ cup

What you need to do:

  • Pour the wine into a spray bottle and spray a nice amount of it on the areas the roaches frequent most.
  • Wait for the wine to dry up. By this time, you will notice at least a few dead roaches near the drying wine. Wipe off the wine after about an hour or so and remove the dead cockroaches from the scene.
  • Repeat the process every day until you don’t find a dead cockroach near the sprayed areas. This is a clear indicator that your home is finally roach free and will not attract these insects again.

9. Cedar for Cockroaches

When searching online for how to get rid of roaches, you are bound to come across at least one or two natural remedies utilizing cedar as a main ingredient.

Cedar possesses a smell that is pleasant to humans but repelling for cockroaches. With cedar, you can keep roaches as well as other pests away from your home for ages.

What you need:

  • Cedar – 10 to 15 chips

What you need to do:

  • Place the cedar chips near cabinets, cupboards, sinks, drains, refrigerators, stoves and the other places in your home which are invaded by cockroaches.
  • Leave the chips in place for a few weeks before replacing them with new ones.
  • The roaches will eventually leave your home for good.

10. Coffee for Cockroaches

Getting rid of cockroaches has never been easier! Many studies have related the use of coffee to create effective roach traps.

While some argue that it is the strong caffeine smell that kills the roaches, others believe that the substances present in the coffee grinds play a vital role in eradicating cockroaches.

Smell or substance notwithstanding, it can be clearly stated that coffee has its way with dealing with troublesome cockroaches, and can be used to drive them out of your home for good.

What you need:

  • Coffee Grinds – 1 cup
  • Water – 2 cups

What you need to do:

  • Fill 1/4th of a glass jar with water.
  • Place some coffee grinds in a small cup. Place this cup in the middle of the glass jar, making sure that the water in the jar is below the mouth of the cup.
  • Create two or more traps in the same manner using coffee grinds.
  • Place these glass jars in the roach infested areas and check them regularly.
  • Remove the glass jars after a week along with the dead cockroaches inside them, and replace with fresh coffee grinds. Follow this remedy until the traps remain empty for a couple of weeks.

11. Ammonia for Cockroaches

Ammonia has a rather pungent smell that cockroaches simply hate. Hence, if you are intent on getting rid of cockroach infestation as soon as possible, try using these two remedies utilizing ammonia for the same purpose.

Method I: Ammonia Spray

This spray can be used to drive the roaches from their nests. You can spray this DIY repellent in hard to reach places, thus ensuring that no cockroaches are left out at the end.

What you need:

  • Ammonia – ½ cup
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Mix the ammonia and water nicely to form a solution.
  • Pour this solution into a spray bottle and use it on the roach infested areas of your home at least thrice a week for desirable results.

Method II: Ammonia, Water Wash

In addition to spraying their nests with ammonia solution, you can consider washing the infested  areas with the same. Regular use of this remedy will ensure that the cockroaches start leaving your house as soon as possible.

What you need:

  • Ammonia – 2 cups
  • Water – 1 bucket

What you need to do:

  • Mix the ammonia in the water.
  • Wash the floors of the house with this solution once a week until your home is roach free.
  • Continued use of this solution in your home will also successfully keep out cockroaches and other pests.

12. Catnip for Cockroaches

Wondering how to get rid of the german roaches infesting your home? Time to turn to some catnip for help.

Check out two remedies using this herb as a vital ingredient to kill the roaches and chase them away from your home.

Method I: Catnip Sachets

You can get catnip sachets at the market. Keeping these near the roaches’ nests will drive away the cockroaches inhabiting them.

What you need:

  • Catnip Sachets – 2 to 3

What you need to do:

  • Place these sachets near the nesting areas for several hours a day.
  • You can also place the sachets near the areas where the roaches are spotted frequently.
  • Do this for a couple of weeks and the roaches will start disappearing from your home.

Note: If you can’t find catnip sachets, you can substitute with loose catnip that can be sprinkled near the nesting areas for the same results.

Method II: Catnip Tea Spray

Catnip contains an ingredient called nepetalactone which is known to be a very effective bug repellent.

When used in the form of a tea, it provides a perfect solution to clear out nasty roach infestations without causing any damage to health.

What you need:

  • Catnip – 1 tsp.
  • Water – 2 cups

What you need to do:

  • Boil the water and add the catnip to it.
  • Allow it to steep in the water for a few minutes.
  • Drain the solution and pour it into a spray bottle.
  • Spray a liberal amount of this solution onto the cockroach nests as well as the areas infested by the roaches. You should see positive results within a week or so.

Note: Cats are allergic to catnip. If you happen to have a cat at home, do not use this remedy.

13. Cucumber for Cockroaches

When wondering how to get rid of cockroaches efficiently, you may come across a home remedy for it utilizing cucumber.

It has been found out that placing cucumber peels inside an aluminum container can create a stink that is lethal for cockroaches, killing them as soon as they inhale the fumes coming out of the container.

So if you have some cucumber in the refrigerator at home, try this remedy to get rid of roaches.

What you need:

  • Cucumber – 1

What you need to do:

  • Peel the cucumber. Place the peels inside an aluminum can or container.
  • Place the can near the cockroaches’ nests and wait for a couple of days. The roaches will start dying on their own within the next few days.
  • Repeat once a week or so until there are no more roaches in your home.

14. Cayenne Pepper for Cockroaches

Cayenne pepper acts as a natural repellent for roaches. The smell of the pepper is more than enough to have those nasty roaches scampering away from their hiding places and out of your home in no time at all.

What you need:

  • Cayenne Pepper – 1 tbsp.
  • Garlic – 1 clove
  • White Onion – 1
  • Water – 4 cups

What you need to do:

  • Peel the garlic and onion. Cut the onion into small pieces
  • Roast all the dry ingredients in a pan for about a minute and add the water.
  • Allow the water to boil nicely for about10 minutes or so until its quantity reduces to 1 cup.
  • Allow this mixture to cool down and pour it into a clean spray bottle. Make sure you do not inhale its fumes while doing so.
  • Spray this mix on the roach infested areas of your home for a quick and powerful remedy to get rid of cockroaches.

15. Garlic for Cockroaches

Even humans stay away from garlic owing to its pungent smell. And that is what will make this simple kitchen ingredient a great solution for killing stubborn cockroaches, even the most stubborn of them all; the German cockroach.

What you need:

  • Garlic – 5 to 6 cloves

What you need to do:

  • Peel the garlic cloves and crush them lightly.
  • Place them around the roach infested areas of your home. Replace the cloves with fresh ones once every few days or so. You will start to notice a considerable decrease in the number of cockroaches running around in your home within two weeks.

Note: You can also use garlic powder to drive away cockroaches. Simply sprinkle the garlic powder in the roach infested areas of the house for the same purpose.

16. Mint for Cockroaches

While the smell of mint can be pleasant for humans, it is unbearable for cockroaches. This makes this herb a great natural remedy for cockroach infestations in your home.

Check out a really simple way in which you can use mint to get rid of roaches from your home.

What you need:

  • Mint Leaves – A handful
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Boil the water and steep the mint leaves in the water for about 15 minutes.
  • Drain out the leaves and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the infested areas of the house with this solution repeatedly several times a day.
  • Follow this remedy for a week or so for effective results.

17. Pyrethrum for Cockroaches

Pyrethrum is a very lethal weapon against cockroaches and can kill them instantly. Using a DIY spray made of pyrethrum flowers can also keep your home free of cockroaches and other bugs for years on end.

So if you are wondering how to kill cockroaches and remove them from your home, make your pyrethrum spray today.

What you need:

  • Pyrethrum Flowers – A handful
  • Water – 2 cups

What you need to do:

  • Dry the pyrethrum flowers under the sun.
  • Boil the water and add the flowers to it. Remove from flame and allow the flowers to steep in the water for about 10 minutes.
  • Drain out the flowers and pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Take aim and spray this lethal roach repellent in cracks, crevices, holes, drains and all the other areas of your home.
  • Repeat twice a day for a week until all the roaches are either dead or have left your home for good.

18. Ice Cream for Cockroaches

Who knew that you could use ice cream as bait for cockroaches? A combination of ice cream and baking soda is more than enough to kill the roaches from inside.

While the sweetness of the ice cream will attract the roaches, the baking soda in it will kill the insects’ digestive system. Here’s what you need to do for that.

What you need to do:

  • Ice Cream – 1 cup
  • Baking Soda – 1 tsp.

What you need to do:

  • Mix the baking soda in the ice cream nicely.
  • Place the ice cream cup near the areas where the infestation is severe.
  • Keep checking the cup every morning and remove any dead cockroaches in it.
  • Replace the ice cream trap with a fresh batch after about a week or so and repeat the process until all the cockroaches have died.

19. Petroleum Jelly for Cockroaches

Thinking of how to kill a cockroach without getting too close to it? Try using some petroleum jelly.

The stickiness of the jelly will act as a trap for the roaches which will get stuck to it and become immobile. Let’s take a look at what you need to do for this.

What you need:

  • Petroleum Jelly – 2 tbsp.
  • Fruit Peels – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Take a glass jar and spread the petroleum jelly evenly on its inner edge.
  • Place the fruit peels inside the jar and place the jar near the roach infested area.
  • Leave it overnight and check the jar the next morning. If you find roaches sticking to it, remove them and place the jar back in the same area.
  • Replace the fruit peels with fresh ones after a week. Continue doing this until all the roaches have been removed from your home.

20. Lemon for Cockroaches

A homemade lemon spray can help kill cockroaches and even cure a cockroach bite.  The acidity of the lemon will irritate the roaches’ exoskeleton and destroy it while the smell of the lemon will drive away the insects.

What you need:

  • Lemon Juice – 4 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Mix the lemon juice and water nicely.
  • Pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray away at the roach infested areas several times a day.
  • You will start noticing fewer and fewer cockroaches in the coming days until all of them finally disappear.

Note: Once the infestation is cured, you can add 1 tbsp. of lemon juice to the water used to mop your home every day. This will provide a lasting relief from cockroach infestation.

21. Listerine for Cockroaches

If you want to know how to get rid of roaches naturally, look up on how to use Listerine for the same purpose.

The antibacterial properties of Listerine help kill roaches (2) in addition to keeping them away from your home. Find out how you can make your own Listerine roach repellent below. Listerine is very effective in Mosquito Bites treatment.

What you need:

  • Listerine – ½ cup
  • Water – ½ cup
  • Dishwashing Liquid – 2 drops

What you need to do:

  • Mix the Listerine and water nicely. Add the dishwashing liquid to it.
  • Pour this mixture into a spray bottle and spray on roach infested areas at least twice a day for desirable results.

22. Soap Solution for Cockroaches

You can use soap solution to get rid of cockroaches as well. This is a cheap and effective remedy for roach infestations as the soap will dissolve the protective coating of the roaches and dehydrate them until they eventually die.

If you want to know how to get rid of roaches in house using soap solution, check this remedy out.

What you need:

  • Liquid Soap – 1 tbsp.
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Mix the liquid soap with the water to create a soap solution.
  • Pour into a spray bottle and spray at places where you see roaches roaming around.
  • Do this thrice or so every day until you get rid of the roaches completely.

23. Essential Oils for Cockroaches

Essential oils offer a great natural remedy for roach infestations, even severe ones. Cockroaches hate the smell of these oils and will run away from your home before you even know it.

Take a look at some oils you can use as roach repellents include eucalyptus oil, fir oil, cedar oil, lemon oil and rosemary oil. Check out how you can make your own roach repellent with these oils.

What you need:

  • Lemon Essential Oil – 4 drops
  • Cedar Essential Oil – 12 drops
  • Fir Essential Oil – 4 drops
  • Baking Soda – 2 cups
  • Borax – 4 tbsp.

What you need to do:

  • Add all the ingredients in a bowl and pour it into a spray bottle.
  • Spray liberally on cockroach nests and infestation areas twice a day until you don’t find signs of any more cockroaches in the house.
  • Ensure to vacuum the sprayed areas half an hour after using the oil spray to remove baking soda residue.

24. Neem for Cockroaches

Neem offers a great natural remedy for cockroach infestations and usually makes it to every list you get when you search for how to get rid of cockroaches fast. Here are two ways you can use it to your benefit.

Method I: Neem Oil

Neem contains azadirachtin, a compound that is lethal for insects owing to the fact that it affects their hormonal systems and prevents them from reproducing.

What you need:

  • Neem Oil – ¼ cup
  • Water – ¼ cup

What you need to do:

  • Mix the neem oil and water nicely. Pour the solution into a spray bottle.
  • Spray this solution on the roach infested areas around your home regularly to get rid of cockroaches.

Note: You can also add a few drops of neem oil to the water you use to mop the house every day for quick and effective results.

Method II: Neem Powder

If you don’t have neem oil, grab some neem leaves instead and follow the instructions to create your own DIY roach repellent powder at home.

What you need:

  • Neem Leaves – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Dry the neem leaves in the sun.
  • Grind the dried leaves to get a coarse powder.
  • Sprinkle this powder in and around the roach infested areas of your home.
  • Leave it overnight and wipe off the powder along with the dead cockroaches near it the next morning.
  • Follow this remedy every day to get a roach free home within a week.

25. Pandan Leaves for Cockroaches

When searching for how to get rid of roaches naturally, you are bound to come across remedies using pandan leaves.

These leaves act as natural bug repellents and are usually used in vehicles to prevent bug infestations. You can use these leaves in your home as well to treat a roach infestation naturally.

What you need:

  • Pandan Leaves – A handful

What you need to do:

  • Place the pandan leaves near the cockroaches’ nests overnight. You will see many cockroaches missing from the area the next morning.
  • You can also grind the leaves to create a powder and sprinkle this powder on the nests to kill the roaches instantly.
  • Follow this remedy thrice or so a week until you get rid of the roach infestation.

26. Pinesol for Cockroaches

If there’s one thing that roaches don’t like, it’s a very pungent smell that almost kills them. And pinesol can provide you with an extremely pungent smell when mixed with another ingredient.

Use this remedy to get rid of cockroaches from your home so fast that you will recommend it to others who are wondering how to get rid of roaches fast.

What you need:

  • Pinesol – 2 cups
  • Bleach – 2 cups
  • Water – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Mix both liquids nicely in a container.
  • Boil the water and add the mix to it.
  • Pour this boiling mix directly on the roaches’ nests as well as in the areas where the infestation is severe.
  • Open all the doors and windows in the room and wait for 30 minutes before heading in to clean the room.
  • Do this once a week or so to get rid of cockroaches and prevent them from entering your home again.

27. Diatomaceous Earth for Cockroaches

Last but not the least, let’s look at an ingredient that is commonly used in many commercial bug repellents.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) provides a non-toxic solution to get rid of severe roach infestations in homes (3).

The ingredient works by striping the roaches of their exoskeletons and dehydrating them until they die.

So if you are on the lookout on how to get rid of cockroaches fast, check out how to use diatomaceous earth for the same purpose here.

What you need:

  • Diatomaceous Earth – 1 cup

What you need to do:

  • Sprinkle the product on all the places in the house where cockroaches infest.
  • You can wipe it of after about an hour or so. Follow this remedy twice a week until there are no more roaches in your home.

General Guidelines to Prevent Roach Infestations

Alright, you probably started off with a question, “How do I get rid of roaches?” at the start of this article and have realized that there are so many ways to get rid of these pests without using chemicals and toxins.

However, you would also have to follow a few guidelines to ensure that these remedies help treat roach infestations and prevent further roach attacks as well.

Here are some of those guidelines which will help you in the long run to keep your home roach free.

Keep food stored in containers and refrigerators: Do not leave food out in the open as you will then be providing an open invitation for the roaches to invade your home. Keep food properly covered in containers or in the refrigerator at all times.

Cover the garbage: Cockroaches love the smell of garbage: Don’t leave garbage cans open or exposed to roach infestations. Cover the dustbins used inside the home and take out the garbage as soon as possible to avoid attracting roaches.

Keep the kitchen clean: Cockroach infestations usually start in the kitchen before spreading to the rest of the house.

So make sure your kitchen remains clean throughout the day. Wash all the dishes immediately after cooking and dining.

Keep kitchen counters, ovens and counters clean at all times as well.

Fix leakages immediately: Leaking pipes in the home are an open invitation for cockroach infestations.

If you notice any damages to the taps, pipes, flush tanks to storage containers, get them repaired immediately.

Keep the floors clean and dry: Cockroaches love a damp environment. Hence, ensure that you keep all surfaces clean and dry at all times.

Mop the floor whenever water spills on it and leave no room for water to stagnate in the home lest you want to provide a nice breeding ground for the roaches.

Clean clutter regularly: Ensure that you clean clutter from storage areas regularly. These include drawers, wardrobes, shelves, kitchen cabinets and so on.

Throw out anything that is outdated or expired and keep the other things neatly arranged. Do not make use of paper to cover the drawers or shelves as the roaches love to hide under them.

Keep indoor area cool and ventilated: When looking for how to get rid of German roaches,  you are bound to come across many individuals who stress the importance of keeping the indoor space cool and ventilated at all times.

Roaches can move their muscles under hot conditions, meaning they are more likely to fly around the house during summer.

And that is one thing you don’t want for sure! So make sure you keep indoor air cool during summers by switching on the fans and keeping windows open. This will keep the roaches away from your home.

Get professional help: Of course if nothing seems to work out and the roaches in your home keep multiplying even as you try to get rid of them, you would have to call in a professional bug exterminator to take care of them.

In cases of severe infestations, you may have to stay away from your home for a day or two until the infestation is taken care of properly.


Cockroach infestations are quite common in households. And there are plenty of home remedies you can use to get rid of cockroaches from your home.

However, it is important that you act fast so as to prevent the infestation from becoming so severe that you would need to call an exterminator to handle it.

So start making your DIY roach repellents today and get ready to rid your home of these pesky insects once and for all.

Shruti Menon:
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