16 Ground Breaking Home Remedies For Bee Stings

16 Ground Breaking Home Remedies For Bee Stings

Have you at any point been stung by a honey bee? Up until yesterday, it’s never happened to Martina; obviously there’s a first time for everything, isn’t that so? She was stung by a honey bee when she was pottering around in the garden.

Gratefully she is not allergic, so treating the sting was definitely not a major ordeal. Be that as it may, thereafter, Martina chose to look what do you put on a bee sting and found an entire cluster of incredible bee sting relief home remedies out there!

Honey bee stings may hurt a considerable measure; however they needn’t generally mean a visit to the hospital.

This is what you have to know to choose when bee stung whether to haste for hospital help, or find out what to put on a bee sting.

What Happens When A Bee Stings?

When a honey bee, particularly a bumble bee, stings you, a spiked stinger (that has a venom sack joined to it) gets clamped in your body which might cause different reactions in your body.

Responses to a honey bee sting show on three various levels – local, systematic, or anaphylactic.

  • A confined response appears as pain, swelling, redness, tingling, and irritation which may rise for 2– 3 days, and after that it reduces.
  • A systematic response after few minutes of bee sting may show as a full-body rash, vomiting, wheezing, nausea, pain in stomach or black out.
  • An anaphylactic response is a severe type of the systematic reaction, where it can cause trouble in breathing, disarray, and a low blood pressure. It could even prompt respiratory/circulatory failure.

Note: This response could be deadly and required immediate medical help.

First Aid Bee Sting Relief for Pain, Irritation, and Swelling

Some of the immediate help you require from bee sting relief are;

  • Remove the Sting

Use couple of tweezers, or your fingernails to tenderly expel the sting. Try not to press too hard as it might discharge more venom. You can also remove a bee sting by keeping a bandage over the sting, and ripping it rapidly.

  • Clean the Affected Area

Wash the affected part with water and mild soap. Then, for a bee sting swelling, put a cold pack immediately to reduce pain and swelling.

  • Soothe the Skin

Use calming lotion like calamine lotion, aloe vera gel, toothpaste or any anti-itch creams to soothe the irritated and inflamed skin.

Once you do these immediate things, you can then follow some home remedies for bee stings to heal the wound naturally within 2-3 days.

Home Remedies For Bee Stings

1. Lavender Essential Oil

This is one of the best home remedy for bee sting. Lavender oil is unbelievably mitigating, and it can ease pain, soothes the inflammation and irritation, and help with tingling swelling.

Some people are not comfortable of using this essential oil directly, so you can even dilute with carrier oil like coconut or olive oil and use for sting.


  • Take 1 drop of lavender essential oil, and apply it directly on your sting.
  • Or mix it with 1 drop of carrier oil and use.
  • Before applying, ensure the stinger is totally out before doing as such.
  • First day, repeat this 2 times a day, and then daily once for the next 2 days.

 2. Mud

Mud is another effective bee sting remedy with which nature has blessed us. It aids in alleviating the pain related with the sting. But, it is always better to sterilize the mud in a microwave before applying it.


  • Collect some mud, and add some water to make a thick paste.
  • Stir well, and put this paste on your sting.
  • Keep it for 10-20 minutes, and then wash off with cold water.
  • Allow it to dry.
  • Mud can be applied directly to the sting if you are in the field, or unprepared.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains some phenolic compounds and fatty acids, which help in quick recovery from a bee sting. It can also alleviate itching and swelling, due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.


  • Take a fresh aloe leaf, clean, and scoop out some gel.
  • If you don’t have an aloe vera plant, then you can get the gel from the shop.
  • This gel can be applied directly on the sting.
  • Repeat this process 2-3 times a day to get quick result.

4. Bee Balm

The combination of beeswax and essential oil makes the ideal rub for sore stings. This balm is easy to make and can be carried in your pocket or purse when you go out, and can use directly if you get a sting.

To prepare a bee balm you require the following ingredients below;

  • 1-2 tbsp of organic beeswax
  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 1tsp of pure honey
  • a small tin


  • Take beeswax and coconut oil, and melt them together.
  • When it is tepid, add lavender oil and honey, and blend them properly.
  • Your balm is ready which can be stored in a small tin.
  • You can carry it or keep in your home.
  • Use it 2 times for the first day, and once the following day.

5. Calendula

Calendula is commonly used for curing various skin ailments. It contains some analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and antibiotic properties, which can relieve all skin discomforts like pain, swelling, rash, burning, irritation, and itching (1).


  • Take some dry calendula flowers, and remove its petals.
  • Put the washed petals in 1 cup of boiling water.
  • Boil for 15-20 minutes, or till water is reduced.
  • Let the water cool down, then strain.
  • Use this liquid over your sting, and its surroundings.
  • Reapply again to reduce the discomfort.

6. Plantain Leaves

Plantain is a common healing herb with broad leaves. It easily grows in almost any weather, sometimes you may find it growing in your backyard.

Plantain leaves helps in providing quick relief from itching, burning, and pain due to bee sting.


  • Take some plantain leaves, and wash them thoroughly.
  • Just chew some washed leaves to get the juice.
  • Or if you don’t want to chew, then you can extract its juice.
  • Apply this juice to the sting, and it will soothe your skin.
  • Its juice is so effective that it can even heal a skin rash, burn, or a minor wound.

More: Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

7. Raw Potato or Onion

If your sting does not have allergic reactions, and it’s in initial stage, then you can definitely choose this ancient home remedy. Both onion and potato contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Onion and potato sanitizes the affected skin, reduce swelling and redness, and also helps in preventing infection.


  • Take 1 small onion, peel, and cut a thin slice.
  • Rub this sliced onion on a sting for few seconds.
  • Or, in the same way you can use a sliced potato.
  • You can repeat this method 2-3 times a day.

8. Baking Soda

Baking soda or Sodium bicarbonate is an incredible bee sting home remedy. All you require is baking soda, and some water, and you will soon find comfort from swelling, pain, and itching.


  • Take 1 tsp of baking soda, and add enough water to make a paste.
  • Keep the paste thin, so that it can easily spread through the affected area.
  • Before application, make sure your hands are clean.
  • Apply the paste, and wash off after 20-30 minutes.
  • You can repeat the remedy once daily for 2-3 days.

9. Comfrey

Comfrey contains strong skin healing properties (2). It is disinfectant in nature, lessens irritation, and recuperates wounds.


  • Take some fresh comfrey leaves or root, and boil it in 1 glass of water.
  • Boil for 20-30 minutes till some residue is left.
  • Sieve it, and allow it to cool.
  • Apply this directly on your sting.
  • You can likewise soak the dried plant in high temp water for 10– 15 minutes, strain, cool, and apply on the influenced zone.

Note: Comfrey is toxic. So always remember that no piece of the plant is swallowed by any chance.

10. Sandalwood and Turmeric

Club the alleviating properties of sandalwood, with the mitigating activity of turmeric to cut down swelling and tingling. It is one of the most effective bee sting remedies to utilize.


  • Blend ½ tsp each of sandalwood, and turmeric powder with some water.
  • Apply this paste over your sting, and allow it to dry completely.
  • You can wash the paste once it dries off.
  • Repeat this cure 2-3 times, and can reduce the following day to get rid of sting discomfort.

11. Echinacea

Echinacea is a herb which is used widely due to its vast health benefits, it treats various skin conditions, infections; reduce swelling, quickens the recovery process, regulate blood pressure and boost immunity (3).

Additionally, it disinfects the site of the honey bee sting, improves the injury, purifies blood, and numbs the pain.

The best way to utilize Echinacea is in the tincture form.

12. Honey

As the saying go, iron chisels iron, so does the honey. It is noticed that honey can likewise counterbalance the sting left by a ‘bumble bee’? Amusing much? Honey is extremely helpful in mitigating the bee sting and tingling. Its provocative properties help to diminish torment and swelling rapidly.


  • Take 1-2 tsp of pure honey, and apply it to your sting.
  • It is better if you can cover your sting with a dressing.
  • After 30 minutes, remove your dressing.
  • With this remedy you will definitely find a great relief from pain, and swelling.

13. Rhubarb Juice

The pinkish, vast leafed stalks of the rhubarb plant are beginning to pick up consideration, and numerous individuals are stunned to discover that it is in reality high in nutrition.

Normally utilized as a part of pies in the American South, rhubarb may look like celery; however it is a fruit. Adding Rhubarb to your everyday eating routine can have a few astounding medical advantages

Plus, it is anti-inflammatory in nature which helps in reducing swelling effectively.


  • Take a fresh rhubarb stalk, clean it, and extract its juice.
  • Apply this juice on your sting and its surroundings.
  • Repeat again if necessary.

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14. Papaya

Papaya is a succulent fruit enjoyed by most. It has dynamic proteins called papain, which helps in managing minor wounds and rankles.


  • Take some pounded papaya, and apply on the bee sting.
  • You can likewise grind it to take out its juice, and apply it on your affected skin.

15. Marshmallow Leaves

Marshmallow is sticky in nature like adhesive that assist in cooling, and alleviating the skin. It reduces swelling and pain effectively.


  • Mash and mix a few marshmallow leaves.
  • Apply this paste on your bee sting, and let it dry normally.
  • Later, wash it with cool water.
  • Repeat this remedy 1-2 times a day to get rid of sting irritation.

16. Peppermint

Peppermint is last but not the least; it is actually one of the best soothing remedy for bee sting. It alleviates pain, itching and swelling swiftly due to its inflammatory properties.


  • Take 1 or 2 drops of peppermint oil, and apply it on your sting.
  • If your skin is sensitive, then you can dilute peppermint oil with any carrier oil like olive or coconut oil.
  • You can repeat the same for 3-4 times in a day for 2-3 days.

More: Get Rid of Cockroaches with These simple DIY Remedies

Steps to Lessen your Risk Of A Bee Stings

Honey bee stings can be agonizing, regardless of whether you’re adversely affected by honey bees or not. In the event that a honey bee stings you, attempt to try to avoid panicking. You’ll be all right.

Here are some of the ways to reduce your danger of a honey bee sting:

  • Avoid wearing sweet-perfumes, hair items, or body items.
  • Do not touch or go near bee hive.
  • Try not to stroll around shoeless outside.
  • Avoid wearing bright color clothes, or garments with flower prints.
  • Try not to drive with your windows down.
  • Always cover your food.
  • Do not drink from open jars.
  • Avoid open trash cans.

Have you ever experience a bee sting? What remedies did you try and which one worked for you? Do share your comments and experience below.

Amber Rose:
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